Yaknog Prank

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Thank you to ssierzengie for requesting this one-shot I love the idea and thank you all for the support it means the world to me!!!

Astrid's POV:

Snoggletog is almost here and Heather is spending it with us for the first time. I really want to make it one to remember, and I have the perfect idea... Heather was at the academy alone with Windshear, I quietly slipped in and began to approach Heather,

"Hey there, Heather." Heather looked I from her axe that she was sharpening, I hope she shows me how to make that.

"Hey..." Heather gestured a spot beside her and I gladly yielded. I sat down onto the cold, damp stone floor beside Heather. She seemed more used to the uncomfortable terrain than I was. I smiled at her before I spoke,

"I had a thought... You know for Snoggletog I've always wanted to prank the gang with someone... Now you're here---"

"You want me to prank the gang with you?" I nodded going she would say yes,

"Is that a yes?" Heather squealed at me causing our dragons to roar in unison,

"Of course I will! I've always wanted to prank someone!" I've never seen Heather this excited before and I knew I had made a good choice to spend Snoggletog with her,

"Okay then... Here's the plan......."

Hiccup's POV:

I woke up early this morning to get a good flight with Toothless before breakfast. I sauntered down to the door and crept outside to see Toothless still asleep on the roof,

"Lazy dragon," I sighed and walked into town and to the forge. If I couldn't go for a flight might as well work on Astrid's gift. It was a brace let with 3 charms on it but 2 were to show 2 different things about her, the first charm was in the shape of a deadly nadder like the symbol for the sharp class, the next charm was the initial 'A' for 'Astrid' and the last one was an axe that had been delicately designed to match her current one. I hope it will be enough.

"YAKNOG!! Get your Yaknog! Come and get a frothy cup of cheer!" I heard Astrid in the square. This can't be good,

"Gotta hide!" I began to scramble my way around the shop,

"Hiccup, are you okay?" Great. She found me,

"I'm fine just looking for... A file! Here we go... Now, what is it you want?" She smiled at me and handed me that disgusting cup of Yaknog. I took it reluctantly and saw her looking at me with those big blue eyes,

"I thought you could do with some Snoggletog spirit! Go on drink up." I looked at the Yaknog then at her. Was she serious? I sighed and gulped it down faster that a Yak in a heatwave,

" You can really taste the Yak..." I managed to spit out without throwing up. My stomach began to churn, but I'd do anything to keep Astrid happy.

Heather's POV:

Astrid had given me a tray of mugs filled with her 'delicious' Yaknog and I made my way over to Snotlout's house. I knocked on the door and saw a familiar over confident boy appear from within,

"Hey Snotlout! Wanna try some Yaknog?" Snotlout shook his head and put his hands up and backed away,

"Nuh-uh! Not in the mood!" I knew only one way to get through to him,

"Please..." I batted my eye lids at him, "Drink this and I'll give you an early Snoggletog present..." He fell for it. Snotlout grabbed the mug and downed it in a second, his face scrunched up and tears began to well up in his eyes. I smiled at him and giggled at his smug expression as he tried to hold back the vomit,

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