Paint War

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Summary: Hiccup loses the dragon race thanks to Astrid and decides to pay her a visit at the academy... Hope you Enjoy!!!!

Hiccup's POV:

Astrid shouldn't have won that race, it should've been me. So I've decided to pay her a little visit, the cheating Loki... I walk into the academy to see Astrid with her back to me and brushing all the paint off of her dragon, Stormfly, I had this whole speech in my head but when I got the chance to say it, no words left my mouth. Just air. But that's when I saw a small paint bag beside me, I picked it up trying not to grab Astrid's attention, I aimed and... Splat! Right on her back, I saw Astrid's face when she turned around to see me. Oh, she wasn't happy. Astrid scrunched her fists tight,

"HICCUP!! What in Tor's name are you doing!?" What was I doing? I cleared my throat and grabbed another bag,

"Consider it payback, for being a cheater..." I threw it but she dodged it. I saw her pick up a bag of paint and from nowhere paint splattered all over me. I saw her laugh and I couldn't help but let out a small giggle myself. I grabbed another one and ran closer, closing the gap between us, but because she was so distracted she didn't see me until another paint bag covered in purple paint,

"That's it, Haddock! Game on!" She grabbed another bag as did I and it turned in a full on paint war. Bags of paint flung everywhere covering us and the academy in paint but I didn't care, I was just glad I was having fun with Astrid, alone.

Tuffnut's POV:

"Hey do you reckon we should tell them that we're here?" Ruff sighed and sat down resting her head in her hands, eagerly watching the paint war below. To be honest I didn't want to tell anyone but then Ruff finally spoke,

"Maybe... In a minute." Fishlegs became nervous as me, Snotlout and Ruff sat down to watch the show,

"Guys, we shouldn't be here... Let's leave them to their business," Snotlout smacked his hand over Fishlegs' mouth,

"Shut it Fishface! Now do you want to tell them why we're here or watch them in comfortable silence with us???" Fishlegs gave in and sat beside him. He wasn't happy about this I could tell.

Hiccup's POV:

Eventually me and Astrid ran out of paint bags, so I had nothing to throw until I saw a full bucket of paint sat beside me. I picked it up and crept my way over to Astrid who was searching for bags of paint, I sneaked over but didn't realise that I was stood on wet paint. I raised the bucket ready to strike when,

"BOO!" Astrid screamed from behind me, as I jolted back my prosthetic slipped on the paint making me fall flat on the floor along with the bucket. I was now covered in paint, Astrid on the other hand was laughing hysterically and it didn't help when i tried to get up and slipped back down onto the floor,

"Stupid leg.." Astrid continued to laugh until she finally calmed down, she held out  hand,

"Here, want some help?" I took her hand and was only a few inches from her chest. We just looked into each others eyes and nothing around us seemed to matter, not the paint, not even the trouble that we were in. It was just us, and nothing felt more right than the way we were right now,

"Hey Astrid?" She looked deeper into my eyes, and I hers,

"Yeah," I smiled,

"I need a hug..." Astrid's eyes widened,

"Oh no!" She tired to run away but thanks to my growth spurt I had managed to grab her before she got to far. I held her in my arms as she struggled to get free, but her struggling made me lose my balance and before I knew it, we were falling to the floor. 

My hands still wrapped around Astrid's waist, as we hit the floor I rolled over and on top of Astrid. We began to laugh but once our eyes met, we stopped. The butterflies I had felt when I first met her returned and took over my body, I smiled at her and she smiled back. I pushed her bangs out of her eyes and looked closer, drowning myself into her ocean blue eyes. I unconsciously began to lean closer to her face until our foreheads touched, the butterflies in my stomach were going crazy but I didn't care, I felt... Happy. I moved my head in one swift movement and kissed her, and she kissed back. She wrapped her hands around my neck and I placed my hand behind her head the other stayed around her waist. Our bodies were closer than they have ever been before but it felt like it was normal, like this was normal. I could've stayed there for hours kissing her and her kissing me, but it never pans out that way,

"What in Odin's ghost happened here?!" I broke the kiss with Astrid and quickly rolled off of her, leaving us side by side. Astrid sat up beside me and looked almost as embarrassed as I was, but probably not as embarrassed. That is until her father came in,

"What in Thor's name?" He looked around the academy in shock until he saw his daughter sat beside me. I bet that was a big surprise for him, seeing the fish bone sat beside is daughter covered in more paint than she was. I stood up and offered Astrid help to get up, she took it and walked over to her father,

"Hiccup, I don't need an explanation for all of this. All I know is that you and Astrid are going to clean up, together..." He said 'together' happier than he usual was, but I could tell he had a trick up his sleeve. I nodded and summoned Astrid to help me.

For the rest of the day, we cleaned and cleaned. But the best thing was that she wasn't embarrassed about the kiss, it was the being caught by her dad which embarrassed her. I didn't know for certain but I got the feeling that she likes me just as much as I do about her...

There it is! I hope you liked it, but go and check out httydlove4ever's version that inspired me to do mine. I love yours so much better than mine which is just a cheaper version of it... I  love all of those who have read my books and I especially love all of my followers. 

Also, I am thinking about doing another Truth or dare and whether to do it when Hiccup and Astrid are dating or not... But I do need some dares, it will be set in the 3rd season of RTTE so it would really help if you guys would help me!! I will give full credit to all of those who help me, thank you all!!!

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