Parental Talk

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A little fluff piece I thought I'd make before my 100th one shot!!!!

Astrid woke up in the middle of the night and looked out of her window to see whether the signal was there or not. It wasn't. Perhaps he wasn't ready yet, he had been pretty excited about it so perhaps it was taking longer than he'd expected to set up. Astrid smiled to herself as she lay in her bed thinking about her and Hiccup, how they'd shared their first kiss. And then the ones after that... Her heart fluttered as she thought about the day that Hiccup told her he loved her for the first time. Then the first time she'd said it to him. She turned to look at the betrothal gift Hiccup had given to her, the moonlight reflecting off it to show how precious it was to her. But in its reflection Astrid saw a small fire illuminating in the distance.

Astrid quickly popped on the necklace and exited her hut and in the direction of the fire, that was their signal after all. Hiccup and Astrid had agreed that whenever they wanted to meet up in secret they would always light a small fire in the place where they'd hang out in the night. At berk this was usually in the cove, but on the Edge they'd found this secluded cliff that overlooked their base and so was a very beautiful view.

"So what's the reason for this meet up?" Astrid asked as she arrived at the fire signal, but she saw no one in sight. Her heart started to beat rapidly, this couldn't be a trap could it?

Suddenly she felt a pair of arms grab her waist from behind and pick her up from the ground and spin her around. Astrid would have flailed around wildly, except she heard Hiccup's low, light laugh breathing into her ear causing her body to relax.

"Ha ha... You gotta watch your back more, m'lady." He said softly, lowering her down on the ground so that she could turn back to him.

"I wasn't expecting to be snuck up on!" Astrid yelled quietly, whilst punching him lightly in the shoulder. Hiccup rubbed the area with a hurt expression upon his face which only made Astrid smile widely in response.

"You're gonna create a huge bruise on my arm if you keep doing that." He stated plainly, Astrid's smile soften slightly as she followed Hiccup to the cliff edge.

"Aww... Sorry, does it hurt?" Astrid said sarcastically making Hiccup laugh quietly.

"Well, it might need kissing better?" He said, winking at her subtly which just caused Astrid to blush lightly and push his face away, which had leaned closer to her whilst he had spoken. Astrid sat on the cliff edge with her legs hanging of the edge. Hiccup soon sat beside her with his hand placed on top of hers, both of their hands propping their bodies up slightly behind their backs.

"It's beautiful tonight..." Astrid sighed as she looked out over the Edge and the sea. Hiccup was looking at her and the way the moon lit up her face, it was amazing how she could stay beautiful in any light.

"Yeah, you are..." Hiccup breathed, Astrid blushed lightly when she heard what he'd said.

"Thank you, but I was talking about the view."

"I was too..." Hiccup said, smirking lightly. Sometimes he could be really comfortable around Astrid and joke about with her because they were so close, yet there were some things that they were too afraid to talk about.

"Shut up!" Astrid laughed nudging him with her shoulder. "Hey, Hiccup..." She said whilst lowering her gaze and gaining a serious tone. "Have you ever wondered about our future? Like what will happen to us when you become chief?" Astrid asked, causing Hiccup to recoil slightly in shock at the question. But he had thought about it too.

"Err... I guess, I have." Hiccup replied.

"Well, what have you thought about?" Astrid pushed him further.

"Well, I figured that we would stay together. Nothing has to change, in fact..." Hiccup turned more towards Astrid and held her hand in his and bringing it towards his heart so that Astrid could feel how calm his heart beat was as he spoke. "I always hoped that you'd be by my side when I became chief, because without you... I'm nothing." Hiccup admitted causing Astrid to smile lightly at her boyfriend.

"You're everything to me Hiccup, and your father, and your friends. We all believe in you Hiccup. We all love you, well... Not like I do, but---" Astrid was cut off by Hiccup's lips pressing against her. The kiss wasn't harsh or powerful, but passionate and soft as Hiccup poured all his love into Astrid and she poured all of hers into Hiccup. The two smiled against each others lips, eventually pulling away with their smiles still plastered upon their faces.

"I don't mean to scare you when I say this, but... I've also thought about our family?" Hiccup said reluctantly. He knew how Astrid felt about kids, but he'd hoped that perhaps there was some future they could have with them starting a family.

"Oh... Well, what abut our family?" Astrid asked hesitantly, she would be lying if she said she hadn't thought about starting a family with Hiccup, but she wasn't sure when she'd be ready for that responsibility.

"Well, we could have a kid--"

"or two." Astrid continued, catching Hiccup by surprise.

"Or two..? Yeah. We could teach them about our dragons, and how to fly them. You could teach them how to handle an axe?" He said raising an eyebrow at Astrid who was listening intently.

"Go on." She said moving closer, her hand had dropped from his chest and now rested upon his leg.

"Right, and we could have family picnics together, like we do." Astrid smiled as she recollected the many times she'd snuck away from her family in order to meet up with Hiccup in the cove for a secret picnic together. "And we'd be happy... What do you think?" Hiccup asked, Astrid moved closer so that their legs were touching and leaned her head upon his shoulders, her hand still upon his leg. She leaned her head on his shoulders and looked straight out into the horizon.

"I think... You have the perfect future planned out. But it won't be easy to create that?" Astrid said curiously, slightly looking up at him. Hiccup smiled and too, looked at the horizon with Astrid.

"Nothing worthwhile is..."

Hope you guys liked this one. I thought this one would be a fluff piece because I've been reading a lot of fluff fan-fiction and enjoy reading them so I hope you guys liked reading this one. It might not be the best, but I liked writing it!! Perhaps some of you noticed the little reference at the end there? It's from Uncharted 4 if you wanted to know....

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