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It's Astrid's birthday, but with how hectic things have been at the Edge, everyone appears to have forgotten. At least, that's what Astrid thinks...

As the sun rose over the horizon, the day seemed like any other. Birds sang in the trees, and the boars in the boar pit were whining and squealing their morning song. Everything was as it normally would be, there was just one exception.

On a normal, sunny morning such as it was, Astrid would have been outside in an instant, dashing across the skies and honing her skills. It was unusual for her to skip her morning routine without a clear reason, but that morning, Astrid was treating herself to a lie-in, and it felt well deserved. With the past week they had, the rest seemed well-deserved.

Dragon hunters and riders had been invading their base consistently for the past few weeks. It seemed like their attacks had become more and more intense every time, but the gang refused to surrender and protected the Edge with every ounce of power they had. It seemed to be working as the hunters and their riders had ceased their attacks for a few days and it finally felt as though things were starting to settle down.

But they all knew that meant there was about to be a major event waiting for them ahead.

For now, Astrid was taking a break. The constant raids and endless battles for the Edge had worn her out, and she welcomed the break. It was a routine that she often did each year, her reward for working so hard, and it was only a single day of the year that she ever let herself rest and relax.

Her birthday.

She was finally becoming an adult, a proper Viking. Soon, she would become a Viking Warrior worthy of battle and Berk's respect. For now, it was a time for celebration and that also came with relaxation.

Out of all of the gang, she was the third to age up. Before her, it was Fishlegs and Snotlout, after her, it was Hiccup then the twins. They always celebrated their birthdays together on the Edge, and when they were on Berk they celebrated together even then. Astrid loved spending time with her family on her birthday, but she loved spending time with the gang even more. Last year's birthday had been especially memorable.

She still kept Hiccup's gift locked tightly away. It was precious and needed to be kept out of sight of Snotlout and the twins.

Waking up that morning, Astrid greeted the day with a happy smile and made her way to the clubhouse for breakfast. It was unusual for her to make it to the clubhouse early for breakfast, but after her relaxing lie-in, she was getting hungry and desperate for food.

Stepping into the clubhouse, Astrid braced herself for the onslaught of merry wishes and celebratory cheers at her arrival. She half expected the twins to be ready with some sort of get-up that she needed to wear for the day as the so-called 'birthday girl'. 

Yet, as she crossed the threshold into the clubhouse, there was nothing. The gang was there, except for Snotlout, but there was no welcome to her arrival. Instead, there were a few tired nods of acknowledgement and exhausted sighs of the morning. Ruffnut was cooking breakfast as usual, Astrid being barred from the stove after the Yak Milk incident.

Taking a seat at the table, Astrid felt strangely hollow at the empty greetings and vacant celebration of everyone's mood. Furrowing her brow, she tried to rack her brain for an explanation, perhaps there was something she had forgotten in her celebratory haze of excitement. Yet, as she recollected thoroughly, there was nothing.

"Hey, Ruff," Astrid called out to the chef, edging herself closer to where the twin was cooking breakfast. Ruffnut raised her head with a cheerful smile, but Astrid could tell that it was slightly forced. "What's going on? Why's everyone so... tired?"

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