Check Mate Part 1

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A/N: Okay I had this really good idea (Well at least i think it is) and I wanted to share it with you... I was having a conversation with someone about the final fate of the dragon eye and I thought I would share this idea by putting it into a Hiccstrid fanfic story! Oh and btw, yes it will contain as much Hiccstrid I can muster without spoiling the story (like in rtte) and it will be in two parts, SORRY! So enjoy!!!!

The sun rose on the edge and shone a blinding ray into the huts of the sleeping vikings that lay inside them. They basted through the huts and awoke a particular blonde viking. She, unlike the others, loved to take early morning flights with her deadly nadder, Stormfly. They were an inseparable pair and were the toughest viking and dragon pair on the edge. She jumped out of her hut and sprinted towards the stables to find her dragon, they were all fast asleep apart from her dragon who was eagerly waiting in her stall,

"Hey girl. Sorry I'm late, but let's get out of here before the others wake up..." She unlatched the stall and slowly, but quietly, walked out of the stables. They made it. The girl hopped onto her dragon and flew off into the sky, and they both enjoyed the morning sun as they began their morning flight training.

As the sun grew higher up in the sky and welcoming a new day, the rest of the vikings awoke and headed over to the clubhouse for some early morning breakfast. The leader, Hiccup, got there first and sat in the corner with his night fury, they happily ate their breakfasts in peace. That is until the rest of the vikings came around the corner, the quiet morning just became noisy. The twins came round the corner fighting about thor knows what, Snotlout was following Heather like a lost puppy and tried to get her attention, but then Fishlegs came round the corner and burned that idea of attention into flames. But that was when Hiccup noticed something. Where was Astrid? She was never late for breakfast... Ever. Hiccup walked over to Heather who was in a deep conversation with Fishlegs,

"Hey, Heather? You haven't seen Astrid, have you?" Heather shrugged at Hiccup. She didn't have a clue,

"Sorry Hiccup. She was already gone when I left..." That's when Fishlegs chipped in,

"Maybe she went for an early morning flight? You know how she is, always training-"

"I know Fishlegs but, she is usually on time for breakfast at least or comes in to tell us where she's going." Hiccup interrupted. He was right though, ever since that dragon hunter incident she's always told someone where she was going or how long she would be, but this didn't fee right to Hiccup. He didn't feel like something was wrong like when she almost drowned. It was more of a sad, like he felt like she didn't trust him. It was weird...

Astrid sped through the trees and dodge every branch in style. Eventually they came to a stop in a familiar clearing. There were targets spread across this vast clearing, she usually used with Heather but Astrid wanted to be alone and she knew she should have told someone where she was going but she really wanted to be alone. just her, and Stormfly,

"Now this is a luxury we never get... Silence, the breeze and being alone is the best part." Astrid picked up a nearby axe and threw it at the target hitting it right in the middle, "Bullseye..." Astrid whispered and then picked up another axe but before she threw it she felt this weird feeling that she wasn't alone. She dropped the axe and ran towards Stormfly, "C'mon girl, Let's--"

"Wait!" A familiar voice called out from the trees but it wasn't as familiar as Astrid hoped. Throck! He ran towards her stumbling over the fallen branches from the nearby trees and eventually arrived at Stormfly's side,

"Throck, right?" He nodded, he was out of breath. Just exactly how far did this guy run? "What is it? Is Mala in trouble?" He nodded again, Astrid held out her hand and as Throck took it she hauled him on top of Stormfly. They took of into the sky and headed back to the edge, she was going to be in real trouble with Hiccup.

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