Thawfest Part 2

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Sorry for the wait, but here you go..

Hiccup woke up early the next morning and headed straight to the forge. He began to work on Toothless' tail, making it lighter and stronger. Hiccup realised his dad was right and he had to show Astrid what she is doing to her friends. He has to be a lousy winner, like last time... He knows it sounds insane but it was his only option, and he didn't much like it himself.

Toothless soon joined him in the forge and gave Hiccup a gummy smile as the dragon watched his friend craft in the workshop. Something was up with his rider, he could tell... Toothless then saw something shining from his workshop and bounded over in excitement,

"What are you doing, bud?" Toothless continued to bound over and began searching for the shining item. Hiccup sighed and carried on with his work, that is until a familiar item landed in front of him. The bracelet. The one he had made for her years ago, but why did he still have it? His heart warmed as picked it up and heard Toothless gurgling behind him,

"I guess you have your reasons. But you're going to be clearer than this, bud." Toothless rolled his eyes and gestured his head towards the sweet young blonde who was making her way through the village,

"Astrid?" Hiccup tried to fix the pieces of the puzzle together. The bracelet he'd made for the stubborn Viking before dragons, the currently irritating Astrid Hofferson... Wait, no?!

"You think I fell in love with the beast behind the girl?" Toothless shook his head, no? Hiccup didn't realise that Ruff had been eavesdropping the entire time. She smiled to herself and thought she'd drop in,

"You fell in love with the girl because of the beast, Hiccup... And no matter how irritating Astrid is being right now, you always find a way to love her for who she is... You always see the good in those who have already lost hope, you see the light in Astrid's eyes that no one else can light but you. Only you can show her who she really is..." With that Ruff disappeared, leaving Hiccup stood in the forge wondering where in Thors name did she come from? Hiccup sighed, she was right. Hiccup loved Astrid no matter what but he still had to do what he needed to. To get Astrid back to normal...


The village began to crowd around the academy to watch the next set of events. Astrid walked in with Stormfly and smiled, she was sure she was gonna win this year. She needed it...

Astrid thought back to all those times she had the opportunity to win, to be a hero, but then remembered the way she would give it up. Let them be the hero... All Astrid ever wanted was to be seen as great, just once, to show everyone how great she was. But she never got those a chances, not until today, and wasn't going to lose her chance at glory! She walked over to Hiccup and placed her hand on his shoulder,

"Good luck today, may the best rider win..." Astrid smiled, but then Hiccup smirked back,

"Oh, you think I'll win? Don't worry I'll be a good challenger for the competition..." Astrid removed her hand and put hit on her hip, her jaw dropping in shock and anger. Hiccup just closed it for her and mocked her, "Don't hurt yourself big girl..." Astrid's fists grew white as she watched Hiccup mount up onto Toothless followed by the rest of the gang. It was time for the first event, The Hurdles.

Astrid was doing well but missed the last hurdle thanks to Stormfly and her balance making it difficult for them to fly under the last hurdle. Hiccup, as usual, flew under them as if they weren't there and they did in the most stylish manner. Flying upside down. Astrid's fists tightened as she watched Mulch write in one point for Hiccup,

"Yes, we won! I think that's the second time I've won this event... Might as well give up now guys," The other teens smiled at him, he was a terrible actor, but Astrid was so blinded by her eagerness to win she didn't realise he was faking his cockiness. Stormfly strolled up next to Toothless giving him a cheeky grin and Toothless returned it,

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