Paint War Part 2

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Okay I wasn't intending for there to be a part two but you guys requested it so here it is. Also my apologies if it is worse than expected as I really didn't have the best idea in the world!!!

Hiccup and Astrid swept the floor, cleaning the last of the paint up as the sun began to set. But Astrid was thinking about what happened earlier, about that kiss, it wasn't a regular peck on the lips like she was used to. This one was different, but she just didn't know how. She to know what it meant, were they together now?

"Hey, Hiccup?" Hiccup carried on brushing,

"Mhmm" Astrid sighed she stopped brushing and looked at him,

"What was that kiss about? Was that your way of asking me out?!" Hiccup immediately stopes brushing and gave Astrid a bewildered look. He was shocked,

"What?! Well, did you... Did you want it to be? Will you be... My girlfriend?" Astrid squealed and ran over to him. She hugged him intensely and snaked her arms around his neck,

"Of course I will, you muttonhead!" Hiccup couldn't be happier, he wrapped his hands around her waist and held her close. This moment was perfect, until it wasn't,

"What do you two think you are doing?!" Astrid unwrapped her arms from Hiccup and he did the same,

"Dad! What's wrong?" Her dad wasn't impressed and definitely didn't like the idea of her kissing another guy instead of working. He stormed over to her and took her hand aggressively,

"You're coming with me. Hiccup stay here and clean up the mess you've made here!" Hiccup's fists balled up and his knuckles turned white. He looked at Astrid who gave him a loving look, she shook his head saying that she would be okay. Hiccup relaxed and nodded his head, he picked up his brush and carried on with cleaning up the academy.

Astrid left the arena with her father, Hiccup continued to clean up and sighed to himself. He should have said something, he should have made her father change his mind and stay. But he didn't, and why? Because Astrid told him not to, but he believed he made the right choice. Yet in his gut he believed otherwise. Astrid was a young, intelligent, beautiful woman who could make all the choices she wants to... Hiccup finished cleaning up and decided to pay Astrid a visit. He made his way through the village and was stopped by Snotlout,

"Man! That Hofferson is one hell of a scary fellow!" Hiccup widened his eyes,

"Why do you say that?!" Snotlout laughed nervously and patted him on the shoulder,

"Take a walk by Astrid's house, won't be as confusing then." He looked at Astrid's house once more before running towards the academy. Hiccup facepalmed, he often wondered why Snotlout annoyed Astrid but he could take a guess,

"Muttonhead," He whispered to himself under his breath. He wasn't scared of Astrid's father, the only person he was scared of was his own father. His future responsibilities as chief. But Hiccup continued on his way to Astrid's house, no scared viking was going to stop him. Yet he really should have listened to Snotlout. As he entered further into the village he could hear Astrid's father's voice, booming throughout the village. He swore he felt an earthquake at one point. Hiccup approached closer so he could hear clearer, but then again he really wished he hadn't,

"You call yourself a Hofferson! You hang out with a bunch of scared teenagers for Thor's sake! But don't get me started on Hiccup!" Hiccup balled his hands into fists once he heard his name. What was so bad about him?!

"Dad, please..." Astrid's voice was barely audible from where Hiccup was but she could hear the pain in her voice,

"No! I don't want to hear it!" Hiccup couldn't stay there any longer. He had to leave, back to his house.

Hiccup ran as fast as his legs or leg would carry him and slammed open the door to his house, frightening his father. Hiccup's tear stained face was the first thing on Stoick's mind but before he could say anything Hiccup made sure he butted out,

"I'm fine, Dad. Just..." But Hiccup couldn't do it. He broke down and slumped down on a nearby chair. He couldn't take it anymore. He guessed people will always see him as the fish bone he always was and probably always will be. Stoick looked at his son, he'd never seen him like this. He looked heart broken yet angry at the same time, almost like he was owed an explanation,

"Son. I know you feel like I can't help but you have to let me try..." Hiccup sighed,

"I don't know what there is to tell you. Except that Astrid's father needs an attitude adjustment!" Stoick let out a roar of laughter and Hiccup gladly joined in. He was no longer concerned about other people's views of him, he cared about the fact that his father was laughed with him and not at him. He was happy for once, but not as happy as he is with Astrid, he was just... Happy.

"Well, son. I know that some people don't always appreciate you but you're bigger than them because you changed all of us..." For once Hiccup actually agreed with his father and wasn't trying to get his own way. But their family time was soon interrupted by the door which slammed open. Hiccup jumped up to see who was there,

"Astrid? What are you..." Astrid came over to him, she was gasping for breath. She'd clearly been running,

"My dad hates you so much right now. He is forbidding me from seeing you again." But she sounded more excited about that than you would think,

"And you came here to rub in my face?"  Hiccup shrugged and gave Astrid a confused look. She just sighed and looked at him,

"Don't you get it, forbidden love, that is so hot!" Astrid grabbed Hiccups tunic and pulled him closer crashing their lips together. Although it was short it was passionate,

"Okay guys save it for when I'm not here. But just for information I'm glad you chose her Hiccup..." Astrid shared a loving glance with Stoick,

"I chose him..."


The next day Hiccup strolled through town. He didn't care about the heat or the rabble that surrounded him, all he could think about was Astrid, that's all he could ever think about. Hiccup was suddenly pulled away from town and into the forge, he thought Gobber was getting him in for an early shift but when he turned around he was shocked,

"Mr. Hofferson?!" Hiccup was confused but Mr Hofferson didn't seem to have the want to kill him. That was a good sign... Right?

"I came to thank you... You truly have made an impact on my daughter. She used to be so closed off from others especially after her mother died. But you've opened her heart again, and for that I thank you..." Hiccup was even more confused,

"Wait but I thought you banned her from seeing me again?"

"That was a test: if she came to you I would know that she truly does love you, but if she didn't then I would know she, well, didn't love you... But what you two have, keep hold of it... And never, ever, let go.." With that he disappeared into the village leaving Hiccup stood in the forge.

That was it and I won't be writing a third one for you I'm afraid😢😢😢!!! But I am getting to work on all of those requests as quickly as possible and don't worry, I will have them up soon. Just be patient...

I still need dares for my truth or dare one shot as well as a good storyline for it as well, what do you think: sleepover or night watch? Let me know!!!

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