Treat You Better

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Summary: Astrid is dating a rich guy that she barely knows. Hiccup has been her friend his whole life and when she announces some exciting news his true feelings for Astrid unearth.


Astrid and Hiccup have been best friends since they were 15 and have been closer than close. Although they are close, they have always stayed friends.

Hiccup's friends know that he has a crush on Astrid, but Hiccup will never admit it. But Astrid doesn't feel the same way, at least she's never shown it.

Hiccup's father is a wealthy, feared business man, whereas Astrid's family are the opposite. They aren't poor, just aren't rich, more in between. Astrid was being forced to marry rich men, but she's never liked any of them.

Hiccups always been there for her and has been nothing but supportive for her. Astrid never told him that her parents wanted her to marry him though.

All hope seemed lost until one day, Astrid bumped into a man in a bar and got talking. She seemed happy that he would be her husband.

But Astrid was so happy about this man she made a mistake: she forgot to tell Hiccup. Her best friend, who had been with her since high school, didn't know about her anymore. But why did Astrid feel guilty now...

Present day

Today was the day, today she was going to tell Hiccup. But how was she going to start it? She can't just say,

"Oh hey I'm getting married in a couple of months! How about you come along?" Yeah, like he'd let her off with that! She had to do it subtly and without suspicion. But how was the question. How?


Astrid sat in the coffee shop awaiting Hiccup. She was nervous about telling him, but why? Why was she worried? He was her friend, he'll be happy for her.

As Hiccup walked through the door Astrid waved him over. Hiccup sat down with a relieved smile,

"Oh, Astrid! It's been Thor knows how long since I saw you last!" Astrid would normally laugh at him using Viking language but today she was so nervous, she was oblivious to his matter of speaking. Unfortunately Hiccup noticed this,

"Hiccup, I need to tell you something... I have some news." Hiccups eyes widened and he prepared himself for the worst. Was she dying? A murderer? Oh no, was she engaged?! Hiccup had never admitted it until recently but, he had always had feelings for Astrid. Ever since College. Hiccup took a deep breath at the same time as Astrid,

"I'm getting married in two months!" Hiccup raised an eyebrow and tried to look happy for her, but he was already dead inside. Astrid watched his emotionless face,

"Wow..." Hiccup tried to say more but that was all he could muster. Astrid narrowed her eyes and had a sink get feeling in her heart, "I'm... I'm happy for you..." Hiccup sounded content and meaningful in his tone of voice. Astrid breathed a sigh of relief and finally relaxed in her chair,

"Thank Odin!" Hiccup couldn't help but let out a smile. Astrid exchanged the same smile. Hiccups heart melted at the sight of Astrid's smile. He was happy for her. He was happy, was he?


Hiccup was sat in his room with Fishlegs and Jack (Jack Frost BTW), he was explaining what happened with Astrid and the whole engagement situation,

"You idiot!" Jack breathed at Hiccup. He looked so innocently at Jack but when Hiccup turned to Fishlegs he saw the same look that was written across Jacks face. Hiccup furrowed his eyebrows in confusion,

Hiccstrid One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now