Future Mrs. Haddock?

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A/N: After a request by httydlove4ever I have decided to do a one shot when Astrid tells Snotlout that Heather might be the future Mrs. Ingerman instead of the future Mrs. Jorgenson, but the conversation took a different turn than expected...

"She's here! Ho, ho! I saw her from my rock garden! Heather is here!" Fishlegs was running around the Edge shouting from the top of his lungs. He was probably the most excited for Heather's return,

"Sorry, Snotlout. Looks like the future Mrs. Lout might end up being the future Mrs. Legs." Astrid shrugged her shoulders and chuckling quietly to herself,

"She's here! Woohoo!" Fishlegs screamed still running around the Edge.

"Please!" Snotlout puffed wailing his arm out, "Fish-face?" He sighed quietly trying not to laugh, "So you're saying she would chose bookworm, Gronckle-riding dragon geek over a real Viking?" He chuckled, but then he suddenly went serious and turned to Astrid who was looking at him with a mischievous smile across her face, "Why would you even think that?"

"She told me, last time she was here. Mentioned Fishlegs by name..." Astrid smiled at Snotlout,

"Shut up, Astrid..." Snotlout huffed...

"I think Astrid should be the future Mrs. Haddock if Heather's the future Mrs. Ingerman, don't you think?" Tuffnut dropped down from Snotlout's roof, "And yes, we were eavesdropping..." Astrid held up her hands,

"Wait... Who's we?" Suddenly Ruffnut fell on top of Tuffnut making them fall flat on their faces. "Oh, hello Ruffnut," Astrid rolled her eyes.

"What do you mean 'future Mrs. Haddock'?" Snotlout who hadn't gone to see Heather was stood opposite Astrid and looking just as confused as Astrid was.

"Oh, come on! You seriously haven't noticed anything about those two?!" Tuffnut blurted out trying to push his sister off of his back so he could stand up. He failed as always.

"Noticed what exactly?"Astrid put her hands on her hips, her eyes glared at Tuffnut burning  right through them.

"Ruff, do you want to take this patient? I feel as though she isn't giving me sufficient respect, plus... She scary." Ruff sighed and got up off of her brother's back and faced Astrid,

"Stop denying it, Astrid. We know how you really feel about him... So just admit it already," Ruff had her arms folded and wasn't far from Astrid's face.

"Ruff, I honestly don't know what you're talking about..." Astrid was taken aback by Ruffnut's statement, I mean she couldn't deny she had feelings for Hiccup but... Astrid didn't notice Tuffnut with a basket of petals and a flower headband start skipping around her,

"Your in Love! Astrid Haddock, the future wife of a chief! Happily ever after! Mrs. Haddock!!!" His girly voice was such a insult to the ears. But Astrid eyes glared at him, she so wanted to rip his head off right now! She couldn't hold it anymore, she burst and tackled Tuff to the ground,

"Shut Up! I know what I feel, no need to rub it in my face!!!" The three of them gasped. She said it... Astrid's eyes widened. Oh Thor, did she really just say that? She actually loves Hiccup Haddock! How could she have been so blind?

"Really? You've got to be kidding, Astrid... Hi---" He stopped mid-sentence, Astrid didn't look up until she saw the shadow of a familiar metal leg,

"You, okay Astrid?" Hiccup knelt down in front of Astrid trying to avoid squashing Tuff who was still pinned to the ground,

"Fine... Why?" Astrid stood up allowing Tuffnut to escape and he did. He crawled across the floor towards his sister. "You... You didn't hear that... Did you?" Astrid was nervous, she hoped he didn't hear her confession,

"Depends..." Astrid smiled at him as he stood closer to her looking deep into her eyes. He held her hands and leant in closer, he put his head beside her ear and whispered, "Did you mean it?" Astrid took a deep breath and looked at Hiccup who just stared at her blankly. She looked at the ground and smiled,

"Depends..." Hiccup sighed as Astrid began mimicking him, "Do you feel the same?" She put her head against Hiccup's and closed her eyes. Hiccup smiled softly as everything around them started to fade away, he gently put his hand round the back of her neck  and his other hand around her waist. He pulled her to his chest making Astrid open her eyes, Hiccup pressed his lips against hers and she closed her eyes again in joy and began to kiss back. But she suddenly felt the kiss end just as it begun. Astrid didn't care though, all she cared about what he said next,

"I love you, Astrid..."

Here it is! I hope you like it and I know it's short but I couldn't think of anything else to write... I hope you guys like it and thanks for all the comments. As usual keep giving me ideas, and I will try and come up with another episode with loads of Hiccstrid and the final fate of the Dragon Eye!

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