Dangerous Love

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Astrid and Hiccup had been dating for the past couple of months and they couldn't be happier. But there was one problem, Astrid hadn't properly told Hiccup that she loved him. She had told him, but not without one of them being in danger or facing death.

Hiccup was happy that she was his girlfriend but he was slightly upset that she hadn't said the 'L' word to him without there being any danger.

The gang were all in the clubhouse and waiting for Hiccup. They were planning an attack on Viggo's dragon base. The problem was that Hiccup hadn't arrived to go over the plan,

"Where is he?" Heather said as she leaned on the table over the map. Astrid sighed a she looked over at Hiccup's hut. He was late and that worried her. He was never late,

"Are you sure he didn't already go?" Tuffnut shrugged as he sat cross legged on the floor. Astrid turned to face him,

"No, because I was with him earlier... Helping with his map..." Ruffnut smirked,

"Are you sure you were helping with something else?" Astrid groaned and turned away as she began blushing,

"I don't get it..." Heather face palmed at Snotlouts idiocy. Astrid smiled at Heathers action, but just then she heard footsteps running toward the clubhouse. Astrid rose from her seat and walked over to the door. Hiccup slowed down as he neared Astrid,

"You're late." Hiccup smiled and kissed his girlfriend on the cheek,

"Sorry, got held up..." Heather pushed up from the table and folded her arms, giving Hiccup a cold stare.

"Yeah, 10 minutes late! Come on Hiccup. You know we can't afford to get held up." Hiccup blushed and stood beside Heather looking at the map.

He noticed that there was no easy way for them to put a dent in Viggo's profits. He was dead bolted down, no way in.

Hiccup looked over the map one more time but still couldn't see a clear way in. Heather have Hiccup a concerned look,

"Hiccup, there's no way in... So what's the plan?" Hiccup sighed, drooping his head and shaking it gently.

Hiccup raised his head after a couple of minutes. He had a plan but it wouldn't work he could bet it.


The gang all headed for the island. They had brought all the metal they could, and a huge flock of Smothering Smokebreaths following behind them. Fishlegs had also brought the Night Terrors, just in case. Astrid flew beside Hiccup and gave him a worried look,

"Hiccup, if something goes wrong... I love you..." Hiccup smiled,

"I love you too... Just promise me it won't go wrong... (Ring any bells😉😉) Astrid smiled and looked back at Stormfly. She was just about managing to lift the heavy bag of metal. Heather flew up to Astrid,

"Are you ever going to tell him you love him, without either of you being in any danger?" Astrid sighed and looked over at Hiccup, she shrugged,

"Maybe..." Her voice was barely audible.

They were above the Dragon Hunters base and the island was swarming with them. Hiccup held out his hand and pointed the riders into different directions, the Smokebreaths close behind. Hiccup then gave the signal,

"Now!" All the dragons dropped their nets and watched as the metal plummeted towards the island, the Smokebreaths weren't that far away.

Hiccup took his chance and dived down into the fog and searched the island for Viggo's tent. When he found it, he was surprised to find it empty.

Hiccup quietly slipped inside and searched for the Dragon Eye. Nothing. He searched some more. Still nothing. He almost gave up hope until he heard a voice call out from behind him,

"Looking for this?" Hiccup quickly turned around to see Viggo waving the Dragon Eye. Hiccups fists clenched,

"How about this, you leave me and my men alone... And I'll let her go." Hiccup raised an eyebrow,

"Her?" Viggo smiled and opened the tent to reveal two dragon hunters holding, "ASTRID!" Viggo smiled at his expression,

"I know you and this girl share a special connection, so... If you leave, you have my guarantee that no harm will come to her or your fellow dragon riders... Deal?" Hiccup sighed and looked at Viggo,

"If I agree, you'll give me Astrid and no harm will come to us and the others?" Viggo laughed,

"Why of course! I wouldn't dream of hurting anyone physically. I am more of a emotional killer myself..." Hiccup looked at the Dragon Eye once more before he sighed and looked back at Astrid.

She didn't seem scared, more disappointed that she was captured. Hiccup relaxed his shoulders and looked at Viggo with a serious expression,

"Deal." Viggo smiled and gestured to the dragon hunters that stood behind him. They then threw Astrid in the floor gasping for air. Hiccup dived towards her to catch her fall,

"Hiccup, oh thank Thor you're okay..." Hiccup looked at her worried,

"I'm okay? I was more worried about you..." Astrid smiled and hugged him tight,

"I love you..." Hiccup smiled,

"Love you too..." Hiccup looked up to see Viggo gone, along with his dragon hunters. Hiccup helped Astrid up and they ran out the tent.

Toothless was waiting outside with Stormfly. They quickly jumped on their dragons and flew up to the rest of the gang. Once reunited they all headed back to the edge.


After the long flight all the dragon riders headed to their huts, apart from Astrid. She watched as the auburn haired boy slowly entered his hut, exhausted from the day. He yawned as he lifted the door and proceeded inside. Astrid wanted to go into her hut, but something stopped her. A voice playing in the back of her mind,

"Are you ever going to tell him you love him, without either of you being in any danger?" Astrid sighed. It was time, she had to say it.

She slowly made her way to his hut and thought about what she was going to say. As she approached the door she replayed her script one last time before hurriedly knocking on the door. Hiccup tiredly opened it but was surprised to see Astrid,

"Astrid?! Is everything alright?" Astrid looked at the ground, avoiding eye contact. How was she going to say it?

"Can I... Come in?" Hiccup nodded and let her in Astrid slowly looked up and let herself in. Hiccup closed the door quietly and walked over to Astrid,

"What's wrong?" Astrid took a deep breath. She looked at Hiccup fondly,

"I want to say this to you, and I want to say this because we're not in danger, neither one of us is dying. So here goes..." Hiccup's eyes grew bright, "I... I love...you..." Astrid sighed before she stared back at Hiccup,

"I love you too..." Astrid smiled brightly and wrapped her arms around Hiccups neck. She had never been happier...

Thank you for reading!

I know this isn't 'Shut Up Part 2' but I am working on it, this is an in between one I was working on. Don't worry, 'Shut Up Part 2' is coming soon! Also I want to shout out to kathleen_da_bae and her story 'Remember Me' in her Hiccstrid/ HTTYD one shots book. It made me cry!!!😂😂😂

Anyway, love y'all!!!!

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