Shiro Fujimoto

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(Y/n) was a little girl when she was left on the church's doorstep. She had no memory of anything and Shiro took pity on her, plus he figured she would be a good playmate for the twins.
Shiro raised the girl along with the others at the church.
Since she could also see demons from childhood she trained with Yukio and they worked well together.
She was really close to Yukio, more so than Rin, so she was also more reserved and shy when interacting with others outside the church.
Although as she grew up she began to realize something.
(Y/n) didn't have any crushes on boys, just girls.

When she realized she was fully into women she immediately began to hate herself.
Growing up with the Bible she knew how sinful it was to love someone of the same gender.
The girl did everything in her power to live strictly by the book but her desires were straying from the path.
Those feelings were suppressed but unfortunately not forgotten.
Shiro noticed something was off but he didn't say anything.
Yukio also noticed something was going on but didn't know how to ask about it.
Finally it happened, at dinner, in front of everyone when the children were 15.

Earlier that day (Y/n) had seen a cute girl walking down the street and she smiled at her. Now she couldn't stop thinking about it.
Unfortunately Rin noticed.
"Yo (n/n) what's up with you? You're blushing a lot. You got a crush on someone?"
(Y/n) immediately looks at the boy. "What? No, of course not."
"That's right. My little girl doesn't have a crush on any boys. If a boy so much as looks at her I'll break his legs," Shiro comments.
(Y/n) frowns and looks away.

All her life Shiro complained about her getting a boyfriend and how she wasn't allowed to date any boys.
Of course that also meant she couldn't have any girlfriends because that was a sin.
Knowing Satan is the twins' father she was not eager to meet him or go to hell.
So she has believed she would remain single for the rest of her life, which also meant she couldn't fulfill her duty as a woman to marry and bare children for a man.

Everyone could see her inner panic and soon tears began to stream down her cheeks.
"(Y/n) we know something's wrong. You don't have to hide it from us." Shiro mumbles and puts his hand on the table gently.
"Yes I do! You're going to hate me and I'm going to hell." She yells and cries harder.
She pushes out from the table and Shiro walks over slowly.
"(Y/n) talk to me." Shiro requests sternly and cups her cheek.
She slaps his hand away quickly and looks up. "I love women." She blurts and cries into his chest.
His body is stiff and obviously everyone is shocked.

Eventually Shiro sighs, rubbing her back then pulls her away.
"So that's what this is about."
(Y/n) looks up into his eyes. "What?"
"Did you think I would be against that or something?"
"But the bi-"
"Yes I understand why you didn't say anything. But guess what."
"Love is love. It's not something you can control, trust me. If you want to date a girl that's ok. I mean it's not ok because I don't want you to date but that's besides the point."
"Then why do you keep asking if I got a girlfriend?" Rin complains.
"Shut up Rin. Everyone knows you're not gonna get a girlfriend. But (n/n) why didn't you tell me?" Yukio asks sadly.

(Y/n) sniffles and looks away. "Because I..." She trails off and looks at him.
Yukio frowns and hugs her tightly.
The girl hugs back and buries her face in his chest.
"We all support you (Y/n). Don't be afraid to be honest with us." The others around the table add and smile.
Rin walks over and rubs her back.
Shiro bites his lip and rubs the back of his neck.
(Y/n) slowly looks at him. "What's wrong?"
"It's just that you three are growing up so fast. I'm sorry you had to hide for so long."
To everyone's surprise Shiro started crying as well.
(Y/n) rushes over and hugs him tightly. "I love you so much papa."
"I love you too, sweetheart. More than anything."

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