Anxious Answers

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It was a beautiful night.

The stars were illuminating the sky, and the moon shone brightly overhead as New Berk began to tuck themselves in for the night. It had been a few months since the dragons had left, and things had felt very different.

Strange, to say the least. Almost lonely.

Out of everyone, Hiccup was feeling he weight of it the most. His beloved friend, and brother, Toothless, had been the biggest loss. Since they had left, Astrid had been sticking by his side and keeping him sane in his hours of need. It was one of the things that Hiccup appreciated most about Astrid.

Whilst everyone seemed to wallow in their misery and strike out at him in their grief, Astrid was the only one who saw sense and reason. She was the only one who never blamed him for what happened. 

Valka hadn't spoken much since they had said their goodbyes. Most days she sat alone, watching the ocean, facing towards the Hidden World.

That night, however, Hiccup had taken Astrid to a secluded beach on the island. He had found the place when Toothless was with him and often returned there when he missed his friend. He enjoyed watching the stars from there, seeing their dazzling lights in the sky, and the cool breeze swirling in from the ocean. Everything about the place oozed with calmness and peace.

So, Hiccup brought Astrid along with him. They sat together on the beach, side by side, enjoying the view of the ocean.

"This is nice," Astrid sighed, letting her shoulders finally drop in relaxation. It felt as though since everything had happened, she had been on constantly high alert. "Finally some peace and quiet, am I right?"

"Yeah, I suppose there is that," Hiccup muttered, not completely invested in Astrid's attempts at conversation.

Astrid furrowed her brow, noticing his change in demeanour and strange distance. "What's going on? Is everything okay?"

Hiccup sighed, as though trying to psyche himself up for something. A bite at Astrid's subconscious told her exactly what was eating at him.

"Listen, Astrid..." The stiffness in his voice only furthered her conclusions, and she felt a tightness form around her throat. "I know it's probably too soon, and I shouldn't ask."

"Hiccup..." She tried to warn him, not wanting to hear those words from his mouth. Mostly because she knew her answer, and wasn't ready to hear it from herself.

"But I need you, more than I've ever needed anyone in my life. If I had to do this alone, I would have given up so long ago, you know that about me. If it weren't for you, I don't think I could handle being chief." Hiccup admitted, letting the words fall from his lips as he gazed at the sky. It was clear that he was too afraid to meet Astrid's eye, but she was desperate for him to stop talking.

"Hiccup, don't..." She warned him breathlessly again, dying not to hear those words.

"I love you, Astrid Hofferson. With everything I have, I can't imagine my life, or this world, without you in it. I just hope I never have to live a day without you by my side. So," Hiccup buried his hand into his pocket and retrieved a small ring inlaid with the most intricate designs.

Yet, when he turned his head to give the ring to Astrid, he found her figure gone. Vanished.

His heart sank into his stomach, knowing that he had made another wrong decision. It was too early for him to expect her to be ready, he should have known that asking her such a thing was too much. Yet, Gobber's words earlier that day had stuck with him, and he knew that his old mentor was right.

He needed a stronger rule, a higher respect. With Astrid by his side, as his wife, perhaps that respect would be given more leniently. It was a gamble, and he didn't want Astrid to think that he was using her, because he wasn't.

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