I Came to Love You

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A request by xoSukebu3xoKoko!

Thank you for this idea!!!

Its been about 3 months since the Drago incident and Hiccup has been working tiresomely at his Chief Duties. He runs around the village looking for the next incident and some people have been trying to help him with his stress. Astrid is one of them, but to no effect. Valka has also tried but to no end. Hiccup has been trying to fulfill his father's place but he feels like he can't, he tries to so hard to be the best he can be but he fails. Every. Time.

Astrid was tired of Hiccup's constant ignorance and his vacant looks. She couldn't stand it, she loved him but she didn't love the new him. She decided to go out to the forest to relieve her stress. Snap. Another tree was her victim. Bang. There goes another. But her stress just seemed to rise. She was questioning her relationship with Hiccup, she had to talk to him because she didn't want to break up with him.


Hiccup was still mourning over his father. He can never be as good as him, but he wanted to try. But he realised that he was upsetting others around him. Valka walked into the house late that night. Hiccup was sat in his father's chair, he glanced up to look at his mother walk in, but he soon turned his attention back to the chair. Valka pulled up a chair beside him,

"Hiccup, where's Astrid?" Hiccup paused and gave Valka a look of worry,

"At... At her house... Why?" Valka looked down at the table before reaching for Hiccup's hand,

"She hasn't been herself lately, she's away with the gnomes and constantly talking to Gobber... It's just... It's just not like her..." Hiccup looked at her with confusion,

"I think that's a bit harsh on Gobber don't you think?" Valka smiled,

"Don't get smart with me dear. I'm just saying... You should ask Gobber about her..." Hiccup sighed. He looked at his mother who was shooting him a worried glance.


Hiccup sulkily walked into the Forge the next day. Gobber was happily histling away as he sharpened an axe on the grindstone. He quickly looked up to see Hiccup and gladly gave him a smile,

"Aye, Hiccup. 'Ow are ya?" Hiccup offered a friendly glance to Gobber who happily exchanged a grin at Hiccup. Hiccup tensed his shoulders in anticipation,

"So... I heard that Astrid has been coming to you for... Advice?" SNAP! The axe broke on the grindstone. Gobber quickly looked at Hiccup who shot him a worried look. Gobber ran over to the spare axe heads,

"What... What makes you think that?!" Hiccup noticed his sudden worry and was about to ask him further when,

"Gobber? Are you in here?" Astrid froze once she reached the forge entrance. She locked eyes with Hiccup but soon turned away,

"Well then... I'll leave you... You two to it..." Gobber quickly left the couple in silence. Astrid tried to avoid Hiccup's gaze but needn't when he broke the silence,

"I know you've been avoiding me...I just want to know why Astrid?" Astrid looked up. He was being... Kind? Hiccup wasn't under stress and yet when he was with anyone else he was the worst person to be around. Astrid gave him a confused look,

"You know Hiccup, you confuse me sometimes? Lately you haven't been yourself and yet now you seem... Yourself?" Hiccup stepped towards Astrid who soon turned away.

"Astrid..." Astrid started to walk away,

"I just... I need time to myself..." Hiccup reached out a hand to stop her, but it was too late. Astrid ran away and back to her house. Gobber reappeared from the back room,

"Go after 'er..." Hiccup turned to face him,

"You heard her. She wants time to herself..." Gobber placed a hand upon Hiccup's shoulder sending a warm feeling through Hiccup's body, like the one's his father used to give him. It was like Stoick was there with him and Gobber.

"No... She wants you to show her that you are still you..." Hiccup gave him a puzzled look. Gobber sighed, "Would the old Hiccup have stayed here?"


"Would the old Hiccup have shooed her away when she needed someone to talk to?"


"Does the old Hiccup still exist?"


"Are you still him?"

"...." Hiccup stared at him blankly. Gobber smiled,

"That's what I thought.... Astrid came to me, to talk about you. She thinks that you aren't the Hiccup you used to be." Hiccup sighed,

"But I am, aren't I?" Gobber removed his hand from Hiccup's shoulder,

"That's a question for yourself. Now go... Find Astrid and show her the real you..." Hiccup nodded and soon ran out of the forge with a fire in his belly.


Hiccup sat outside Hiccup's window. Toothless behind him as a back rest, his green orbs staring at the young boy sat with him. Hiccup sighed and looked at Toothless,

"You ready Toothless?" He nodded and began to hum rhythmically, (start the vid now!)

When you're away
I try to focus on things
I need to do
but my hands are shakin',
'cause I'm just mad about you.

When by myself
I think of all that may
or may not be true.
And I'm scared of falling
falling hard without you.

But then I see your smile.
And suddenly I feel stronger,
I feel proud.
that's when I man up.
And girl, there's a thing
I gotta say out loud.

You got my heart.
Baby, I know this time it's true
So I came to love you.
And that's what I'm gonna do.

And I just hope,
deep in your heart
you feel it too.
'Cause I came to love you,
and that's what I'm gonna do.

When we're apart
I walk around all day
with your name in my heart
And I can't stop dreamin'
the sweetest dreams about you.

I lay awake when you're not in my bed.
Because I can't get you out of my head
And I feel so foolish.
The biggest fool without you.

But then I see your smile
and all the sudden
I'm happy, strong and proud.
That's when I man up.
Girl, do you mind if I say this out loud.

You got my heart.
Baby, I know this time it's true
So I came to love you.
And that's what I'm gonna do.

And I just hope,
deep in your heart
you feel it too.
'Cause I came to love you,
and that's what I'm gonna do.

Hiccup looked up and saw Astrid smiling at him from her window. He slowly rose from the ground and bowed,

"M'lady..." Astrid smiled,

"You haven't changed a bit, have you?" Hiccup smiled,

"I won't ever... Not again..." Astrid grinned and hopped out of her window. She ran over to him, her arms wrapped around his neck. Her lips crashed against his and Hiccup kissed back. Oh how he missed the taste of her sweet lips, he should have never let her go or his chief duties come first. Astrid will always come first.

Now and forever...

Thank you so much xoSukebu3xoKoko for this request!

Alright it's late and i haven't written or done as well as I could have! I' sorry that it isn't up to the high quality standards that I normally achieve but here we go. I tried to fulfill my deadline and this story is now s**t! I mean really really s**t!!!! Ugh! I hate myself but i'm too lazy to re - write it!!!!

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