William James Moriarty p1?

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William didn't tell (Y/n) about his second profession.
Except it didn't take long to figure it out.
It took a couple days to figure out how she felt but in the end she was accepting and offered to help.
He told her expressly that he didn't want that.
"You are dating William James Moriarty, not the Lord of Crime."
That's what he said to her.
She agreed, slightly reluctant. (Y/n) wanted to help but she had to keep herself in check.
Women aren't supposed to do much so she did just that.
Occasionally she'll help Louis make a meal whenever he'll let her.

Whenever she tries to sit with him while he makes plans he kicks her out.
"Darling you just sitting here makes you an accomplice. Please go back down to the parlor or garden. I will join you when I have a chance."
For a while he did.
He would finish his plans quickly and join her for some quality time.
Eventually the time they spent together began to dwindle.

Soon (Y/n) wouldn't see the man for days.
Albert and Louis tried to spend more time with her so she wouldn't feel so lonely.
Obviously they knew why Will wasn't there and they felt guilty.
William also felt bad but he tried to comfort her when they were together.
Unfortunately circumstances are not on their side.
William began to realize where things were going and it caused him to plan everything out.
His plans for Louis and Albert, Moran and Fred and then himself.
(Y/n) couldn't take it anymore.

"William?" The woman calls as tears stream down her cheeks.
The said blonde opens his door and looks at her. "Darling, why are you crying? Did something happen?" He wipes her cheek with his thumb and holds her hip.
"Is the Lord of Crime done planning? May I have my lover back for an evening walk? Or shall I go yet  another day without him?"
William looks back at his desk and sighs. "I'm sorry darling but I'm not done planning. This important-"
(Y/n) holds up her hand. "William, I can't keep this up. I love you more dearly than anything but... and I can understand why, but you've been avoiding me like the plague."

William looks into her eyes and nods once. "Because I have something I need to say and I don't want to. It hurts just thinking about this. But it's all for the best."
"What are you talking about?" (Y/n) whispers and pulls away from him.
"I need us to break our relationship."
"What? Why?" She asks quickly.
"Because my plans have come to a close sooner than I hoped. Sherlock will soon know my identity and I will have no choice but to kill as many as I can. I need you out of our lives as soon as possible so you are out of harm's way. No one will suspect you knew anything."

Tears begin to fall again.
"William, please don't."
"(Y/n) I'm so sorry I dragged you into this. I truly care about you so please don't doubt that. But now I must let you go, to hopefully move on and live."
She buries her face in his chest. "I hate you." She whispers and he smiles.
"Good. Keep that anger in case someone asks you about your time here. Or if they think you helped."
Her fist pounds gently on his chest while he rubs her back.

"I took the liberty of getting you a home to stay in for as long as you wish. I have money in the floorboards in the guest bedroom for you to use. I know this isn't fair but-"
"Please stop talking, William."
"Can I make one last selfish request?"
"Of course." She whispers and looks into his eyes.
"Let me take you one last time. After I will help you pack and Fred will take you to the house."
"I will never see you after that... will I?"
"Then let me have you one last time. Let me have you for one more night."

When dawn comes (Y/n) wakes up, kisses the blonde and packs.
She didn't wake him though.
Fred puts her bags in the carriage while she says her partings.
Louis and Albert each take turns hugging her tightly.
Moran shakes her hand then Bond kisses her knuckles.
Jack bows and smiles. "Good luck, miss."
Fred helps her into the carriage then drives her off in disguise.

(Y/n) sniffles as tears stream one by one slowly.
Fred could slightly hear her cry and felt bad.
Once they arrive he helps her out and carry everything inside.
He leads her to the guest bedroom and points to a random floorboard.
(Y/n) kneels down and picks up the board.
Inside is a small chest full of money.
The boy rubs her shoulder. "I'm going to miss you." He whispers.
"Me too Freddy. I'm going to miss you all. But I won't let you do this in vain. I will help purify this country."
He smiles and nods. "If you don't need anything else I should go."
(Y/n) hugs him tightly then he leaves. "William, I won't let you die in vain."

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