Secret Adventure

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This is a one shot about what happened between Astrid and Hiccup when they went exploring in the episode, Follow the Leader... Enjoy!

"One more time. While we're gone, we all agreed that Fishlegs will be handling things." Hiccup said in a matter-of-fact way. Fishlegs stood proud whilst Snotlout and the twins were gathered around the table playing cards,

"Yeah. Okay. Sure." The twins and Snotlout said in unison. Tuffnut was looking at his cards and continued to fake his attention,

"Yeah. everything you say is something that we will listen to." Hiccup groaned and turned back to Astrid,

"Let's go..." Astrid nodded and they flew off into the sky. Hiccup furrowed his eyebrows and occasionally looked back towards the edge. Astrid could tell something was wrong,

"What you thinking about?" Hiccup sighed and looked at Astrid,

"Whether I trust the twins and Snotlout with Fishlegs... It's not Fishlegs I'm worried about, it's more the twins I'm worried about!" Astrid shrugged,

"You have a point but come on, we both know we aren't kids anymore... They've grown up, I hope." Hiccup smiled and Astrid smiled back. An awkward silence carried out between them and Astrid rubbed her arm nervously after a while. Hiccup rubbed the back of his neck as well. Toothless and Stormfly exchanged a mischievous look,

"Hey, I see an island up ahead. Maybe we should check it out?" Astrid nodded and they both flew towards the new island. They landed on the island and looked around on foot. Astrid could feel the awkwardness between them but decided to ignore it, Hiccup felt the same but he was with his best friend why was he feeling so awkward with her.

"Soo... What do we think? I certainly haven't seen it before..." Hiccup was looking at the ocean beyond the horizon. Astrid placed a hand upon his shoulder, "Hiccup, there aren't any dragon hunters here so just relax." Hiccup sighed and looked at his friend. She smiled back at him and removed her hand from his shoulder, she got onto Stormfly and headed into the sky. To scout the island though. Hiccup watched Astrid as she patrolled and checked the island, he really did love that girl... Wait! What? He didn't just say that, she's his friend...

"Okay bud, let's find a sea stack with a good view of this island." Toothless gurgled in agreement and shot off into the sky with his rider, they landed on a sea stack with the perfect view of the island. Hiccup dismounted and unpacked his cartography kit, his compass, pencil, map and extra paper. He laid the map out and added an extra sheet of paper to the map by using Toothless' saliva as glue, he could have used something more effective but it was all he had. He heard a squawk behind him and saw Stormfly land and Astrid gracefully dismount. She strolled over and sat beside him,

"So, what shall we name it?" Hiccup shrugged and looked at the island. It was covered in trees and he saw a few Timberjacks in the woods,

"How about, 'Timber island'!" Hiccup panned his hands out as if the words came out of his hands and he was revealing them. Astrid giggled at his motion,

"I love it..." Hiccup smiled and began to draw the outline of the island and the sea stacks that surrounded it. Astrid was fascinated by his creativity and always found it adorable. It was almost as if she could see the gears in his head turning and clocking at every movement, but Astrid couldn't help but smile every time he wanted to find something new. Did those gears in his head ever pause?

"What do you say we do some exploring?" Astrid snapped out of her thoughts. She smiled at Hiccup,

"Or... We could stay here and enjoy the peace and quiet?" Astrid pleaded, she was tired of constantly running errands and flying around islands. She loved exploring but sometimes she felt like they over do it. Astrid sat beside Hiccup and nudged him with her shoulder,

"Oh, alright. We'll stay here..." Astrid sighed,

"Thank you!" Hiccup placed his hand around Astrid's arm that was holding her up (like he does in HTTYD 2), but instead of tearing her arm away she placed her hand on top of his. They looked into each other's eyes dreamily,

"For you, M'lady. Anything..." They continued to look into each other's eyes. Thor knows how long for but they didn't care...

The couple had been there for quite some time, neither of them had realised that they had began leaning towards each other and were inches away from each other's lips. Astrid was the first to realise,

"Hiccup, maybe we should head back. The gang are probably getting worried..." Astrid didn't move her head but removed her eye contact with his to look at their hands. They were still wrapped around each other's and it felt nice,

"I don't care..." Hiccup then leaned closer causing their foreheads to touch, sending sparks around Astrid's body. She, they, needed to get back but she didn't want to, she wanted to feel his embrace again to feel his lips against hers. One more time, but they had to get back,

"But Hiccup..." Astrid sighed, but before she could object anymore Hiccups lips planted themselves onto hers. Sparks ran through her body as if she was kissing him for the first time. She removed her arm from his and wrapped it around his neck, pulling him closer. Hiccup did the same, he placed his spare arm around her waist and pulled Astrid into the kiss. Astrid was in heaven. She had never kissed him like this before yet it felt like she'd been doing it all the time, but again for the first time... It was weird. But she didn't care, she didn't want it to end no matter how far they went.

Hiccup eventually pulled away from a hungry Astrid who kept her grip on his neck, her eyes sparkled in the sun and Hiccup wanted to carry on he really did. But the gang would be waiting for them,

"Let's keep this moment a secret, between us..." Astrid smiled,



Astrid and Hiccup arrived on the island to find it completely destroyed, almost like Thor himself had hit a lightning bolt onto the place. Hiccup groaned, but just then the twins and Snotlout appeared from the rubble. The annoyance soon turned to anger. They were in for it now,

"Hiccup! Nice to see you back... We can explain---" Hiccup dismounted Toothless and walked over to the three troublemakers,

"Really? You can!? Then please by all means..." Hiccup held out a hand gesturing the rubble,

"Alright calm down, geez. Who's face have you been kissing today?" Hiccups eyes widened, how did he know?

"What?" Astrid and Hiccup said in unison,

"Calm down, it's just an expression..." Phew the secret was safe, and a secret was it was how it was going to stay.

Here's another one shot as per request. I know that people are wanting lots of Hiccstrid and I am trying my best, especially with the Thawfest part 3 but I am getting there. All your one shots will be up as soon as possible. FYI I am going to camp in a couple of days and am away for 4 of those days so don't expect to see much action from me then! Love you guys😍😍!!!

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