Tetsuya Kuroko

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(Y/n) hums softly as she rocks her son in her arms.
The boy whines softly but soon stops when he hears his mother humming.
The woman smiles and kisses his forehead. "My precious Tetsuya." She whispers and pokes his nose gently.
The baby giggles and holds his mother's finger.
His cute baby noises make her smile widen.
"You will grow up to be strong and handsome. I just know it." She sighs and smiles sadly. "You look just like your father. I wish he was here to see you grow up."
His head tips to the side, confused.
(Y/n) kisses his nose then gently puts him in his high chair. "Today is apple and pear."
Tetsu gurgles and claps his hands, of course not understanding his mother's words.
She walks away and he instantly whines.
He looks for her as she disappears into the pantry.
"Here I am!" The woman cheers, popping out and the baby cheers too.

"Darling, how is school going?"
"It's fine mom."
"Anything fun happen?"
"Not really."
"Are you going to practice?"
"I love you."
"I love you too mom."

The woman frowns and watches her son leave.
He's been so distant lately.
(Y/n) knew her son enjoyed basketball. She always knew what he was thinking, despite his usual deadpan expression.
Kuroko didn't feel the need to hide things from her but he didn't really say anything unless she asked.

(Y/n) didn't know if she was doing the whole parenting thing right, but when she watched him play she felt a sense of accomplishment.
He's skilled and she knew he could only improve as he got older.
His teammates are impressive as well.
When Tetsu told her he was part of the Generation of Miracles she cried and hugged him tightly.
"Mom, it's not that big a deal. You don't have to cry."
"My baby is growing up and is part of the most talented basketball players. You're only in middle school and I know you will get even better in high school."
"Mom, you're being embarrassing." He mumbles and pulls away.
"That's my job." She mumbles and kisses all over his face.

Tetsu frowns and looks at the dining table.
"Darling, you're making that face again."
"What face? I always look like this."
"No. You only look like that when you're deep in thought and trying to decide something important."
"The generation of miracles are all going to different high schools. We all have very different views on basketball and none of us are on good terms anymore. It's like we're all strangers. I hate it," he whispers.
(Y/n) walks over and hugs him from behind. "I know it's hard Tetsuya. But just think of it this way. You can make new friends at this school and create a team that focuses on teamwork. You can show the others that teamwork is important for winning."
The boy sighs and puts his arms around his mother's. "Thanks mom," he whispers.
She kisses his head and rocks side to side slowly. "Of course darling. I love you."
"I love you too."

"Hey mom...will you come to my game Saturday?"
"Of course! I'll make sure I have off. I promise I'll be there."
"If you can't make it, that's fine too. I don't wanna-"
"Darling I wanna come. I love watching you play. Nothing will keep me from cheering my baby on."
"Just call Rika if something comes up ok?"
"Will do. I'll see you then."
"Bye mom."

Kuroko pants heavily and looks out at the crowd again.
Familiar (e/c) eyes are nowhere to be seen.
"Kuroko what's wrong?" Kagami asks.
"My mom was supposed to come."
"I'm sure she's here. She promised to come, didn't she? I thought she got off."
"She said she was on her way before the game. It's already the third quarter." The blue haired boy confirms.
"Kuroko..." Rika trails off, walking over to her player.
"What's wrong?" The boy questions.
"I've been trying to hold off on saying anything but I can see it's still distracting you. It's about your mother."
"What's wrong with Kuroko's mom?" Hyuga asks.
"She was hit by a car on her way here. She was going through an intersection when a guy lost control of his car and ran the red light. She was rushed to the hospital and into surgery."

The shadow's eyes widen and his whole body tenses.
"I understand if you want to leave but it wouldn't do any good. She'll be in surgery for a while and we need you. I don't think she'd want you to sit in the hospital, waiting and worrying. I think she'd want you to play your best and win for her."
Taiga puts his hand on his friend's shoulder. "Kuroko I'm so sorry. Do you need anything?"
Kuroko's fists clench as his mind races.
This was the most expressive any of them have seen the boy.
"I-I..." He couldn't even form a sentence.

"Darling win this one for me ok?" (Y/n) requests right before the game.
"I will mom. I'll make you proud," he promised.
"You already do." She whispers then hangs up.
Tears stream down the blue haired boy's cheeks.
"I'm gonna win this game." He clenches his teeth and wipes his face.
"Tetsu are you sure?" Kagami inquires, hand still on Kuroko's shoulder.
The determination in those baby blue eyes were confirmation enough for his teammates.

"Mom...we won the game."
"I'm so proud... of you Tetsuya..." The woman whispers weakly.
Kuroko holds his mother's hand and leans his forehead against it.
More tears stream down his cheeks, faster than before.
"I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. If I didn't ask you to come... I should've picked you up. I-"
"Tetsuya Kuroko, this is not your fault." She manages to scold her son, even through the pain.
Her stern voice makes him look at her quickly.
It didn't stop him from ranting though.
"I'll get a job. I'll help pay bills. I'll move back in with you. You'll need my help until you recover completely. I'll quit the team and focus on making money."
"You will not quit the team Tetsuya. They need you and you need them. I will be ok on my own. I'm your mother which means I take care of you, not the other way around."

"Sounds like you're being stubborn Mrs. Kuroko." Taiga comments from the doorway.
"Kagami," Tetsu whispers.
"The team wanted to stop by and give our condolences. We hope you have a speedy recovery ma'am." Rika informs, then elbows Hyuga.
The said glasses boy groans and sets a vase of flowers on the table.
"Those are my favorite." (Y/n) whispers and smiles.
"I remembered Kuroko saying something in passing once so I went out and bought some." Teppi comments.
"Thank you all." The mother manages.

After the team leaves a handful of surprise visitors rush in.
Tetsu looks at his old teammates, all panting just inside the room.
"Is she still alive?" Kise yells.
"Of course she is you dimwit." Midorima scolds, smacking the blonde upside the head.
"It'll take more than that to kill her." Daiki mumbles and crosses his arms.
"Mrs. Kuroko I'm so glad you're safe and well. Should you need anything, don't be afraid to ask me. I've already settled the bill and arranged for someone to help you once you are discharged." Akashi informs, calm and collected.
"I brought you that ice cream you like." Atsushi mumbles, holding up a plastic bag.

"What are you guys doing here?" Kuroko finally asks, still shocked.
"We may have gone our separate ways Tetsu but we still care about each other. And when Satsuki told us about your mom we knew you would need some comfort." Daiki responds.
"Plus we love your mom," Kise adds.
The said woman blushes and manages a small laugh.
"Thank you boys. That means a lot. And Sei you didn't have to go through the trouble."
"Nonsense Mrs. Kuroko. I have plenty of money to cover things here. And the woman is more than happy to help you."
"Thank you all for being here. It means a lot." Tetsu mumbles and looks between all five of his friends.
(Y/n) smiles and looks at her hand.
Her son is still squeezing it.

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