Big Sister Moriarty Ending 1

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(Y/n) coughs softly and looks between her brothers. "I'm sorry I haven't been able to write. I've missed you both so much. I can tell how much you've grown already."
"Please sister, don't speak." Louis whispers and squeezes her hand.
William squeezes his eyes closed and brings her hand to his forehead.
She lets go of his hand and pets his hair gently. "I hear they're calling you William now. You three are putting on quite the ruse."
"(Y/n) please save your strength. I know you're sick."
"You always were too smart for your own good. Yes I am sick. But I won't leave you."
"You're sick?" The youngest questions quietly.
His saddened expression makes the girl's heart clench.
"I'm sorry Lou."

Albert comes back and smiles softly. "The lord has agreed to let you stay."
"Can he pay for medicine? Please Albert I'll pay him back however-"
"William, don't bother."
"What do you mean?" Albert inquires, walking over.
"Nothing can help me."
"But-" Louis gets cut off.
"I'm so sorry. I should have done better. If I was smart like you two or maybe if I was a harder worker."
"Don't say that! You did what you could. Who hurt you in that alley. I'll make him pay for-"
It was William's turn to get cut off again.

(Y/n) coughs into her fist and blood appears.
Tears stream down Louis' cheeks.
"Sister," he whispers.
"You don't need to go after them boys. It was my fault for selling myself."
"I'm sure we can figure something out." Albert insists and cleans her blood with a towel.
The girl shakes her head. "I talked to a doctor already. He said a cure has not been found yet but in the future it may."
"Sister, we just got you back. We can't lose you." William stands up quickly.
"And I already told you. You won't lose me. As long as you remember me I'll always be with you."

"That's not good enough." Louis exclaims and stands quickly as well.
"Well both of you sure are stubborn. Very well. How about this: I hang on for as long as I can? But when the time comes you two aren't allowed to be sad. I want you to rejoice that I am finally at peace."
"What about the world I wish to create? I wanted you to be a part of it sister."
"I cannot. But you can. My last wish is for you to see the fruits of your labor come to fruition."
"You know I-"
"(Will's real name)... you can't take the easy way out. One day you'll see that atonement will come at a greater cost. And if you don't believe me now, then someone will come along and pound it into your thick skull." She manages a small laugh before coughing again.

"Let's get her to a room and into bed. I'd like to make you as comfortable as possible (Y/n)." Albert helps her up and guides her to the room William and Louis share.
Louis and Albert agreed to share a room so Will and (Y/n) could share one.
William spent all his free time trying to come up with ways to save his sister.
Against her wishes to focus on his studies.
Which obviously he didn't need to.

Unfortunately it didn't take long for the sickness to worsen.
In the end (Y/n) passed.
Against her wishes William and Louis cried and mourned and isolated themselves for a time.
Albert felt it wasn't his place to remind them of her last wish. He was there for them and tried to console them, but it did little.
William was the first to stop grieving.
Louis eventually followed.
"We have to live for her, Louis. We must do whatever it takes to create our new world." William stands at his sister's grave and places flowers next to the headstone.
"Yes, brother." Louis whispers and looks at the sky.

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