Hot in the Forge

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This was a request by _invisible_soul_, Enjoy!!!!

Astrid was walking around the village by herself. She'd just come from the academy and those twins could get really annoying at times and she really regretted choosing to look after them for Hiccup. She got so annoyed that whilst they were out doing Thor knows what, she decided to pay Hiccup a visit.

She knew that he would be busy on a new project and won't have time to talk but it was worth a shot right. Astrid saw the forge from where she was and stopped. She was nervous, but why? It was Hiccup, right? She just decided to ignore it and as she got closer she felt the heat coming from the fire. It was roasting in there, but Astrid kept going. It was either him or look for the twins and she much preferred Hiccup.

As she entered she noticed that Toothless wasn't there and who could blame him with the heat, even a dragon couldn't stand long in this heat. Astrid couldn't see Hiccup but she could tell he had been there, she could see all the scrap pieces of metal strewn across the floor. She saw a certain piece of paper on the floor and took a closer look, she saw a new saddle design which just made Astrid groan. When would he ever grow up and stop with the upgrades? Suddenly, she heard a piece of metal clatter onto the floor,

"Hiccup? Are you in there?" Hiccup quickly tidied up inside his workshop and brought out the pieces of metal that he was toying with,

"Hey, Astrid!" Hiccup smiled and carried on with his work. Astrid just stared at Hiccup, she watched the boy walking around. Shirtless. But that wasn't the best part, Astrid was fascinated by the pack of muscles on his stomach. Abs, Hiccup had a six-pack and it made Astrid's heart melt.

"You done staring, m'lady?" Astrid shook her head out of her thoughts, she looked at Hiccup embarrassingly,

"Sorry... I... I..." Hiccup looked at Astrid and placed a hand on her shoulder,

"It's okay, I understand..." She smiled at him before he turned and continued his work on the workbench. Astrid crossed her arms and leaned against the wood pillar that stood beside her. She watched Hiccup completely focused in his work, he always looked adorable with his metal work. Astrid had gotten used to the heat by now and decided to walk further into the forge, she stood beside Hiccup and saw his work. It was amazing but she knew Hiccup wouldn't want to talk to her whilst he was doing his work. But instead of walking away, she jumped a top the bench and sat staring at him intently,

"Sooo... What ya working on?" Hiccup looked up to see Astrid looking down at him, her eyes full of wonder and interest. He smiled at her expression but looked back down at his work to avoid awkward stares,

"I don't want to bore you, but since you're asking... I'm working on a new saddle for Toothless!" Astrid raised her eyebrows and looked at his designs,

"What makes this one different?" Hiccup smirked,

"Well! With this one, it allows me to lock up the tail and Toothless to solo glide by my side for longer, you know when I'm using my flight suit... Anyway, with this design it allows for better steering and a more agile and streamlined design!" Astrid was fascinated by his creativity, this was amazing. She looked at his designs and looked more closely at one of the tail designs that connects to the saddle,

"Have you thought about your stirrup?" Hiccup's eyes widened, and Astrid smiled as Hiccup face-palmed. Astrid smiled and placed the drawing back on the desk, "I'm here to help..." Hiccup smiled and took the drawing in his hands,

"What if I swap the pedal onto the other side and use my other foot to steer!" Astrid sighed. Geek mode activated! Astrid looked at Toothless who was sleeping outside the forge behind her,

"What about the connecting rod, you're going to have to swap it over onto the other side?" Hiccup nodded and drew on his designs. The new design. Astrid placed a hand on his shoulder, "It's a really good idea, but... Maybe you should take a break?" Hiccup sighed and gave Astrid a lovingly look,

"You're right... I should take a step back... The heat's turning my brain to mush anyway..." Astrid laughed and nodded as Hiccup stepped away from the desk. Astrid jumped off the bench and walked over to him and got into his line of sight. She took his hands and lost herself in his forest green eyes. Astrid looked at their hands and then back up to him,

"You need to take a break from time to time... Spend time with those you love..." Astrid smiled at Hiccup. He furrowed his eyebrows,

"Astrid, I am..." Astrid sighed as Hiccup leaned in closer and kissed her. She lost herself in the kiss and wrapped her arms around him, and she didn't care where. Hiccup did the same and wrapped his arms around her back. They deepened the kiss and Hiccup pushed Astrid against the wall, Astrid felt the pressure of Hiccup's chest against hers. she jumped up and wrapped her legs around his waist. The pair were inseparable and in heaven. Their mouths in a tongue-twisting duel and things were heated. Gobber was stood a at the entrance to the forge and cleared his throat, Astrid and Hiccup broke the kiss and saw Gobber stood at the entrance. Astrid quickly unraveled her legs from around Hiccup's waist and Hiccup withdrew his hands from Astrid's waist. Gobber smiled,

"Ah, young love... But don't let me catch ya doin' that out 'ere again... This is a dangerous place for two lovers like you two!" The couple blushed and felt an awkward silence grow between them. But that was short lived as an explosion was heard from the academy. Astrid face-palmed,

"Tuffnut!!" Her fists clenched as she looked towards the academy. Hiccup sighed and began to run out of the forge,

"Hiccup! Shirt!" Astrid hadn't moved and was still stood in the same place. Hiccup however was almost out of the forge,

"Oh, right!" Hiccup quickly pivoted on the spot and pulled his shirt on. After it was on he grabbed Astrid's arm and pulled her towards the academy.

Okay this is my last story before I go soooo... I hope you guys enjoyed it and things did get a little dirty near the end but whatever, at least it didn't go too far! Thanks again to _invisible_soul_ for requesting this!!! As always send me requests and leave a comment below...

"You have the heart of a chief and the soul of a dragon. That is who you are, son..." Valka, HTTYD 2

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