Surprise From The Skies

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Okay this is a request by xoSukebu3xoKoko!

Summary: Toothless is no where to be seen so Hiccup decides to test out his new flight suit but is interrupted when someone catches him in the act.

Hiccup and Astrid aren't dating in thus one, just thought I'd mention it!!

Hiccup was up early that morning and was noisily working in his forge. Toothless was lazing around in the sun and wasn't wearing his saddle, which helped him enjoy the heat of the sun more. As Hiccup finished the final part of his invention he turned to shoe Toothless,

"Ta da!!! So... What do you think?" Toothless huffed in response. His eyes looked at the object in Hiccups hands before flopping his head Bach onto the floor. Hiccup sighed,

"Thanks bud... You always make me feel so much better..." His voice oozed sarcasm as he spoke. Toothless just sighed, happily enjoying the sun.

Hiccup sighed as well when he looked once more at the invention in his hands. He just hoped it would work this time. He looked at Toothless once more before walking off to the forest.


Astrid was flying lazily above the forest. She always enjoyed taking a scenic view before the day began and it also helped settle her nerves.

She didn't have much to be nervous about as most of her problems were out at sea at this very moment, just she didn't know exactly where. But she wasn't nervous about them or the dangers she has faced. It was Hiccup. She hated being just friends and it was slowly killing her. She just wanted to call him hers. Her boyfriend. That's all she wanted and all she has ever wanted, but she knows that it's better if they just stay friends. Just friends.

Speaking of Hiccup, Astrid noticed an auburn haired boy stood on the edge of a cliff. Her brows furrowed at the boy. What was he doing? She decided to find out.


Hiccup was stood at the edge of the cliff. He took one step forward and looked down. His heart skipped a beat, why did always enjoy doing this? He checked over his flight suit once more before he held out his hand to test the updraft. Nothing. He warmed up his hands and tried again,

"Woah!!" Suddenly he felt himself being dragged up by his shoulders. He slowly tilted his head upwards to see a familiar Deadly Nadder holding his shoulders, rather tightly as well. Astrid peaked round the Madders belly towards Hiccup,

"Surprise!" Hiccup sighed in frustration,

"Astrid! What are you doing here?!" Astrid smiled,

"I could ask you the same question..." Hiccip gulped. Astrid stared at him intently,

"Ummm... Well... It, it doesn't concern you!" Astrid's brows furrowed. Hiccup tensed when he saw this. He began to look around for a way out, but nothing. Astrid patted Stormfly and they flew higher into the sky,

"Tell me, Hiccup... Don't make me drag it out of you..." Hiccup chuckled,

"You think you could get information out if me?!" Astrid smiled. She whispered to Stormfly,

"Stormfly, drop it." Hiccups eyes widened as he heard this. He suddenly felt himself fall from the Nadders grasp. The wind smacked against his face as he fell faster towards the ground. Hiccup knew he only had one choice. He slid his hands into the flight suit's wings and tried to activate it,

"Huh?" The straps ripped off the flight suit and left Hiccup calling out in panic as he felt himself falling faster towards the ground,

"ASTRID!!! Alright! You win!!!" As he said that Hiccup felt the Nadders claws wrap around his shoulders and stop his fall. Astrid looked at him from atop of Stormfly,

"So..." Hiccup clutched Stormfly tighter as he spoke,

"Alright I was hoping to test out my flight suit today in the hope it would actually work!" Astrid smiled as she looked at the babbling Hiccup. She stretched out her fingers,

"I'd better use that trick more often..." Hiccup sighed as they set off on their way back to the Edge.


The Edge soon came into view and Hiccup released a breath he didn't realise he was holding. Astrid heard him and couldn't stop her face pulling at the sides of her mouth. Her teeth showed and reflected a brilliant light off them; a lightbulb came to her head.

She guided Stormfly to the Clubhouse and she allowed the Nadder to drop Hiccup. But when Astrid dismounted her dragon, the Nadder proceeded to hop onto Hiccup,

"Ugh!! Astrid?!" Astrid smiled and turned to look at him trying to keep a straight face,

"What? I just think that a punch in the shoulder isn't sufficient enough?" Hiccup groaned and relaxed under Stormfly's heavy weight. Astrid couldn't help but smile at her latest victory.

Hiccup noticed this smile and felt the same smile appear on his face. But he didn't mind, at least he had a part of her with him even though they are now in a battle...

And he's going to win!


Astrid walked into her hut that evening to find Hiccup sat on her bed sharpening one her axes. She felt her blood boil instantly and her fists turning white. No one touches her axes, not even Hiccup.

Hiccup felt her devil glare on him and smiled. He was prepared for the worst, but to be honest it was Astrid, there wasn't anything worse. He dropped the stone he was sharpening the axe with and spoke,

"You know, when a solider is challenged he is obliged to win..." He didn't take his eyes off her axe. Astrid's eyes widened at Hiccups statement. What in Thor's name was he going on about? Hiccup finally looked up,

"Who told you you could touch my axe?!" Hiccup hopped off her bed,

"No one..." He shamefully held out the axe towards Astrid. His eyes dropped with sorrow and this made Astrid's heart dying. But why?

"Huh." Astrid grabbed the axe without taking her eyes off Hiccups. She melted away into his forest, she twisted and turned through his green fields but was soon pulled away when she suddenly felt a warm sensation under her hands,

"Astrid?" She saw her hand wrapped around Hiccups who was still firmly holding onto the axes handle, but his eyes were still fixed in hers. Astrid chuckled a sigh, but soon noticed Hiccups body approaching hers. She heard a clatter as her axe dropped into the cold floor, but she was too lost in Hiccups eyes to care.

He approached further towards her and she soon felt her heart rate rise. She heard her brain sigh with pleasure, she wanted to step back but all she could do was step forward. Soon her questions were answered when she felt a warm, yet familiar, sensation touch her lips. Her eyes closed in submission as she wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him in closer, she had been waiting 4 years for this to happen to her again and she was gong to savour every last moment of it.

When Hiccup finally pulled away Astrid tightened her grip on his neck. She didn't want him to leave but at the same time she knew he had to. She felt his arms slowly retract from her waist, her heart rate simmered and cooled down. Her hands slowly slid down his arms as her head lowered,

"Sorry about earlier Hiccup... I was just worried about you," Hiccups brow furrowed,

"Worried?" Astrid nodded,

"You know I hate your flight suits. I mean, what if no one is around to catch you?" Hiccup smiled and lifted up Astrid's head with his hand,

"I know that you will always catch me, just like I will always catch you... I love you Astrid." Astrid sighed in relief,

"I love you too Hiccup."


I actually finished a fairly decent one shot! I am actually proud about how well this one turned out. When I started writing it I was a bit sceptical about how it would turn out, but I actually like this chapter!

What do you guys think? Tell me in the comments!! See y'all in the next chapter!!!

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