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Saw this comic and knew I had to make a one shot from it!!

It was Anna's birthday, Hiccup was so proud that his daughter was finally 15 years old and could start her dragon riding training. He'd always been afraid of her starting her training in case she got hurt. But as she got older, so did he and he realized he couldn't protect her forever. That is after being told by Anna repeatedly that that was the case.

Currently she was in her room. Astrid was dressing her up for the party that was to be held in the Great hall.

"Ugh! Mum! Do I have to wear all this stuff?" Anna groaned as her mother dressed her in a dress that went down to her ankles. Astrid sighed and looked at her daughter.

"Your name means beauty, and sometimes its nice to show that...." Astrid tried to persuade her, Anna looked at her mother with a sarcastic look.

"You saying I don't always look beautiful?" Anna smiled. Astrid playfully slapped her daughter on the shoulder and walked over to the wardrobe in the corner of the room.

Astrid sighed and opened it, inside was a beautiful new suit of armor that was designed specifically for Anna by her father. He'd made it specially for her training but Astrid felt as though she deserved to have a wonderful night. Even if that meant dressing like she's in battle.

"Oh my Thor! Mum! Is that... Mine?!" Anna exclaimed in excitement. Astrid smiled at her daughter's face, her face was beaming brighter than a Night Fury's fire. She handed her the outfit and left Anna in peace. "Thank you..." Anna replied as Astrid left the room.


Hiccup was sat at the back of the Great Hall, he was looking out out at all the people of Berk. Suddenly the doors to the Hall swung open with a bang. The wind scuttled over the small people of Berk and made its way towards Hiccup. It brushed his hair away from his eyes to reveal the last person he expected to see at this moment.

"Brother!!" A familiar voice rang out among the people of the Great Hall, Hiccup could hear his eyes roll at that voice. He watched as most of the people in the Hall spread in order to clear the way for the Chief of Berserker Island.

"Oh boy," Hiccup whispered before throwing his arms out in welcoming. "Dagur!" Hiccup shouted in a friendly voice to show his welcoming. The villagers ignored them and continued with the party.

Dagur walked over to Hiccup with open arms, but Hiccup was too busy rolling his eyes to notice a tall boy walking quietly in tow with Dagur. He looked around the room and rubbed his arm in fear, why did he have to be here? He didn't see the point. His eyes reflected the beautifully dull light of the Great Hall, his broad rough hands ran themselves through his field of hair that glimmered thanks to the sea water still present within its roots. Although he looked much like the man he was shadowing, but his energy felt... Different. A sense of calm within him. Very much unlike Dagur!

Dagur withdrew from their hug and stepped aside to reveal the shadowed boy. His head slowly looked up, but his hand was still attached to his other arm in fear. His eyes met with Hiccup's and smiled hesitantly.

"Ah, Hiccup. This is my son. Oswald..." Hiccup looked at Dagur in sympathy, then back at the boy. He held out his hand to be shaken.

"Hello, Oswald. You were named after a great man, I hope you understand that my boy..." Hiccup smiled warmly as Oswald shook his hand. He sensed this calming aroma that surrounded the boy. Hopefully he will be like his grandfather, Hiccup thought.

Just as the two parted their hands, the doors slowly opened and the crowd revealed the two visitors. Hiccup smiled as his eyes were laid upon his darling wife, and his beautiful daughter. Astrid smiled back at Hiccup and gestured to Anna, Hiccup responded and approached them.

"Look at you!" Hiccup exclaimed in admiration. Astrid smiled and herded herself around to behind Hiccup. She laid a hand upon one of his shoulders and smiled at Anna.

"She's beautiful isn't she?"

"She sure is." Hiccup replied. Anna rolled her eyes at the couple in front of her.

"Alright." Hiccup and Astrid turned their heads toward one another and exchanged a smile. "Just let me enjoy my party." With that, they watched their daughter disappear into the crowd.

"How's my chief tonight then?" Astrid asked smiling as she said chief, she knew he hated being called that. But that was what was fun about it. Hiccup looked back at her with an un-amused look covering his face, it almost cloaked his loving complexion that Astrid had fallen in love with.

"Not funny." He stated as Astrid began to snicker, " I'm just a little on edge because of... Well, you know who." Hiccup gestured with his head toward the booming body if a familiar man that Astrid only could guess who.

"What's he doing here?! How did he know about this any who?" Astrid stared angrily. She hated that man, he believed that Anna and his son, Oswald, could marry and make the two tribes one.

They would be marrying for advantage! Hiccup and Astrid definitely didn't marry and have a daughter so that she could link their tribes together. If anything that was the last thing on their mind when they got carried away one night and conceived Anna. But that's a different story.

"I have no idea, but he's here." Hiccup sighed and looked at Astrid who's face was burning up with anger, fire burning from her eyes as she shot them at Dagur. Hiccup took her chin and made her look at him. He smiled lovingly, dousing the fire and cooling her rage. Astrid put on a fake smile. "Good enough." He said and wandered back over to his chair at the front of the room.

Hiccup sat and watched over the party, his eyes had lost sight of Anna but he assumed that she was having fun anyway. Hiccup was too busy watching the party that he didn't notice the bulky, hairy chief approaching him. Dagur wrapped a friendly arm around Hiccup's shoulders in one swift movement which made Hiccup jump. Hiccup continued to look ahead trying not to acknowledge him.

"Isn't i glorious?" Dagur announced loudly making Hiccup flinch slightly at the volume he was projecting. "Your daughter, my son!" Hiccup froze. What?! Hiccup's expression tensed and angered as he scanned the room for Anna. His head began to think of every possible consequence their was that she was in. As his eyes landed on the two, he felt his hands ball up and prepared for it to meet a face.

Hiccup violently shook himself from Dagur's grip and stormed over to the couple. Anna's face was glued to Oswald's as they were connecting their lips in different ways. Hiccup felt every fibre of his being wrapping up in hatred for this boy that was connected to his daughter's face.

"Anna!" Hiccup raged, Anna tore away from the boy and looked at her father in shock. But before she could argue about the situation, Hiccup grabbed her arm and dragged her away from the boy and the party.

As they were met with the cold winter air from the atmosphere that was surrounding Berk on this night, Anna turned to her father who had closed the doors to the Great Hall indicating no entry for her.

"DAD! What in the name of Thor was that about?!" Hiccup looked at his daughter with the same anger ridden expression.

"You are not to see that... Boy! Understand?!" Hiccup yelled, but due to his anger he didn't notice a young woman with a soft expression upon her face.

"Oswald? This is what it is about? Just because I was kissing him. That's insane Dad, you're insane!" Anna yelled back, she was shocked by Hiccup's response to her one time kiss. She didn't like the boy but she just wanted to do something fun, the party was boring anyway.

"Anna!" Hiccup and Anna turned to the woman behind Hiccup, "Don't talk to your father like that." Astrid approached them and placed a hand upon Hiccup's shoulder. She then smiled at Anna. "Go back to the house, I think you've had enough fun for one night..."

The End

I hope you guys liked this one, I feel as though the ending was slightly rushed and so might not be very good. But I tried to put some protective father Hiccup parts in there. Anyway I hope you guys like it!

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