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Sorry this took a long time to publish, but enjoy!

The gang had done it. He was finally defeated. Viggo had sailed away from them never to be seen again as his entire tribe had deserted him or died in their battle. The gang celebrated as Viggo's ship sailed over the horizon. Hiccup smiled as his girlfriend flew beside him beaming widely.

"It's amazing! We did it, Hiccup." Astrid announced holding her arms up high in celebration of their victory. Hiccup smiled back but remembered what Viggo had told him when they defeated him.

"Just because I've been supposedly defeated, does not mean you are safe Hiccup. How far are you willing to go to save the ones you love, to save HER?! Remember the dangers of keeping the ones you love close to you."

Hiccup shuddered as he thought about what Viggo had told him. What could he have meant by that? How could he keep Astrid safe. He needed time, and whilst he did, she needed to be safe. Away from him.

"Hiccup? Are you okay?" Hiccup snapped out of his trance and looked over at Fishlegs who'd noticed his worried expression within the celebration.

"What? Oh, yeah yeah... I'm fine." He answered with a distracted aura, he looked over to Viggo's boat and then down at his hands. He couldn't have any blood on his hands, he can't lose anyone. He can't lose Astrid. He needed to find out who this man was, the man that was going to endanger them all.

"Hiccup?" But Hiccup just turned and flew away, ignoring the shouting voices calling after him. He had work to do and all the gang would do is distract him. Astrid watched as her boyfriend flew away from the gang and began to worry about his behaviour, why wasn't he happy that they had just defeated Viggo, once and for all? It didn't make sense.

"Come on guys, we better start heading back to the Edge. Hiccup's probably on his way there anyway." Astrid announced, trying to seem confident about where Hiccup had gone, but even she was unsure.

"How can you be sure?" Tuffnut quizzed leaning over to her as they flew alongside one another.

"Because, I am... I can just feel it, if he was heading anywhere else. He would've told me." Astrid replied, half worried that Tuffnut could be right. How could she know that that was where Hiccup had gone?

"Tuffnut, leave Astrid alone. If she's sure Hiccup's gone back, then that's where he's gone. Okay?" Fishlegs ordered earning a raspberry from the twins and a grunt from Snotlout, neither believed that Hiccup would've gone back to the Edge. But they had to make sure.

"He'll be there Astrid. He will." Fishlegs comforted, Astrid half smiled at her friend.

"I sure hope you're right Fishlegs..." Astrid replied nonchalantly.

Once they arrived at the Edge, they were met with a dark shadow sleeping within the clubhouse causing Astrid to sprint over to it. She knelt down beside the dragon and smiled to see that he was dreamily snoozing in the warm shade of the clubhouse.

"He is here..." Astrid breathed, she smiled and ran over to his hut hoping to see him working on a project and being his usual happy self.

Astrid quickly arrived at Hiccup's hut but to see that his forge wasn't lit and his hut dark, but the door shut. Astrid opened the door slowly and entered his hut in hope of finding him somewhere within.

"Hiccup?" She called out into the darkness but was only met with silence. Suddenly a crash alerted her and Hiccup soon emerged causing Astrid to smile widely at her boyfriend's dramatic entrance.

"Hey Astrid. What do you want?" Hiccup asked stoically, seeming unhappy that she was there. Astrid felt as though she'd just been stabbed through the heart as he spoke. He wasn't happy to see her, at all? She felt herself step back from the impact and tried to smile.

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