Please Concentrate

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"I thought you said you wanted help training," Astrid complained after Hiccup pinned Astrid to the floor, hovering above her and teasing her with a potential kiss. 

Astrid wasn't in the mood. She had her training mind in place, and she wasn't in the mood for idle flirtations, or casual sexual innuendos. It never occurred to her that Hiccup would become so playful and teasing during their training session.

They had only been dating a few weeks, but Hiccup was becoming more and more at ease with his flirting. It started off quite awkward and unsure, but over the weeks, Astrid had let him find his own pace. She had to admit, that she did like it. The teasing, the jokes, the flirting. It made her feel important, wanted, and loved.

But now wasn't the time.

"I did want help with training. But it's not my fault that my girlfriend is so pretty." Hiccup smiled, diving down and giving Astrid a quick peck on her cheek before she could counter his attack.

Surprised and embarrassed by his kiss, Astrid mustered up all her strength and managed to roll them over so that it was her turn to pin Hiccup down onto the ground. He lay beneath her, and she grabbed both his arms and pinned them above his head.

She knew how this looked, and what position they were in. It wasn't exactly an innocent picture. From the look in Hiccup's eye, he knew that too. With a groan, she let him go and stood back up.

Gathering her wooden baton, and Hiccup's discarded one nearby, she tossed his back over to him once he was on his feet and circled the arena. Astrid eyed him carefully, trying to gauge his intentions as they surveyed each other, walking in the same circle around the arena.

"Why did you want me to train you?" Astrid couldn't help but ask, still walking around the arena. 

Hiccup shrugged with a soft smile. "Because you're the only one who seems to understand what she's doing in a fight. Besides," He chuckled to himself before the words could race Astrid's ears. "I'd end up with more injuries than just my peg leg if I tried combat training with the twins."

Astrid laughed at that. He did have a point. She did seem like the only viable, and safe option to train with.

"Then, could you concentrate?" Astrid asked as she came to a stop and crouched into her attack position, Hiccup mirrored the same posture and they both stood at the ready.

Hiccup offered her a playful smirk. "Trust me. There's nothing else taking up my attention other than you, m'lady."

Gritting her teeth and groaning in exasperation at such a line, Astrid bolted forward and engaged him in combat. It wasn't as though Astrid was offended by his words, or that they annoyed her. Instead, Astrid hated how much she liked them, and how they made her feel. It wasn't like her to be completely undone by someone else's words. This feeling of being at a complete loss whenever Hiccup's words made her heart tremble in her chest.

Astrid hated losing. But Hiccup was slowly winning her heart, and she kind of liked it.

They battled on, their grunts of effort melting into one another, and their bodies heated in some kind of electric war. It wasn't the drive to win or succeed that was driving their bodies towards each other, locked in a bitter rivalry. There was something else keeping them together.

Their batons locked together, neither one of them willing to back down. They finally came face to face with one another as they fought over their strength, both physically and of will. Hiccup smiled as he stared at Astrid's glowing blue eyes. He could lose himself in their ocean-like colour and be happy to drown in them forever.

"You concentrating yet?" Astrid challenged, out of breath and slightly dazed by their close proximity. If Hiccup were to lean any closer, he would be kissing her. 

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