Shot through the Heart - Request

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Okay this is a request from Amaryllx and I am so sorry that it took me this long to upload it, or even write it for that matter but I hope you guys like it.

Sypnosis: Hiccup stresses when Viggo outsmarts him for the 5th time and becomes worked up which clouds his judgment. But when someone is there to comfort him, they come off worse...

Viggo sat at the end of the cave and awaited Hiccup and his dragon riders arrival. He expected the boy and his companions to be a lot quicker to answer his summons than this. But nevertheless, he waited. And waited.

Eventually he heard the now familiar sound of a Night Fury coming down the cave towards him. It was time. He turned his head slightly and nodded and the hidden Hunters that surrounded him. At that mark, they all prepared their bows and Dragon Root tipped arrows at the incoming riders.

"Viggo!" Hiccup shouted as he arrived at the beginning of Viggo's sight line. Viggo adjusted his seat with ease and smiled deviously.

"Hiccup, so happy to see you once again... Late." Viggo said, disappointingly. Hiccup shot him a clueless look and then tensed. He thought he'd felt the uneasy feeling of evil eyes staring down at him. He looked up.

"Do you mind asking your Hunters to lower their bows, it's making me uneasy?" Hiccup eyed one of the Hunters precariously. Viggo sighed and nodded, again, to his hunters. They yielded. Viggo smiled at Hiccup and offered him the seat infront of him, Hiccup hesitantly accepted. Between them was a table which had upon it a Maces and Talons board. But the traitor piece was still broken.

"Like I said in my message. The traitor always dies..." Viggo announced deviously.

"Yet the game board can always be changed when there is a new piece added to the game." Hiccup smiled. Viggo stared at him, still wearing his devious smile from before. His poker face was not going to be broken by a little kid.

"Of course, of course. But what if the opposite player had something... that could win the game?" Viggo pushed his chair back and stood. he stepped aside to reveal a dark cage, concealed by the shadows. Suddenly a bright light was shone upon it and revealed,

"Heather!" Hiccup shouted and tried to run to the cage but was instantly stopped by a horde of arrows that landed straight in front of him, skimming him by a millimeter. 

"Checkmate, wouldn't you say?" Viggo said from out of the shadows before...



Everything went black...

Astrid's POV:

We'd been searching for hours, and there was still not a single sign of Hiccup anywhere. I was starting to get worried. Hiccup was my best friend, and possibly something more. If he had gotten himself killed because of this Viggo obsession, then I was gonna scream. Possibly kill myself to annoy him in Valhalla, even though that wouldn't get me into Valhalla. More like Hellheim. But hey, you get what I mean.

"Astrid! I think I've found him!" Fishlegs screamed from the other side of the island. I couldn't help but let out a little scream of joy as the wonderful news reached my ears. Wonderful! We've found him. Actually, he did say might?

Nevertheless, I guided Stormfly over to where Fishlegs was shouting from. We quickly arrived at the entrance to a cave where Fishlegs was waiting, and once he saw us he guided us in.

The walls seemed wet and the atmosphere was filled with fear and as we got further in I could feel the fear myself, shivering down my spine. But the feeling soon subsided when I saw Hiccup's limp figure on the floor and beside his Night Fury friend. But I was only concerned with Hiccup, so fear was the last thing on my mind and the last feeling I could feel at that moment.

"Hiccup! Hiccup, are you okay?!" I shouted and knelt beside Hiccup's unconscious body. I looked down at his soft, expressionless face. I could've kissed those lips, if he hadn't woken up at that moment.

"Ugh... What?" Hiccup groaned as he carefully, but slowly, pushed himself into a sitting position. I wrapped my arms around in joy.

"You're okay! Thank Thor." I exasperated to him. I heard him sigh, but then I felt a strong push on my chest as I was suddenly thrown away from his body. I looked at him with surprise. he pushed me away? "Hiccup?" I asked quietly at his angered face.

"Yea, I'm only alive no thanks to you! Viggo could've killed me if he wanted to, and all because you weren't there as back up!" I was taken aback.

"But Hiccup. You asked for no back up?" Fishlegs pointed out. I nodded in agreement, hesitantly.

"Well then YOU should know not to listen to me!" Hiccup shouted at me. I was hurt. Very hurt. I felt like I had just been shot through the heart, or that he'd just ripped it out and stomped on it, then throwing it in my face in disgust. I was breaking down from the inside. But on the outside I'd looked like I'd just died.

"I'm-I'm s-s-sorry, H-Hicc-Hiccup." I stammered. Fishlegs looked at me sadly as I ran out of the cave, tears streaming down my face. But as I left and was greeted by the sun, I broke down. Crawling on the floor as if looking for my axe. But I was searching for my heart, torn apart by my soulmate. My Hiccup. "I'm sorry..." I whispered one last time before I fell to the floor bursting into tears.

I heard a thump as a dragon landed nearby, but I didn't care that they could see me crying, I was already dead inside anyway. They wouldn't see me like this for long. I was pulled up and looked at the sun soaked silhouette in front of me, I squinted my eyes to adjust them to the light.

"Astrid... Are you alright?" Heather's voice was soft as it reached my ears. She sat in front, staring at me intently with pity soaked in as well. I smiled, half-heartedly.

"No, I wish I was..." I sighed slowly. Heather pulled me close and hugged me tightly. I really wish I didn't care what Hiccup said to me, but I couldn't help it.

"What happened?" Heather asked. AT that, I began to sob again.

"Hiccup... He-He sh-shout-t-ted a-at m-m-me..." I sobbed quietly. But as I finished I suddenly felt Heather's warmth leave my side. I didn't care anymore, I already felt like I was hugging Death at that moment anyway.

I wiped my tears, but as I did I felt two strong, nimble arms wrap themselves around me, making my soul soar. I suddenly felt my heart beating again, faster than it had before. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Hiccup there hugging me tight. I sighed with content.

"I'm so sorry, Astrid. I didn't mean to upset you..." I pulled away and looked him deep into his eyes. I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled.

"You don't need to use words to apologize to me..." With that I pressed my lips deep against his and felt his lips doing the same. He was kissing back! I was so happy I could've floated away but I wouldn't want to leave Hiccup. This was the moment I had been waiting for for 5 years, and I finally got it.

And I wouldn't have traded that moment for the world...

Okay, what did you think. I know the ending may have seemed rushed but I couldn't think of anything else good to say and well...

Anyway I hope you guys liked it and I will be writing my next one shot soon!

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