Be Confident

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A/N: Found a bunch of old story notes for these fanfictions. So, here is one of them that I never got around to doing.

The Edge was in ruins. After the eruption, that had caused complete and utter chaos to infect the island in every corner, the gang spent every waking hour trying to heal the land they called home. In every way they could, they tried to calm the volcano, attempting to stabilise the island and create a space that they could keep living in.

It took a while, but eventually, they got the Edge to a condition that was calm and stable. Yet, despite this stability, Hiccup and the gang deemed it better to let nature take its course and leave the island for a few days and spend that time on Berk.

Also, the gang wanted to visit their families after having experienced an almost live-or-death battle that they almost lost. Yet, somehow they were still standing, and a good visit back home was exactly what they needed.

So, that's how they ended up back on Berk.

However, they had never seen the island so busy as they landed in the main square.

"Hiccup!" Gobber called out to the Dragon Rider leader, hurrying over as best as he was able. Finally, he made it to the gang and heaved heavily as though the atmosphere of Berk itself was draining all the energy he had remaining.

"Gobber. What's going on?" Hiccup asked, dismounting from Toothless and offering his old mentor his comfort. Gobber waved off his concerns and quickly picked himself back up.

"Your meddling, that's what!" Gobber spat back, shocking Hiccup with his tone and causing him to furrow his brows further. Confusion swept over the group as they all waited for Gobber to explain.

"What do you mean? How is this my fault?" Hiccup asked, genuinely confused by Gobber's statement.

"How is it ever not your fault?" Snotlout commented snarkily, earning a glare from Astrid and causing him to immediately shut his mouth.

Hiccup looked over his shoulder and noticed his girlfriend's defence of him and let a small smile pull at his lips. He had no idea how he had been so lucky as to have her love him, but he was glad she did.

Having her as an enemy was much worse.

Pulling himself back into the present, Hiccup turned back to Gobber in the hopes of an actual answer and not another accusation.

"Tell me honestly, Hiccup. Did you or did you not tell the Berserker tribe that they could come to our town to recuperate during the reconstruction of their town?" Hiccups' eyes went wide, suddenly beginning to understand what Gobber's problem was.

And most undoubtedly what problems his mess had caused his father to deal with.

"I may have mentioned something along those lines. Why?" Hiccup was genuinely curious to know what exactly had been going on whilst they had been away trying to calm down the active volcano desperate to destroy their base.

"Well, quite a few of those berserkers took you up on that offer and decided to make this village their own. Now, your father is more than happy to offer refuge to those who lost their homes, but some of these people are being completely unreasonable." Gobber complained, rolling his eyes heavily and subtly cursing to the gods over their existence.

"They're berserker, being unreasonable is kind of their thing. That's what makes them berserk. They're crazy, and crazy people are unreasonable." Ruffnut countered, holding up a finger in attention as though the point was common knowledge.

Her brother jumped on the point and agreed. "Exactly, if they weren't unreasonable, we couldn't exactly call them berserk if they were reasonable. We'd have to call them... mildly perturbed Vikings. And that doesn't really frighten anyone. Who would be intimidated by a group of Vikings called the 'Mildly Perturbed'? Doesn't really have a great ring to it."

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