Moriarty The Patriot

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(Y/n) props up on a pillow on the couch, her legs across the cushions. She opens her book and puts the bookmark next to her.
After a couple pages the door to the parlor opens and William walks in.
"Hello darling. Did-"
Before she can finish her question he collapses on his stomach, between her legs, and lays his head on her chest.
Her soft laugh makes him relax.
"Darling, please read to me." He mumbles and closes his eyes.
(Y/n) plays with his hair gently and begins reading.
His smile comes back and he wraps his arms around her waist.

It didn't take long for the blonde to fall asleep.
The woman kisses his head and sets her book down. "I might as well sleep too. There's no moving you like this. Louis will be very cross when he finds us."
William doesn't respond but he moves slightly as they get more comfortable.
(Y/n) grabs the blanket on the back of the couch and drapes it over their bodies. "Good night darling." She mumbles and soon falls asleep.

" She mumbles and soon falls asleep

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(Y/n) sips her tea and reads the paper in the chair next to the window in the parlor.
The door opening catches her attention and she looks up smiling, but it soon disappears.
Louis walks to the couch sadly and sits down.
"Lou," she whispers. (Y/n) walks over and sits next to him.
"Am I just a butler here? I can do more than just serve tea and clean the estate."
The woman realizes what made her partner so upset. She lays on the couch and lays the blonde between her legs.
He blushes deeply but lays his head on her stomach.
(Y/n) puts his glasses on the coffee table and begins playing with his hair.

"Lou, William knows you are very capable. But he wants to keep you safe and out of the fighting as much as possible. Of course cleaning and cooking probably aren't as fun as the missions. I'm here to keep you company though."
"I know," he mumbles.
"You are sweet and kind and pure. We'd like to keep you that way. Allow William to bloody his hands. We want to see your hands remain snow white."
The blonde manages a small smile. "I love that you know how to make me feel better." He whispers softly.
"I love you very much, Lou." She whispers back and kisses his head.

" She whispers back and kisses his head

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(Y/n) is asleep on the couch peacefully and Jack lays a blanket across her lower half.
"Lest you catch cold madam." He mumbles then leaves the parlor.
Albert walks past and smiles softly. He walks over to her and rubs her cheek with the back of his finger gently.
(Y/n) moves slightly but doesn't wake.
"You sleep like an angel my darling." Albert whispers then kisses her forehead.
The woman makes small noises that make her husband chuckle quietly.
Albert lays on the couch and puts her on top of him.

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