Truth or Dare

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Okay so I was reading other httyd fanfics and noticed that most have done a one shot about 'Truth or Dare' so I thought I would give it a try, Enjoy!!! BTW it's set in RTTE...

Hiccup's POV:

I was up on the catapult with Toothless and sitting in front of the warm fire Toothless had lit for me. It was nice and cosy, the warmth sent a tingling sensation down my fingers. It was perfect, peace and quiet... That is until the twins found me,

"Found Him!" Tuffnut shouted to the bottom of the catapult. I assumed that the rest of the teens were down there waiting for me,

"Ugh... Not one moment to myself," As I said that Astrid, Fishlegs, Heather and Snotlout came into view and they didn't look too happy. I looked at the other teens but tried to avoid Astrid's death glare that was burning a hole straight through my soul,

"Where were you Hiccup?! We've been searching everywhere for you! I mean... A little notice would've been nice!" I could see she was clearly upset and she had every right to be,

"Okay guys let's all calm down and take things slow..." Astrid calmed down and looked at Heather,

"You're right Heather, you're right... I just needed to get that outta my system." She turned to look at me, "I guess that now we are here, we might as well stay..." Tuffnut sat down next to me, he had his usual evil grin spreading across his face,

"That's fine with me! Who's up for 'Truth or Dare'?!" Everyone sighed but they all nodded in unison, except for me. I'm not really the games kind of person...

"I hope it's okay with you guys but I'm gonna sit this one out..." Astrid lightly elbowed me,

"Come on, Hiccup... Please, for me......" She stared at me lovingly with those ocean blue eyes. How could I say no?

"Alright, one game but that's it!" Everyone smiled and we begun. Tuffnut looked at his sister who was sitting opposite him. He smiled wider than ever,

"Okay then, I'll start. Ruff, Truth or Dare?" Ruff scoffed,

"Err, Dare! Duh..." She rolled her eyes, then Tuff rubbed his hands together,

"I dare you to... Drink a concoction of: Yak dung, Mildews cabbage..." Everyone, including me, gagged at the mention of Mildew's cabbage, "And... A handful of salt!" Ruffnut's jaw dropped and took the concoction that Tuff had so elegantly prepared for her. I looked at Astrid who was sat beside me and she just shrugged at me as Ruff began to drink the entire mug. Once she finished her face went paler than a sheep and she ran to the edge of the deck and began to throw up. She turned back towards us once her face had returned to it's normal color. Snotlout  looked at Fishlegs with a smile on his face,

"Okay then... Fishlegs, Truth or Dare?" Fishlegs began to twiddle his thumbs and whimper,

"Errr... T... Tru... Truth" Snotlout smiled at him,

"Alright then. If Heather was in danger and the only way to save her was to sacrifice yourself, would you do it?" Fishlegs' eyes widened and the rest of us gave Snotlout a funny look. How did he come up with that question? Heather began to blush madly as Fishlegs turned away, but as Fishlegs began to decide I thought what it would be like in his shoes, but instead of Heather it would be Astrid. I got lost into my thoughts as I began to wonder what I would do until my heart started to scream down my ears. I would sacrifice myself! I would save her! I was having a battle between logic and love but love was winning. Suddenly I was brought out of my trance when something hard hit my shoulder,

"Hiccup! Are you okay?" I saw Astrid looking at me with worry,

"Yeah... Sorry, I'm fine... Promise..." She smiled back at me. I didn't notice that Fishlegs had gone, not until I saw him tear stained and whimpering. I guess he couldn't decide,

"Astrid! Truth or Dare?"Heather stared at her with a smirk and I felt slightly nervous even though I wasn't the one being asked.

Astrid's POV:

"Astrid! Truth or Dare?" I widened my eyes. I knew what she was going to ask me, but then again I wasn't too sure. She was a mystery that Heather so I decided to just go with my instinct,

"Dare!" I said that more confidently than I actually was but when I heard the dare I regretted it instantly,

"Kiss Hiccup on the lips for 10 seconds!"

"WHAT!" Hiccup and I said in unison. Yes I did have slight feelings for him and Heather knew that, but I wasn't ready to admit them nor even show them.

"No. No way... I am not doing that," Heather smiled at me, I didn't like this game anymore,

"You know I could let you go with truth... But you know what I'm going to ask you..." My fists clenched, she was right. I did know what she was going to ask and it was worse than the kiss,

"Can I forfit?" 

"NO!" The other teens shouted. They almost woke up the entire village, but they've slept through worse. But before I could argue back I suddenly heard the twins begin chanting,

"Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss ,kiss ,kiss, ki---" I quickly grabbed the top of Hiccup's tunic and crashed my lips onto his. The chanting had stopped, but I didn't care. I was kissing Hiccup and it felt... Right?! I felt him put his arm around my waist pulling me closer and I draped my arms around his neck. He put his other hand on back of my neck making the kiss deeper. I was in heaven,

"Ahem!" Heather fake coughed, making me and Hiccup pull apart. My cheeks burned red and they blushed even harder after Heather spoke,

"That was more than 10 seconds, Astrid!" I looked at Hiccup who just smiled back at me. He leaned closer and whispered into my ear,

"But it was worth it..." I giggled and lightly punched his arm,

"It was..." He stared into my eyes and I stared back into his. I saw the other teens getting uncomfortable, especially Snotlout,

"Well, then... We'd better be going, right guys?" Heather got up and gestured for them all to leave. They all groaned but yielded nevertheless which left me and Hiccup alone, and the entire time we had not broken eye contact. 

"Well, we're alone now..." I smiled at him,

"That we are," Hiccup broke our gaze and looked at the fire. He wanted to tell me something but I couldn't tell what,

"Look, Astrid..." My heart began to race, "I've been meaning to say this for a long time but have never had the courage to say it out loud... Astrid," He took my hands and leaned in closer our heads were only inches apart, "Will you... Be... My girlfriend?" He said the last part through gritted teeth to stop himself from stammering. I just thought it was cute, his eyes looked into mine and I looked back into his,

"Of I will, you dork!" He sighed as I wrapped my arms around my neck. "I love you, Hiccup..." He held my face in his hand,

"I love you too, M'lady..."

I hope you liked it and please remember to request stories as my ideas aren't the best in the world but I try my best. Hope you've enjoyed it!!!

Also I watched HTTYD 2 the other day and I couldn't help but cry at Stoick's death and I mean actual tears as well.... But I still love the Hiccstrid scene at the beginning, how those two interact with each other is so adorable!!!

Remember, Keep  Calm and Love HTTYD!

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