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I was watching the Heather Report recently and I decided to make a back story with it. This is set in part 1 of the episodes...

The glistening moon lit up the dark village below the clouds. Astrid was quietly feeding her dragon, Stormfly. The Nadder was happily chewing down her chicken,

"That's it girl, eat your chicken. When Hiccup finds out that this is what is making you so fast, he'll be eating our dust..." Suddenly Stormfly pricked her spines. Astrid looked around worriedly, "What is it girl?" Stormfly continued to look off into the distance, Astrid followed her gaze and saw a familiar figure stood hidden beneath the shadows. "Hey!" She called out but the silhouette soon ran off. Astrid followed it all the way up to Hiccup's house when she suddenly stopped in her tracks. She knew who it was, "Heather?"

Astrid walked up to Hiccup's door and opened it carefully. She saw Hiccup quietly sleeping on the floor, she wanted to tell him what she saw but she couldn't disturb him. He just looked so peaceful,

"Astrid?" Too late. Hiccup's eyes flickered open and Astrid knelt down beside Hiccup,

"Sorry to disturb you, but I just saw Heather near my house... Any idea why she would be there?" Astrid looked deep into Hiccup's eyes, hoping that he would believe her.

"Astrid it's late. Couldn't it be possible that you saw something else." Hiccup was wide awake now and didn't look too impressed. Astrid suddenly became enraged by Hiccup's accusation.

"I know what I saw!" Hiccup sighed.

"Fine... We'll talk more about this in the morning, alright?" Astrid nodded and walked out of his house. Hiccup turned to his dragon who had opened an eye to check whether Hiccup was okay.

"You know bud. Astrid's beginning to worry me a little..." Hiccup sighed and went back to sleep.


Astrid watched Hiccup and Heather fly around on Toothless. She felt this tinge of anger. She couldn't be jealous could she? She patted Stormfly and they flew off towards the forest. There was only one way she could relieve her stress and actually decide whether or not she was jealous, but she of who?

Astrid just sat (that's a first) in the forest, and watched the world crumble away. She sighed as the birds tweeted in the trees and Stormfly quietly snored behind her. Astrid smiled as she closed her eyes and fell away from the rest of the world...

In Dream...

Astrid came over to Hiccup's house to check on him. She always did this, but she did it more now because of Heather. The girl who mysteriously washed up on our shores. Astrid's fists tightened whenever she thought about her.

Astrid opened the door to Hiccup's house to find out that he wasn't there, she was a little sad at first but then she heard a voice coming from upstairs. With the curiosity clawing at her, Astrid quietly crept up the stairs towards the voice. As she neared the top of the stairs, the voice became clear. Heather? Astrid listened to what she was saying,

"Here it is. The Deadly Nadder." Astrid's eyes widened. What was she doing reading about her dragon? "Piercing spines, loyal, powerful---" Atsrid had arrived into the room and interrupted her,

"Intelligent and of course, Deadly. What do you think you're doing?!" Heather froze. Astrid quickly stormed over and grabbed the book out of her hands. She gave Heather a death glare before she whispered, "Let's see what Hiccup thinks of this, shall we?"

Before long Hiccup came running up the stairs. He had heard all the commotion before and wanted to see what was going on. He appeared in the room to see the two girls staring at each other,

"Just exactly what is going on?!" Astrid turned around and smiled when she saw Hiccup. She quickly handed him the book.

"Here you go." She the turned to Heather, "Well?" Heather stood up from the floor and walked over to them.

"I'm sorry Hiccup, I was cleaning your room and I was curious... I'm sorry I shouldn't have been intruding." Astrid put her hands on her hips,

"It's okay, I trust you..." Astrid's eyes widened,

"Are you serious?!" Hiccup looked at her and rolled his eyes,

"Okay Astrid, you need to calm down..." Astrid's fists tightened,

"ME?! She's the one sneaking around, looking at our stuff!" Hiccup sighed,

"Look Astrid, don't you think you're being a bit paranoid." Astrid let out a frustrated sigh,

"I know what I saw." Heather sighed,

"She's right. But I couldn't sleep so I decided to go for a walk. I was having bad dreams that's all..." Hiccup then stepped closer.

"I can imagine..." Astrid widened her eyes further,

"Is this really happening?" Hiccup sighed and Heather hugged him close. Hiccup was quite surprised by the action before he placed his hands around Heather's waist. Meanwhile, Astrid was stepping back in shock. This can't be happening. Hiccup leaned in and Heather closed her eyes,

"No..." Astrid whispered, Hiccup kept leaning in. Closer, and closer. "NOO!!"

End of Dream

"NOO!!" Astrid sat bolt upright. She was sweating, panting. What in Thor's name was that all about? Astrid tried to calm herself, she couldn't keep her head straight. Was she jealous of Heather? No. She couldn't be. Astrid shook her head trying to relieve herself from her thoughts.

Stormfly, who had heard her scream, came over and gently nudged her rider. Astrid smiled and hugged her dragon, tears streaming down her face. Why was she crying? It wasn't as if the dream was true? Astrid sighed and pulled away from her dragon,

"Astrid? Hello? Anyone here?!" Astrid froze. Hiccup? What was he doing here? Was he looking for her? She couldn't let him see her like this, what would he think of her then. Astrid quickly hopped onto Stormfly and prepared to take off. "Astrid, wait!" Astrid turned to see Hiccup running up to her.

"Save it Hiccup. I... I just need to be alone..." Hiccup had a sorrowful look in his eyes, "I'm fine..." Hiccup sighed.

"Astrid, you are not fine." Astrid groaned. She nudged Stormfly to take off, but a snap of twigs spooked her sending Astrid into the air. Astrid prepared to meet the floor, but it never came. Instead she was met with two strong arms cradling her near his chest,

"Thanks, Hiccup... Now can you let me down?" Hiccup rolled his eyes,

"And let you run off without speaking to me." Astrid sighed in defeat. She looked at him worriedly,

"But aren't I heavy?" Hiccup chuckled,

"Not enough to matter..." Astrid smiled, "Listen Astrid..." Astrid stopped him,

"No Hiccup you listen. I'm sorry that I've been a bit angry and skeptical lately, it's just... It's just... It hurt when you said that you don't trust me..." (P.S He said this before the start of the one shot, and not exactly in those words...) Hiccup sighed,

"I never said I didn't trust you. I wanted you to trust me... That's all..." Astrid punched him in the shoulder, "OW! What was that for?!" Astrid smiled,

"That's for not putting me down," She then pressed her lips against his, "And that's for... Everything else." Hiccup smiled before finally putting her back onto the floor.


Been a long time. I know, right? I really need to update this more often, and yet I don't have a lot of ideas so... I will try my best to come up with some good ones though! I promise!! But please by all means write me a request and I will write it for you as I am on holiday from school at the moment!!!

Love you all and remember to keep loving Hiccstrid!!!

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