Search Party - Part 2

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Hiccup slowly turned his fish stick around above the fire he had made for the two of them on the beach. Night had fallen and Hiccup did not trust the silence of the woodland, instead deciding to set up camp on the beach. It wasn't a practical solution, but for the moment they had little else to do. Hiccup hoped that the gang wouldn't come looking for them, especially as he saw a large storm cloud drifting across the ocean a few miles away from them. It seemed that being out among the waves that night may be a death sentence to anyone out there.

Toothless was happily snoozing behind Hiccup, allowing his friend to lean against his body whilst he caught some sleep. yet, even snuggling against the warmth of Toothless' body, Hiccup struggled to catch any sleep that night. Instead, his eyes were fixed on the stars and his heart yearned for home.

For a particular blonde girl.

"Please be safe, m'lady." Hiccup prayed to the stars, hoping that his love would have made a safe journey back to Berk. But he also knew that she would be the first to come looking for him, and so a part of him also prayed that she chose not to find him.

It would be too dangerous tonight.

Retrieving his notebook from Toothless' saddle bag, Hiccup began sketching out Astrid's face, remembering the soft contours of her face and the gentle smile that rarely brightened up her face. Her expressions were often hard to describe, even harder to draw, but Hiccup could remember every crevice and every etching as though he were looking at her directly. She was the one person in his life whom he could remember for the rest of his life, even when everybody else had forgotten him.

"I miss you," Hiccup muttered to the sketch as he finished her portrait, watching as her eyes stared back at him through the drawing. Even if this could be their only interaction for a while, he would take it.

However, Hiccup's reminiscent thoughts were interrupted by a loud hollering from behind them, a call and a crash as though something big was docking onto land. Toothless was the first to react and quickly jumped up from the sound, causing Hiccup to stumble backwards from his loss of balance. Toothless looked over to the source of the noise, yet waited for Hiccup's permission to investigate before moving.

Quickly stabilising himself, Hiccup stood beside his dragon and looked on into the wood, trying to see to the other side but his view was obscured by thick, dense forest. Sighing to himself, Hiccup packed away his things into the saddle bag and nodded to Toothless.

"Come on, bud. Let's go check it out." Hiccup announced, beginning to move slowly through the trees to see where the sound was coming from.

As they reached the other side of the wood, the trees slowly revealed to them the view of the beach where a few sailors were spotted making camp, their ship docked off the beach by anchor and a small dingy beached with the sailors. Hiccup looked over to Toothless to check whether his dragon sensed anything off about them, but when he saw a curious, innocent expression behind his eyes as they watched the sailors, Hiccup realised there was little to be concerned about. However, they still did not reveal themselves to the sailors and waited to hear what they had to say as they set up camp for the night.

"When do you think this storm will let up?" One of them asked, beginning to make a fire for the rest of them to gather around.

"I don't know, not until the morning I'd guess. So we best rest up here for the night." Another one called back.

"Then we'll head off again?" The first one asked.

"Yep, right on. Continue on or way to Berk, I reckon." A third one spoke, taking a bag out from the boat and beginning to sit by the fire which the first one had managed to get going.

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