Sherlock Holmes

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"He's never been wrong before. He's guessed every single person right."
"Dear sister, I don't much care."
"Well you should (Y/n)."
"If I acted like you then I would bet money he would mistake me for you."
"Just because we are identical does not mean he couldn't tell the difference."
"Miri, our own mother mistook me for you."
"In which she quickly corrected herself."
"Only because she remembered you wouldn't be caught dead reading a book."

The older twin gasps and puts her hand on her chest. "I am offended."
"As you should be."
"Fine! If Sherlock Holmes mistakes you for me then I will let you take over the family business."
"Do you mean that?" (Y/n) asks quickly.
"Of course I do. On my twin honor. If the impossible happens, i.e when a sister is impersonating their twin, and he doesn't figure it out, the business is yours."
The younger twin smiles and kisses her sister's cheek.

"Miri isn't hard to copy. But I also need to make it look authentic and not like I'm trying too hard."
After changing into a fancy dress she begins her charade.
Because the Noahtic is a large ship it took a while to find the detective.
He spent most of his time with women making bets on his gift but right now he is a free man.
"Good evening Mr. Holmes. It's a pleasure to meet you." (Y/n) copies her sister's voice and mannerisms. She holds out her hand for him to kiss.
He does so and smiles. "Hello Miss. Who might you be?"
"I'm the (L/n)'s elder twin Miri."
"Ah yes I remember. The next head of the family business and last I heard engaged to be married soon."
"Indeed I am. I didn't realize you knew of me sir. I am honored."

"How is your lovely twin (Y/n)?"
"She is in our room reading per usual. I will never understand her fascination with books."
"When I first saw her she was reading by the sea and I found her quite refreshing, but don't tell her I said so."
(Y/n) frowns but nods. "It'll be our little secret. Anyways I should be on my way. You've finally a moment to yourself and I have taken up your precious time. Good evening."
Sherlock bows and (Y/n) quickly walks away.

"I forgot the engagement ring. Oh well. He still didn't recognize me. So why... am I upset?"
'That was the point. I deceived him. I deliberately acted like Miri. But the master detective should've seen through that right? Why does it hurt so much?'
(Y/n) makes it back to the room she's sharing with her sister.
Her frown makes the other sad. "What's wrong? Did he recognize you?"
"No, he uh... he really thought I was you."
Miri's eyes widen. "Seriously! That's impossible. This is the first time he's ever been wrong. I wish I was there to witness it."
(Y/n) looks away and sits on the bed.
"I guess I'll make arrangements for you to take over the business when father dies."

"Miri...we are two different people right?"
"Uh, yeah, why?"
"Because everyone thinks I'm you. And when people know it's me they just talk about you. I love being your twin but it's so hard. I think I secretly hoped Sherlock was different. If someone could tell it would be him but he...he was just like everyone else."
Tears stream down her cheeks as she opens the door.
"(Y/n) please don't leave." Miri reaches out her hand.
"I need some time away from you Miri."
Just as (Y/n) turns she bumps into a sturdy chest.

"I finally found you."
"Mr. Holmes! It's a pleasure to see you again. What brings you here?"
Sherlock takes her left hand and lifts it. "As I thought, you aren't wearing your engagement ring. Which doesn't suit a woman like yourself. So naturally I came by to see for myself."
Miri walks over to her sister.
"It wasn't Miri (L/n) that I met, it was (Y/n). You're a very good actress. I imagine if you were wearing the ring I wouldn't have given it another thought."

Tears begin to fall again and she pushes past him.
Sherlock watches her leave then looks at Miri. "Has something happened?"
"Could you really not tell it was her and not me?"
"I've only met you once or twice before and I've only ever seen her once. It's not much to go on. But why was she pretending to be you?"
"To see if you could tell it was her."
"Logically that's impossible. I don't know either of you so if you introduce yourself as one person the idea of you being someone else would never cross my mind."
"That makes sense."
"Also, just because you look the same doesn't mean you are identical. Everyone is unique and has different personalities and mannerisms. If I had observed you more or together I could definitely have realized she wasn't you right away."

"We made an unfair arrangement. If you didn't know it was her she would take over the family business. I know how much she wants to take over so I was secretly hoping you wouldn't be able to tell. But to her this was more. This was validation and she didn't get it. Now she thinks she'll forever live in my shadow."
"Now I understand. Although this was underhanded and the odds were against me from the start I would like to learn more about her."
"You would? But we aren't really in the same circles, how would you-"
"I will find a way. A woman who would rather read by the water and work is definitely my type of company."
Miri laughs softly but nods. "Then maybe I can invite you to dinner sometime soon."
"Dinner is always appreciated."
"I am sorry for this whole mess Mr. Holmes. But I hope you can enjoy the rest of the voyage."
"Good evening miss. And congratulations on your engagement." He bows then leaves.

(Y/n) takes a deep breath and stares out at the ocean. "I am strong and pretty and smart. I don't need anyone to tell me what I already know...right? I don't need Sherlock to... no I am fine. He was an unwilling participant in our bet and it wasn't fair. He doesn't know us that well so obviously he couldn't tell. So this isn't his fault, it's mine."
Before she can ramble anymore she hears voices above her.
"Ok Fred, hold it still."
(Y/n) looks up just in time to see a body being thrown over the side and caught on the deck above her.
A slight gasp exits but she covers her mouth and hides so they couldn't see her.
'Those were two of the workers on board. Why are they catching a body? What should I do?'

"(Y/n) is that you?" Sherlock asks, walking over to her.
She looks at him quickly but her terrified expression makes him worry.
"What's wrong? I'm sorry I didn't realize it was you sooner but I-"
She buries her face in his chest and cries softly.
"Whoa there. I didn't mean to make you cry. I'm really sorry." Sherlock pats her back gently as she grips his jacket with her fists.
"I'm sorry. It isn't y-you."
"Do you want me to escort you back to your room? Or maybe I can get you something to eat or drink."
The woman sniffles and cleans up her face with her hanky. "You would have dinner with me?"
"Of course. Maybe you can tell me about the latest book you've been reading."
Her eyes light up more but blushes. "I would like that. If you tell me about what crazy experiments you've been putting poor ms. Hudson through."
"Gladly." He links her arm through his and leads her to the dinning hall.

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