Gajeel p1

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"Welcome Fairy Tail. The pleasure is mine to receive your company." I call from the second floor, leaning on the railing.
"Is that a girl or guy?" Natsu asks.
"That depends." I respond and jump down, landing swiftly. "Fire dragon do you prefer me to be a man." I change to Laxus. "Or a woman?" I change into Cana.
"So you're a shapeshifter." Erza comments, getting into a fighting stance.
I turn to her and smile. "I think Titania would prefer man." I change to look like her beloved Jellal.
Erza growls and clutches her sword.

"That's creepy," Gajeel comments.
"That's not nice." I say posing as Wendy.
"You change quickly," Lucy adds.
"Well aren't you a smarty pants. Please. Save the fighting to the professionals hunny. Go back to daddy. Oh wait." I change into her father. "He's dead."
Tears water the blonde's eyes.
I smirk and change back to my actual body.

"So who wants to go first?" I ask sitting on the table to my left.
"Me," Gray says stepping forward.
I smirk and turn into Juvia. "Oh my beloved Gray. Would you really hurt me?" I pull Juvia's puppy dog eyes.
Gray showed weakness and I took my chance. I throw him into the brick wall to the right.
He lays limp with some blood coming from his head.

"Leave her to me," Lucy says.
"Oh please." I lay on my stomach and yawn.
"Open gate of the golden bull, Taurus."
"Open gate of the lion Leo." I play with the key as Loke appears.
He's hovering over me and I kiss him. "Take them down pwease Loke." I whisper in his ear.
"How could she summon Loke? Did she steal your key?" Natsu asks Lucy.
Lucy looks through her keys and pulls out Loke's.
I smirk. "The king is my uncle." I inform smirking. "I have control of all the spirits and have all the keys."
"So you really are as powerful as the rumors say." Erza comments, clenching her teeth.
"There are rumors about me? How cool."
"Lucy I am so sorry." Loke says and holds up his hands. Tears water his eyes as he shoots her against the tables.

I sit up and kiss the spirit.
He kisses back. "Don't tell your uncle." He whispers weakly.
"I won't." I respond kindly.
"That's it. I've got a fire in my-" Natsu begins but I use a fire extinguisher on him. He gasps for breath, falling to his knees.
"I bet if your previous enemies had one of these you'd be long dead."
"That's playing dirty!" Gajeel yells.
"I like getting down and dirty." I state then spray Natsu until he passes out.

Erza growls and lunges at me.
I turn into Jellal and she instantly stops.
"Jellal," she whispers.
"Erza," I say in the man's voice. "My darling Erza. I'm so sorry for all my sins. I could never apologize enough." I cup her cheek. Tears water my eyes as I squeeze my eyes closed.
She wipes my tears. "Jellal it's ok."
"I love you Erza." I whisper.
"I love you too." She replies.
I lean in and kiss her.
She kisses back.

Who knew the great and powerful Erza Scarlet would be so easily defeated?
I smirk against her lips and stab her.
She gasps and falls back. She leans against the bar panting.
I turn to Gajeel and turn back into myself.
"You are horrible."
"Compared to you Mr. ex-Phantom Lord."
"You are far worse. I've tried to make up for what I've done. You'll die being a horrible person."
I laugh. "But you like that about me. You envy me because I've managed to do what you never did."
Gajeel growls. "Not a chance."

I smirk and walk over to him slowly.
"I think the only way to beat you is to make you feel weak. And I have the perfect way."
"What might that be you crazy freak?" He asks looking me up and down.
I lean up and whisper in his ear. "Let's have a little fun." I use a magical string to tie his hands and hold them up in the air.
"What are you doing?" He asks quickly looking at me.
I turn into Levy. "Having a little fun of course." I reply.
He bites his lip.

Now he knows what Erza felt when I turned into Jellal.
The captivating feeling when you stare into your love's eyes.
I strip Gajeel. I think he's forgotten the others are still here.
Gajeel bites his lip.
I turn around and do a strip tease for him.
If he hasn't seen Levy naked he has now.
I smirk and wink. I get onto my knees and slowly suck his dick.
He gasps and moans.
I puppy lick his tip to tease him. I play with his balls like dice.

He whimpers in pleasure.
I stand up and kiss him.
He kisses back. His tongue traces my bottom lip.
I let him in and moan. My hand takes his boner in a tight grip.
He gasps and cums.
I lick it all clean. I lift my leg and slam down onto him.
He gasps loudly. "So tight." He whispers and pulls on the string.
I moan in his ear. I continue to tease him with my body.
He whimpers in pleasure.
I manage to hit that special spot inside me.
He gasps and keeps hitting that spot.
I moan loudly and tip my head back.
He attacks my neck and leaves marks.
Suddenly we both cum. We moan loudly and pant softly.

I pull back and stand up. I look down at him and smirk. "How about this." I change into Laxus and put Gajeel on the table.
He knelt on his hands and knees. "What are you-"
I cut him off by slamming my dick in his ass.
He moans loudly; louder than when I slammed him inside me.
I thrust quickly and roughly. I can hear his nails drag along the wooden table.
He groans and moves his hips toward mine.
I smirk and grip his hair.
He whimpers and moans.
I moan in his ear and he shivers.

He moans loudly when I hit his prostate.
I manage to hit it every time after that.
His knees shake and he collapses to his elbows.
I look to the others and see them watching in horror. I laugh and cum inside him.
He cums and moans loudly.
I pull out and change into my normal clothes. "That was fun. Maybe if I'm lucky I'll finally conceive"
Lucy stands up weakly. "You're horrible. You would make a horrid mother."
"You know nothing Lucy Heartfilia." I growl and turn my back to them. I jump onto the roof silently and listen to them talk.
"How could we all be defeated so easily?" Gray asks.
"She's stronger than we thought." Erza replies gripping her wound.
"Gajeel are you ok?" Natsu asks.
"I'm so weak. How could I let her do that to me?" He slams his forehead against his palm.
"She said the celestial king is her uncle. Is that true?" Lucy asks.
No one answers.
I smile and leave.

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