Idea of Her

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Heard this video recently and thought I'd make a story with it. Here we go, I'll give it a go!!!

It had been about 3 weeks till Heather had arrived on Berk and Astrid didn't like it, especially when she and Hiccup would run off during training. Where did they go? What was so much more important than training? She kept on deciding she didn't want to know. She didn't... But who was she kidding. Of course she did!

One day Hiccup came to the arena and saw Astrid sat all alone with Stormfly, okay so maybe she wasn't technically alone, and Hiccup walked over cautiously to sit beside her. Astrid was sharpening her axe and immediately noticed Hiccup trying to sit next to her. Like a Night Fury she stroke.

"Don't think about it." Astrid said coldly to him as her axe was aimed at his neck. He furrowed his eyebrows at her. What did he do?

"Why?" Hiccup asked confused. He was absolutely clueless to the fact that she was jealous and mad at him. Astrid tried to stifle a laugh. She looked at him seriously despite being amused.

"Seriously? You have no clue?" Astrid looked at him carefully. Hiccup was in deep thought, was it really that hard to think about. "You don't know, do you?" Astrid sighed. Maybe she was being a bit too sensitive about this whole thing, but he might not of felt the same way about her as she felt about him. It was that simple, she thought.

"Come on Astrid. If something is bothering you, you can tell me. I won't ever judge you." Hiccup said warmly. Astrid kept her angered expression and answered him sarcastically.

"I'm sorry, did we enter friends station? When did that happen?" Astrid sarcastically remarked and stormed off, with Stormfly in toe. Hiccup just stood there clueless. What?!

Astrid passed heather on the way out and couldn't help but give her a look that simply said 'I hate you, you b**ch'. Heather shot her the same look in return.

Heather walked over to hiccup and noticed Astrid's eyes were following her so she leaned over to Hiccup, and kissed his cheek. Astrid's fists balled up and she quickly retreated to the village. Meanwhile in the arena, Hiccup looked taken aback at Heather's action. He quickly took a stride back.

"I'm sorry Heather, but... What was that?" Hiccup asked horrified. "I don't like you that way. i told you when we first met that my heart belongs to Astrid. You understand?" Hiccup straightened out. Heather nodded sorrowfully.

"Sorry Hiccup, don't know what came over me." Heather said innocently, she looked back towards the arena entrance to see it empty. She quietly smiled to herself.


Astrid sat outside the Great Hall and looked out on the village below. She smiled as the gently breeze washed against her face. She looked down from the sky and saw Ruffnut slowly approaching her.

"Hey Ruff. How are ya?" Astrid called out cheerfully. She was finally calm after that whole Heather and Hiccup thing. She hated that girl!

"Not too bad, but I think you are worse." Ruffnut pointed out. Astrid looked at her confused. "Your fists." Astrid looked down and noticed that her fingernail marks were still tattooed into her skin.

"Oh, right..." Astrid said. She quietly sighed to herself, "Do you know what the deal is between Hiccup and Heather?" Astrid asked embarrassingly. Ruff smiled.

"Nothing. They're just friends. I mean Heather wants to be more but I don't know whether he's interested." Ruff replied.

"It's just.... Never mind..." Astrid said. She wanted to say how she felt but even she didn't know properly yet. Ruff nodded and quietly left Astrid to her business.

Before Astrid knew it, it was nightfall. Everyone had left the Great Hall and all was quiet. Astrid smiled to herself and (once again) found herself slipping into song.

(Vid above)

You like the idea of her
Just the thought of beauty in your mind
Rip away the skin
See a heart thats just pumping black blood

You fear all hate and being alone
But hate it when someone
Tells you that you are loved
An insecure sadness locked behind a smile
Potential and beauty stuck under it all
Favorite words "attention" why do we give in?
The good side of you remains in my head

You like the idea of her
Rip away the skin
You like the idea of her
Rip away the skin

You like the idea of her
Thoughts of fun that comes playing along
Tried to pull me in
Got too close then spit out all alone

You fear all hate and being alone
But hate it when someone
Tells you that you are loved Insecure Potential and beauty stuck under it all
But the good side of you remains in my head

You like the idea of her
Rip away the skin
You like the idea of her
Rip away the skin

I don't know her, you don't know her

I don't know her, you don't know her

I don't know her, you don't know her

You like the idea of her
Just the thought of beauty in your mind
Rip away the skin
See a heart that's just pumping black blood

You like the idea of her Rip away the skin

I don't know her, you don't know her

I don't know her, you don't know her

I don't know her, you don't know her

I don't know her, you don't know her

I don't know her, you don't know her

I don't know her, you don't know her

You like the idea of her
Rip away the skin

Astrid smiled as she felt free at last. Her anger was gone and she felt as though she'd got out her opinion. Little did she know that someone was listening very closely.

Hiccup sighed as he watched the angel sit in the stunning moonlight. She looked as though she'd fallen from heaven and laid to rest in the grass. But he suddenly felt a sharp push as he fell out of his window and into plain view of Astrid. This movement made Astrid jump and face where it had originated.

"Hiccup?" Astrid called out in the direction of the noise. Hiccup sighed, he was busted. He slowly got up and came into the light so that Astrid could see him.

"Yeah..." He replied awkwardly. He nervously began rubbing the back of his neck. "You-er-you have a-a v-ve-ry b-beautiful er-voice." Hiccup managed to spit out. Astrid blushed and smiled.

"Thanks." Astrid replied.

"Listen Astrid. I'm sorry about this whole Heather thing. She's been in the way of the two of us. I mean, I don't even know why she's here!" Hiccup joked, "But I promise that from now on, you are the only girl i can hang out with alone." Hiccup said proudly. Astrid smiled, was he serious?

"Deal." Astrid said holding out a hand.

"Deal." Hiccup agreed shaking hands with her.

What do you guys think? It's not great I know but still... I'm trying to think of some more one shots but i'm struggling and also it's like 10 days till RTTE S5 so!!!!! I'm like soooo excited for it, even more than the last one! I don't even think that's possible though!!

Hope you guys liked it, and I love you all!!!

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