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(A/N: This place in 'Night of the Hunters' but in this scenario Hiccup, Astrid, Ruffnut, Tuffnut, Toothless, Barf and Belch were caught. This is set the night when they were caught and none of them have left the cell.)

The bright, twilight moon illuminated the resting ocean and thrashed against the boat. The motion of the sea made it impossible to stand on the boat, but the boat was still on deck. The men were all below deck enjoying the quietness of the boat, whilst inside a small cell nearest the exit sat four teenagers. Two of them were loudly snoring the hours away whilst the other two sat, neither of them could sleep.

Astrid's POV:

"Hiccup, what exactly is your plan to get us out of here?!" I looked at him, hoping for an answer. He shrugged at me and quietly responded without making eye-contact.

"I... I don't know, Astrid... I'm s... Sorry..." His voice spluttered and died as he spoke. His confidence had depleted when they took Toothless, he felt helpless. I know what he feels like, they took Stormfly from right underneath me. I had to say something to him... But what?

"Don't apologize..." I didn't sound too confident. Hiccup noticed this and turned to face me.

"But I do... You know that!" He couldn't possibly believe it was his fault. I had to fix this... I hated to see him like this, beating himself up.

"It's not your fault! Everything you did, you did to get my dragon and to protect all of us," I said this whilst gesturing over to the snoring Ruffnut and Tuffnut, who were on the other side of the room. "Now it's not a question of whether you can get us out of here," I took his hand and my heart began to beat faster, "It's  whether we can get us out of here..." 

"Thanks, Astrid..." He looked deep into my eyes and my heart stopped. We were silent for a while before either of us spoke...

"Astrid? Who am I?" I looked at him confused, what did he mean?

"You're Hiccup, you're my best friend in the whole world!" Hiccup sighed and smiled at me.

"What am I to you in here?" He pointed to my heart and made me jump backwards slightly. I looked at him quizzically but he just grinned at me making my defensive walls fall with a bang.

"You're my friend but..." I leaned in closer and whispered in his ear, "But I want you to be something more to me than a friend..." I kept my head close to him, hoping he would say what I desperately wanted to hear. His emerald, green eyes stared into my soul and my heart began skipping beats and beat faster with every minute.

"Oh..." My face fell, "To me you're just a friend..." I leaped away from him and sat looking at him with crossed arms. Was he actually serious? I gave him one of my death stares, he eventually gave in and spoke. "I am just kidding..." Then he leaned in and pulled me closer to him. Our bodies touched and Hiccup pressed his velvet lips against mine. We were locked in a full-frontal make out session, my arms had wrapped around his neck and Hiccup had placed his arms around my waist. When we finally drew away our trance was broken by a annoying, familiar voice,

"Yes, I was right!! Ruffnut wins the Thornston challenge!!" We both turned to see Ruffnut sat up against the wall of the boat. I stared at Ruffnut and my cheeks flared into a bright red. They placed a bet on me and Hiccup! Suddenly Tuffnut woke up and saw me and Hiccup with our arms still wrapped around each other and sighed,

"Alright, you won. When do I have to fulfill the punishment." Ruffnut smiled at him,

"Back at the Edge, I have some catching up to do with the new happy couple!"

Who knew that the worst day could have ended up with me and Hiccup becoming a couple.

Shortest chapter!!! I hope you enjoyed, this is something I made out of boredom because I haven't had the greatest ideas lately. Please give me ideas! Also I have been recently been doing a HTTYD Marathon whereby I watch each and every movie and episode in order, it's fun you should try it!


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