William and Moran

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"Why did William bring 'er in? She's not part of the plan? She just sits around, shops and gets lazier by the day," Moran complains.
"I would not say that in front of William," Albert warns.
"Why shouldn't I? She doesn't cook, clean or kill. If she's gonna be here she might as well be useful."
"I think-" Louis begins but gets cut off.
"Hey (Y/n)." Moran calls and walks over to the woman.
(Y/n) looks up from her book and smiles happily.
He hates that smile.

"Good evening Colonel Moran. Do you need something important? I am just getting to a rather good place in my novel."
"In fact I do. I'm going on a mission and you're coming with."
"Moran, I don't think that's a good idea," Bond mumbles.
"Shut up Bond."
"Oh um... I think it would be best if I stayed here." The woman mumbles and puts her bookmark in then sets the novel on the coffee table.
"You're a freeloader and I think you need to start pulling your weight. Now get ur ass up and get changed into something stealthy."

Before anyone could tell him off he leaves and gets his supplies from his room.
(Y/n) sighs but nods. "Very well Colonel." She mumbles then leaves the parlor.
Everyone else looks at each other.
"This is a bad idea." Bond repeats and crosses his arms.
"Did William not tell everyone why she is here?" Albert asks.
Everyone shakes their head.
"No? Well that's very careless of him." The brunette mumbles.
"I will send for William at once. He should be finishing up with work by the time he gets the telegram." Louis mumbles then leaves.

Moran looks the woman up and down.
"Is this what you needed, Sebastian?" The (h/c) is in all black, tight clothes.
"It'll do."
"Now tell me the mission we're on."
"I need to know how useful you are? William may have brought you into the manor but I have no idea why. You're lazy and naggy and give off gold digger vibes. You've got William wrapped around your finger. Can you shoot a gun?"
"Of course not! Weapons-"
"Don't elaborate. Can you manipulate a stranger into buying you a drink or taking you somewhere secluded?"
"Why would I ever-"
"Can you take a life?"

"Then you should leave right now. Go back to whatever hole William pulled you out of and go back to begging for scraps. 'Cause the Moriarty plan needs smart people, who can think on their toes and do what needs to be done. You have no skills that are useful to our cause."
Tears stream down the woman's cheeks.
"What does this mission call for, Colonel?"
"You wanna know? Those men in that house need to die. Their crimes must be brought to the public's attention."
"That's it?"
"Is that it? You probably couldn't kill 'em. Taking your first life you never forget. And your dainty hands-"
"Give me a dagger!" (Y/n) yells and holds out her hand.

Moran smirks and crosses his arms. "What's the magic word?"
"Do it before I slit your throat." She growls and takes a step toward him.
Moran was surprised by her sudden mood change, but he hands her the dagger anyways.
"Kill them all. Got it."
Before Moran can confirm her task she's gone from his side.
"So she's fast, but is she efficient?" He mumbles and watches the windows.

All of 7 minutes later (Y/n) stumbles out of the manor, dripping in blood.
"Moran!" A familiar voice yells.
The raven haired man looks over to see William running over. "Ah William. Just in time. She's done the job for me."
William looks at the woman and his eyes widen in horror. "(Y/n)," he whispers.
Tears stream down her cheeks as she walks over to the blonde.
"Am I useful now? I've killed for you. I...I..."
William holds her arms then glares at his friend.

"What?" Moran inquires and puts his hands on his hips.
"I did not bring her into my life to serve the Moriarty plan. She was never supposed to kill. She... her hands are soaking in crimson now and I can't undo that."
Moran was shocked to see the blonde like this.
Tears well and stream, he looks her over and she buries her face in his chest.
"William," she whispers.
"I'm so sorry I wasn't here to stop you."
"William I-"
"Sebastian, I will deal with you later. Make sure everything is finished here."
Moran stays silent and does as asked.

William wraps his arm around (Y/n)'s waist and helps her into his carriage.
"William, I'm sorry I'm so useless."
He quickly kisses her.
His hands frame her face while her hands grip his jacket.
"You are nothing close. My love, you are exactly what I need. You are loving and curious and beautiful. You're not a genius or manipulative. Your eyes light up when I tell you things you didn't know."
"The colonel said I'm lazy, naggy and a gold digger."
"For which you are none of those things."
"He said I have you wrapped around my finger."

This time William manages a laugh. "I guess you do, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Also I'm sure it's because they aren't used to having a normal Victorian woman around. I plan to pamper you and spoil you. As long as you stay yourself."
"Albert spoils me too." She mumbles and looks away.
"Oh I'm sure he does. His love language is gift giving. (Y/n) I do plan to make you happy for as long as I live."
The woman frowns and looks away. "For as long as you live. Which won't be long enough."
"I don't plan to die so soon."
"I believe you Will. But I..."
"I understand. And I know it's not fair. But I love you deeply."
"I love you as well. How will you punish Sebastian later?"
"That's for me to know and him to dread."

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