Top Secret

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A/N: I know it's been a long time but to be honest I've been struggling with ideas and time because the new season of RTTE is coming out and I've been watching the Hiccstrid Megafan video over and over just to make sense of it all! Anyway in this story I thought I would do my idea of what will happen between Hiccstrid and what secret they are going to be keeping... BTW this story is set about two weeks after the secret was first found.... Enjoy!!!

Astrid's POV:

I watched as Hiccup began pacing up and down in his hut. I was sat just opposite his on his work desk, and I found it funny how he wasn't able to keep this one little secret. His emerald, green eyes shook with fear and his breath became shallow and shaky but his posture never changed from his normal, chief-like self.

"I don't know how long I can keep this up... I'm sick to my stomach!" I saw his hands shake in desperation as each word floated into the still, lifeless air and to be honest it was beginning to make me nervous.

"Hiccup, calm down," I walked over and tried comforting him. I placed my hand on his shoulder but he just shook it off, "Look, we only have to keep this a secret for a couple more weeks and then we can tell the others... Alright?" But it was clear that his mind was elsewhere as he began caressing his auburn hair and sighing quietly to himself. He was nervous, you could tell.

"Hiccup it's one thing making yourself miserable, but this..." I gestured to his whole body (Like in HTTYD) "This is making everyone else around you miserable. So you know what tell them the secret see if I care just don't come crying to me when it all comes crashing down," With that I flicked my bangs out of my eyes, turned on my heels and left Hiccup alone in the dark. I guess you could say I should have felt bad after what I had said but to be honest the kid had it coming. If he knew there was a way to defeat Viggo and the dragon hunters why didn't he tell us. Why didn't he tell me?

I stormed over to Stormfly, who was napping happily in her stall, and didn't even pay attention to the empty Night Fury stall beside hers. I was in too much of a mood to wonder where he was... When Stormfly and I were in the air I saw Dragon's edge in all it's glory, lit up by the glorious moonlight and my eyes stared straight towards Hiccup's hut and it made me wonder. Why do I feel this bad about arguing with Hiccup?

Hiccup's POV:

I am a horrible person. Astrid's right I am over-reacting no one suspects a thing this is all in my head. But some part of me just can't shake this feeling of heartbreak. Why can't I shake the smell of polished metal from my senses? What was making me feel so confused?

Astrid is probably in the middle of the forest practicing throwing her axe at some nearby trees. I feel their pain... But I have to apologize to her, I have to! I ran upstairs and saw Toothless peacefully sleeping on his favourite rock bed and possibly dreaming of flying solo once again. I shook him awake and saw his sleepy eyes look at me and say 'Really? What now!' I sighed,

"I'm sorry bud, but I have to go and apologize to Astrid I mean..." But before I could say anything else Toothless had already started shoving me out of the door. "Alright, alright I get it you want me to apologize to Astrid as well then don't you." He gurgled as if to say 'Oh yeah.' I giggled and got on his back and felt the wind gently caress my face as Toothless quickly shot into the air. I am so sorry Astrid...

It's been two hours and it's starting to get dark. I arrived back at the clubhouse to find the usual scene: Ruff and Tuff fighting in the corner, Fishlegs sat at the table with his nose in a book and Snotlout, well, being Snotlout... But, no Astrid and frankly it made me worry. If she's not here and not in her usual spot then where was she?

"Hey guys? Have any of you seen Astrid?" They shook their heads. Oh no just what I feared, this is not good! "I have to find her, if it means I have to fly all night."

"Wait... You lost Astrid? Dude!" Tuffnut laughed in the corner, "You're wasting your time, she's obviously going to come back for you." Ruffnut punched Tuffnut in the shoulder causing him to plummet to the floor in pain. "OWWWW!! What was that for?!" Ruff gestured to me with her head, but it clearly wasn't getting into Tuffnut's head.

"Why are you so sure she's going to 'come back for me'?" Tuff realized what Ruff was trying to say and instantly shut up,

"I don't know? Why would she?" He tried to act like nothing happened but I knew something else was going on and I had to find out for myself. If Astrid's got something to say about me, she can say it to me.

Astrid's POV:

It's been a while now since me and Hiccup had our little, let's call it a disagreement, and to be frank I can't do it anymore. I can't stay mad at Hiccup, I mean it's Hiccup after all... I wish I knew how he really felt about me but what hurt the most is that he didn't believe that we could keep this secret. I mean I could understand me not being able to, but Hiccup is the most secretive person I know. Why did he feel like he couldn't hide this from the rest of the group?

I saw a Night Fury hovering nearby and knew that Hiccup was still looking for me but I wasn't sure I was ready face him yet. I mean I know he is going to find me at some point but I don't think I could stare into his eyes without staying mad and I don't think I could handle hearing his soft voice gently soothe my soul. I felt myself falling onto the soft grassy bed behind me, but then I realized it wasn't a bed at all. In fact, it wasn't even a floor!As I began to plummet down into the sea I couldn't help but scream the one name that I knew would save me,

"Hiccup!!!! Hiccup!" CRASH! I landed into the sea and felt myself falling deeper and deeper into the ocean blue. My eyes began to close as I accepted my fate when I noticed two black figures dive into the sea and heading straight for me. Hiccup...

"Astrid!! Astrid!" I was pulled away from the white light and back into reality by a familiar voice. I slowly opened my eyes to see two beaming eyes staring into mine,

"I guess you caught me again..."

"Oh thank Thor. Phew!" He pulled me in for a tight hug and held me close to him, I rested gently on his shoulder and sniffed that sweet Hiccupy smell. We landed on a nearby cliff and lay on the grassy beds. I looked up at the sky as Hiccup finally spoke out of the eerie silence,

"I'm sorry Astrid, about earlier, I shouldn't have shouted at you. I shouldn't have over-reacted... We can still keep this secret , can't we?" I nodded and saw him smile out of the corner of my eye. What's he thinking, "So Tuffnut tells me you might like me..." I am going to kill that tell-tale... "Is it true?" I sighed, well if it's out there might as well tell the truth,

"Okay, fine! Yes Hiccup it is true, I like you a lot in fact, but the thing is... I like as more than a friend," I sighed. OK Astrid you can say this last part, "The question I have always wanted to ask you is---"

"Astrid, will you be my girlfriend?" I was taken aback. He said it, he finally asked me... I leaped into his arms before screaming,

"Of course I will you muttonhead!"

Some Hiccstrid fluff for you guys there! So I still need your opinions on a book series, should I do it in modern times or in httyd times... I can't decide!!! Also it is confirmed that the new season of RTTE is coming out on June 24th!!! *Screams in delight* I can't wait!!!!!!!!! So I hope you guys enjoyed reading it and don't forget to post your opinion below on my book series!!!!!!!

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