Licht Von Glanzreich

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Heine looks at the youngest prince while he sips his coffee.
The said boy is working per usual, smiling wide.
"Oh Richie~" One of the women calls and waves her fingers.
Licht looks over and nods. "Coming beautiful."
Just as he finishes giving the woman what she wants, a customer walks in.
The prince turns to greet them but stops in his tracks.
The tutor notices and observes quietly.
"A booth for one if I could." The boy requests.

Licht nods, grabs a menu and seats him next to Heine.
"This is perfect. Thank you."
"Of course. My name is Li- I mean my name is Richie. Is there anything I can get you right away?"
"What do you recommend?" The new boy asks, looking from the menu to the blonde.
"One of everything." Licht replies smoothly.
This causes the (h/c) to laugh.
"If today goes well I hope to take you up on that. I guess first I could try an einspänner then maybe a kapuziner next time."
"Kapuziner is my favorite." Licht comments and laughs softly. "But einspänner is wonderful too. Paired with a sachertorte slice is highly recommended. Sachertorte is my brother's favorite thing in the world."
The boy laughs and closes his menu. "That's wonderful. Your brother has good taste. I would enjoy a piece with my drink."

Hiene couldn't help being confused when the prince got flustered then ranted to the customer.
The tutor slowly began to piece together the situation after a few weeks of Licht working and the boy coming in.
(Y/n) is the boy's name and he became a regular. Making good on his promise he tried everything on the menu.
Licht offered to make him something off menu, with permission from the cafe owner.
(Y/n) agreed and when he took the first bite he was in love.
Finally after a month Hiene called Licht out.

"My prince, do you have romantic feelings for the village boy (Y/n)?"
The prince chokes on nothing and looks at his tutor quickly. "I have no earthly idea what you're talking about."
"From what I've observed at the cafe this last month it seems clear to me."
"Don't be ridiculous. I am a prince and possible future king. I will marry a princess and we will..."
The look the shorter male gives makes him trail off.
"Don't lie to me with that poor excuse. I think it's time for a lesson."
Licht closes his mouth once Hiene sticks his pointer in his face.
"Never be afraid to be your true self when it comes to love. Whether it is women or men is irrelevant. If you like this boy, be honest with him. Because if I'm honest I think he may have feelings for you as well."
"You think so, professor?"
"I don't think (Y/n) comes in for just the sweets." Hiene confirms and smiles.

Licht rubs the back of his neck and walks over to (Y/n).
The said boy smiles then frowns. "Hello friend. You look like something's on your mind."
"Could I talk to you after my shift? I have something important I wanna ask."
"Oh. Yes, of course your majesty."
Hiene looks at the prince quickly.
No one is supposed to know you're the prince. I guess this boy has really messed with your mind if you told him.
The waiter smiles and nods. "Thank you."

So after everyone has gone and the doors are locked (Y/n) walks over to Licht.
The blonde gets more nervous but tries to remember his lesson. "Thank you again for coming."
"Of course. You seemed nervous."
"I am. Because after this you might see me differently and it could ruin everything."
"Ruin everything? Licht I could never think of you as anything less than my friend."
"Well that's what I wanted to talk about."
"Is your father upset that you've befriended a commoner? Are you here to tell me we can't be friends anymore?"
"What? No! I want to be more. I want to be your boyfriend." The prince blushes deeply and rubs his arm.

(Y/n) blushes but smiles happily.
Tears stream down his cheeks.
"Oh no! Please don't cry." Licht quickly takes a step back.
"I'm so happy. I didn't want to say anything because of who you are. You're probably supposed to marry a princess. You having feelings for me too felt like a pipe dream."
Licht holds his hand quickly. "I do have feelings for you. I didn't know if you would though. Does this mean you..."
(Y/n) nods and smiles widely. "I would love to be yours." He grips his hand and kisses his cheek.
The prince blushes deeply but does the same back.

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