Desperate Love

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A/N: Okay so I was reading some comments and saw httyd_lover14's comment and decided that I would make that into an episode but  httydlove4ever  has already uploaded another chapter in this idea, I'm not sure whether she's writing a part two but here is my version of the part two(I would recommend you read her first part before mine!!)

"Well, that was heartly. It's amazing what people do for love," says Viggo sarcastically. Ryker comes up and ties Hiccup's hands up.

"Don't worry we'll take good care of you," Viggo smiles deviously. Hiccup gives him a cold, hard glare before disappearing under deck.


"What was he thinking!?" Astrid was pacing up and down in the clubhouse. The rest of the gang were sat down watching Astrid walking around. They understood that she was upset but none of them wanted to say anything. Fishlegs decided to pipe up,

"Astrid... We all know that Hiccup has a plan, and whatever we do or are going to do, we have to be clever and quick... Sound good?" Astrid stopped pacing and looked at Fishlegs. Her eyes grew wide with anger, her voice dripped with heart break,

"You think Hiccup has a plan?! He was trying to save me! If I had been more careful then we wouldn't be in this situation! What if we can't rescue Hiccup, Fishlegs... I don't know what my life would be like without him..." The last sentence was cracked and quiet, almost like she didn't want them to hear. But they did.

"Astrid, we'll find him and get him out safely... I promise..." Astrid sighed and sniffed. She was still staring at the ground,

"I... I need some air..." With that she ran out of the Clubhouse, leaving the gang sat in the Clubhouse,

"What's her problem?" Fishlegs gave Tuffnut an annoyed look. Ruffnut punched her brother in the shoulder,

"Er, Duh! Isn't it obvious?! Astrid clearly has feelings for Hiccup." Fishlegs eyes widened. How did she know? Ruffnut saw Fishlegs' confused look and shrugged,

"Pffff! Please! You mean Astrid would choose fishbone, instead of 'this'?" Snotlout gestured himself at the last part. Everyone sighed and rolled their eyes at him. Tuffnut laughed,

"I don't think Hiccup's a fishbone after what he did to your 'paper' jaw!" Snotlout screamed in anger at him. Tuffnut just stuck his tongue out at him and looked back at his sister who was smiling at her brother's wit.


Astrid was sat on a cliff over looking the sea. She was looking at the sky and sighed to herself,

"I will find you Hiccup... I always do." Astrid watched the clouds passing by, she saw one in the shape of a heart and felt a tear roll down her cheek. She knew she had feelings for Hiccup, but what made her sad was that Hiccup felt the same way. She should be happy, and she was thrilled, but she felt like something was missing and that made her sad. She wasn't with Hiccup.

Astrid looked down at the ground and hugged her knees before breaking down into tears. She never liked crying but she needed to get rid of the pain, all the pain she had felt over the years were nothing in comparison to this. It was like all of her past, repressed pain, times a million. Her heart ached and eyes were red, she'd run dry and finally stopped crying. She continued to hug her knees,

"I can't live like this anymore, I need you with me... I love you...


Hiccup was sat on deck tied to the mast and looked up at the sky, although he was scared and planning his escape his mind kept on wandering back to Astrid. He had finally admitted his feelings for her and in front of the enemy, he just hoped she felt the same way. He continue to stare into the blue sky and thought about Astrid, her hair, her looks, the way she uses violent communication in the best moments, her expressions that all mean something different. Hiccup felt like he knew that girl like the back of his hand, he knew her reaction to certain situations and her feelings for others, but the one thing he wished he knew was her feelings for him. He had to be sure,

"Enjoying our stay are we?" Hiccup looked at the bold figure stood in front of him,

"What do you want with me Viggo?!" Viggo just smiled and knelt closer to him. His face reeked of evil and his eyes burned a hole straight into Hiccups heart,

"My dear Hiccup, I want your Night Fury... As you know I am a business man and I am always striving for the best deals. Your Night Fury would be an excellent addition to my collection, but taking it from you would be too easy, and what fun would that be?" He chuckled to himself as he stood looking at Hiccup once more before heading back towards his brother.

Moments later a huge bang was heard from the back of the convoy, the men all faced their arrows towards the source of the destruction. Dragon riders. Hiccup screamed in his head, he was going to be saved. Viggo ordered some men to survey the rest of the convoy, but that was when another blast was fired but from the front of the convoy. There were no more hunters free, they were all firing at the rest of the riders.

Suddenly a huge blast hit Viggo's ship surrounding it in smoke, no one could see a thing. The hunters fired arrows everywhere they could but it did no use. Once the smoke cleared, so did the riders. Viggo smiled but his face dropped when he looked back towards his prisoner,

"No! It was a distraction, how could I fall for that!?" Hiccup was gone and now Viggo had no leverage against the riders. His plan had backfired.


The riders all landed back at the edge, all tired from the journey. Hiccup was still tied up in his ropes, Astrid got out her knife and cut him loose. Hiccup smiled at her,

"Thank you, Astrid... For everything..." Astrid shrugged and tucked her bangs behind her ear,

"No problem, Hiccup..." Hiccup grabbed Astrid's waist and pulled her in for a tight hug. They stood their comfortable in each other's embrace, and it was nice. The rest of the riders had left beforehand and gone to bed meaning Hiccup and Astrid were alone. When the two finally pulled away, they kept their arms in the same place. They stared into each other's eyes, Astrid's arms were still wrapped around Hiccups neck and his arms still around her waist. Hiccup decided it was now or never, he leaned in and crashed his lips against hers and what surprised him was that she kissed back. He was in heaven, he was kissing the girl he had a crush on since he was 5 and she liked him. The kiss was intense and heated, but was only short though it felt like hours. When they finally pulled away they smiled at each other once more,

"Astrid, will you be my girlfriend?" She smiled at him before punching him in the arm,

"That's for taking so long to ask me," Then Astrid pulled him in for a short peck on the lips, " and that was a 'yes'..." Hiccup smiled and Astrid smiled back, no one could be as happy as they were just then...

Hey, hey, hey!!!!

I know that it's not what you expected for my second comeback story but "I really don't care" and I actually love this idea! I read httydlove4ever 's story first and just couldn't believe there wasn't going to be a second part so I decided to write my own and here it is!!!!😍😍😍😍 I hope you've enjoyed it and leave a suggestion down below for my next one shot....

Peace out!

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