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This story is going to be a little long but anyway here's the summary:

Astrid is an orphan whose only family is the stepmother and stepsisters who abuse and use her everyday. She has always been taught by her mother to 'have courage and be kind' and so she lives by it every day. She is the slave to these two wretched beings and when she finally has enough of the abuse, her life changes forever. (basically the plot to the 2015 version of Cinderella, but i'm going to change how it ends)

Astrid awoke that morning she felt a grainy, black air around her. When her eyes fluttered open she noticed the cinders in front of her at the base of the fireplace.

"ASTRID!!" She snapped back to reality and arose as she realised where she was. She sighed as she saw the bells indicating they need attention.

"Great..." Astrid whispered as she rose to make breakfast for her step family. She hated this but she had no choice, it was either this or have no home and stay somewhere in the woods.


"I thought that breakfast was ready. Is it not?" Ingrid, Astrid's stepmother, said in anger towards Astrid as she was knelt in front of the fire, adding warmth to the room.

"Oh, it is madam. I'm just mending the fire." Astrid explained as she added a couple more pieces of coal to the fire. She then walked away and to the breakfast trolley in the corner of the room.

"Next time, can we not be called until the work is done." Ingrid announced as she joined her daughters at the table. They looked at Astrid with disgust as she began to serve out their breakfast. Unknown to her, the cinders from the fire during the night had fallen onto her face and stained her skin to show splotches of black upon her face.

"Yes madam." Astrid replied to her as she laid out the food upon the table. Ingrid looked at Astrid's face and noticed dark splodges upon her face, her nose turned up at it. Disgusting child. Yet she did not know what it was,

"Astrid, what is that on your face?" Astrid turned around with two plates full of food in her hand. She looked at her with confusion as she continued to lay them on the table.

"Madam?" Astrid asked as she looked at Ingrid and then to her step sisters, Heather and Camicazi, who looked at her in disgust as well. Astrid turned back to the trolley but unfortunately caught eye contact with Camicazi who was the one to realize what the mystery substance was on her face.

"It's ash from the fireplace!" She announced loudly with a chuckle at Astrid's misfortune. She looked at her and felt like trying to reignite the fire on Astrids's face, unknown that ash cannot be re-lit.

"Do clean yourself up." Ingrid responded.

"You'll get cinders in our tea." Camicazi added, she turned to look at Astrid as she spoke and watched the blonde clean her face with a nearby napkin. Astrid sighed as she looked at the dirty marks that had transferred onto the clean damp cloth. What was happening to her?

"I've got a new name for her!" Heather spoke up, snapping Astrid back to reality and back to her task. "Cinder - wench!" Ingrid and Camicazi smiled at Heather mischievously. Astrid felt her heart tear, what did she do to deserve this?! Astrid tried to put on a brave face through the names, but Ingrid could see right through it and could see her secret hurt beneath all her beauty.

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