The Holmes Brothers

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Being the younger sister of the great detective Sherlock Holmes and also the cool Mycroft Holmes isn't always fun riddles and science experiments.
Sometimes it's strict lessons and fancy tea parties.
Which really I don't mind actually. They're fun most of the time.
What sucks is that I can't hide anything from them. Mycroft isn't as perceptive as Sherlock but between the two I have no secrets.
Not that I really want to keep secrets from them.
But once in a while I'd like to throw them a surprise birthday party but nooooo~ one of them has to ruin it.
There was only one time they let me do it and pretended to be surprised.
And that was when I was 7 and I wanted to throw Sherlock a party.
He knew and so did Mycroft but they let me have it and pretended to be shocked.
But as I got older I began to realize something.
I like women.

In a society like ours it's frowned upon to love someone of the same gender.
So I have done everything in my power to hide this fact.
And thankfully for the last decade I have.
Unfortunately after attending a ball with Mycroft I fell for one of the ladies there, and to my surprise she fell as well.
We began spending loads of time together and everyone believed us to be the best of friends.
Which don't get me wrong, we are, but it's more than that.
Soon though, I began to notice myself slipping up.
My actions would be noticed and I would go to the gallows.

Therefore I slowly began to pack my bags so my brothers wouldn't notice.
Essentials only of course; I couldn't very well bring the entirety of my room.
I wrote my love a letter suggesting we flee to Switzerland.
She wrote back immediately and we soon fled the country.
I didn't have the heart or nerve to tell my brothers.
If they knew of my sins they may have cast me out anyway.
So I met my love near the docks and we sailed, then took a train, finally ending with a bus to a fairly cheap inn.
With what little we had we were content in the inn until we found work.

As the weeks went by we could soon afford a small two bedroom apartment.
The landlady is a very nice elderly woman. She offered us the place for cheaper than normal and we dared not take advantage.
My love and I worked hard for our money then helped the landlady with chores when we weren't too tired.
To my absolute shock I came home one day to find my lover and both brothers sitting in our parlor drinking tea.
My mouth dropped to the floor.

"My darling sister, I finally found you." Sherlock greets and crosses his legs.
"Sherlock...Mycroft... What on earth are you doing here?"
"When I realized you were gone I obviously needed to know why. I found evidence at the dock that you had fled to Switzerland. Unfortunately no matter how much I racked my brain I couldn't come up with an answer as to why."
"Neither could I," Mycroft adds.
I look at my lover then back at the men.
"Who is this woman?" Sherlock asks, gesturing to the stranger with his head but keeps eye contact with me.
"I haven't said anything. They only just arrived a few minutes before you." She responds quickly.

I look away and wrap my arms around myself.
Tears well in my eyes but I couldn't hold them back so they fell quickly.
Mycroft frowns and stands. "(Y/n)?"
Sherlock walks over slowly and puts his hand on my shoulder. "What haven't you been telling us?"
"We're lovers." I finally confess and cry softly into my brother's chest.
His body tenses.
Through blurry vision I see Mycroft in the same state.
"Please don't hate me. I'm sorry I'm just a disgrace. I ran away because I-"
Sherlock puts his hand over my mouth to cut me off.

"You love a woman so you ran away so you two could be happy together. You didn't tell us because you thought we would what? Disown you? Turn you in to Scotland Yard?"
"I didn't want to hang for who I love. I didn't want to face your anger or disgust over my sins."
"(Y/n) we would never think differently of you because of this." Mycroft informs sternly. "You are our sister."
"I just can't believe you hid this from us for so long. I'm surprised I didn't realize sooner."
"At least a decade." I mumble and sniffles softly.
Sherlock's eyes widen and he looks into my eyes. "That long?!"
I nod then walk over to my girlfriend.
She smiles and wraps her arm around my waist, kissing my cheek. She hands me some tissue as well.

Mycroft falls back in his chair and sighs.
Sherlock slowly sits down and puts his fingertips together as he often does when he thinks about his cases.
"I'm sorry I ran away. But we can't go back."
"I don't expect you to. You two are happy here. That's all I care about." Sherlock responds quickly.
Mycroft looks at his brother quickly then at me. "Of course they have to."
I keep my mouth shut.
"We're grown women, making honest money, shouldn't we be allowed to make our own decisions?" My love questions.
I smile at her and squeeze her waist just as she does the same to mine.

"Exactly. Mycroft, they are going to stay here. You can't tell her what to do anymore."
"And what will I tell people when they ask where she is?"
"Tell them that she moved overseas for love and her career."
"They don't need details." I add onto my brother.
The oldest sibling pinches the bridge of his nose. "A half truth then."
"Mycroft," I whisper.
My voice is weak and I was definitely on the verge of crying again.
He stands up and hugs me gently. "Fine. But promise me you'll write often and visit at least once a year."
"It's a deal." I respond and smile happily.

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