Generation of Miracles

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"Tetsuya am I pretty?"
"I don't think pretty is the term I'd use."
(Y/n) frowns and looks at her brother. "Am I ugly?"
His blank expression confuses the girl.
"What do the other Miracles think about me?"
"Um let's see. Atsushi thinks you need to eat more. Ryota wants to flirt with you. Shintaro doesn't really care for your presence. Daiki thinks you're cool. And uh Seijuro... I don't know."
(Y/n) frowns and looks away. "Oh. Do you think Sei could like me?"
"Like you? I don't think he hates you. He lets you watch practice every day. So I guess he likes you."
"That's not what I meant," she mumbles.
"What was that?"
"Nevermind. Do you think it'd be ok if I tag along tomorrow for after practice ice cream?"
"I don't see why not."

"(Y/n)-cchi," Ryo greets.
The girl smiles and waves.
Atsushi holds out a bag of chips. "Eat up," he mumbles.
The (h/c) laughs softly and takes a single chip. "Thank you Atsu."
"Where did you get that sweater? Satsuki, why can't you dress like that?" Daiki questions then complains.
Shintaro pushes up his glasses. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at home studying?"
"I wanted to join for ice cream. Plus I'm confident about the test tomorrow."
"I'll allow it." Sei apprises and hands the girl his bag.
Momoi pouts and puffs out her cheeks. "Why are you making her carry your bag Akashi?"
"Geez Satsuki, why don't you offer to carry my bag?" Daiki complains again.
"Carry your own bag you jerk. But Tetsu, I'll carry your bag if you want."
"I'm ok." The brother responds quickly.

(Y/n) smiles and holds the bag close. "I don't mind. It's the least I can do for Sei since he's allowing me to join you."
Everyone looks at the girl and instantly realizes why she's there.
The siblings smile at each other, both oblivious.
The four look at their captain but he ignores them and walks to their usual ice cream spot.

"(Y/n)-cchi do you like basketball?"
"Nope." She responds simply and without hesitation. She licks her ice cream then takes a small bite of Atsushi's popsicle that he offers her.
"Really?" Ryo continues.
"I enjoy watching you guys play but I don't actually like the game, no."
"I just like winning." The purple haired giant comments.
(Y/n) laughs softly. "You guys are unstoppable. So you'll never have to worry about not winning Atsu."
"Thanks (Y/n)-chin." The said boy whispers.
The girl smiles at the pink haired boy but he doesn't pay her any mind.

When everyone is finished (Y/n) links her arm through her brother's.
"We'll be heading home now. Goodnight everyone."
"(Y/n) you still have Akashi's bag." Daiki comments, pointing to the said bag.
"Oh yeah! Sorry Sei." The girl holds out the bag and he slowly takes it.
"My thanks for holding it."
"Of course!" She smiles widely then walks away with her brother.
Once the two are far enough away everyone looks at the pink haired captain.
"Why is everyone looking at me with those stupid expressions?"

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