Search Party - Part 1

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"Come on, bud. Come on... Just a little further." Hiccup muttered beneath his breath into Toothless's ear as they flew across the sky, still being pursued by the dreadful and relentless Dragon Hunters.

When the gang had separated from one another, Hiccup thought that would be enough to throw them off their trail and send them back from where they had come from. But instead, it had done the opposite and allowed the Dragon hunters to pursue the one they feared the most, the one they deemed the most threatening.

That one person just so happened to be Hiccup. The wildcard that he can be.

Toothless and Hiccup had been evading their attacks for some time, but Hiccup also knew that they were running out of time. There would only be so long that they could evade one another, and Hiccup knew that he couldn't ask Toothless to fly forever. Looking over his shoulder to the rider behind him, a devious frown decorating their face as they continued in their relentless pursuit did little to calm Hiccup's nerves.

"Come, on, Toothless." Hiccup encouraged his friend, steeling his nerves and deciding what to do. "Let's end this, once and for all. I'm sick of this chase."

Hiccup hardened his grip upon the saddle and steered Toothless around. The sharp turn shocked the hunter behind them, but did little to end their pursuit, although it did lengthen the gap between them. This gap allowed Hiccup to circle Toothless around the side of the Hunter and get a perfect aim at them with his fire sword. Using an unmentioned gadget of his sword, Hiccup was able to shoot a perfectly aimed shot at the hunter, hitting them with a sleeping dart and watching the hunter plunge into the ocean. Hiccup knew that the hunter would fall far, and may not survive long enough for a hunter ship to rescue him, but it had become his last resort and collateral damage was an occupational hazard for Vikings.

But that didn't mean his heart wasn't disturbed by what had happened.

"Alright, bud. Let's find somewhere to land, and soon."

Descending through the clouds quickly, both Hiccup and Toothless found their vision obscured by the dense fog of the clouds surrounding them, and their visibility decreased rapidly. For a good while, the fog had become so thick that Hiccup could barely make out his own hand in front of his face. But they continued to fly despite the almost total lack of any clear vision of the horizon ahead, for all Hiccup could tell, they could have been flying upside down.

Unfortunately, Toothless was the first to realise the rate of their descent, and their proximity to the ground, as his wing clipped a high trunk of a tree and disrupted his flight. Pulling in his wings from the blow, Toothless found himself cartwheeling to the ground, breaking through the fog and seeing a dense island filled with trees and surrounded by nothing but deep, vast oceans. However, as they descended, Hiccup had very little time to admire the surroundings and was instead focused very much on landing on the ground safely. He helped angle Toothless correctly, slowing their descent, but not enough to halt it and they both soon found themselves plummeting to the ground with an almighty crash.

The last thing Hiccup thought as the ground approached him, was whether Toothless would be okay.


The skies seemed clear that afternoon as Astrid returned to Berk first. She had separated from the gang first, after following Hiccup's order to split up and lose the hunters quickly. Flying high into the clouds, Astrid was sure she hadn't been followed and was able to make a quick escape back to Berk, taking the long route back and flying north over the island rather than arriving from the south like usual.

Flying over Gothi's hut and slowly descending down into the village, Astrid was perplexed to see that not one of the dragon riders was in sight. To Astrid, she figured their journey would have been as fruitless and uneventful as hers, having no hunters to counter and no obstacles to tackle. However, oddly enough, Astrid found herself to be the first to return and the first one to wait for the others.

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