Just a Friend

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This videos up above are songs from the movie, the Book of Life. Please excuse the dialogue but I will try and make it as relatable to this episode as possible... I will tell you when to start the video and the one at the very beginning is my inspiration for this episode so please watch it before reading, as for the other, like I said wait for my signal...


The gang all were gathered in the Clubhouse, all eating dinner even though it wasn't that dark yet. They all sat around the fire pit and Astrid was sat beside Hiccup and talking quietly to him. She did like him and she would only admit that to herself but she didn't know whether Hiccup felt the same way as her, but she'd rather not embarrass herself. Heather was watching her and couldn't help but smile to herself, she was sat beside them and interrupted Astrid,

"Just friends, hey..." Astrid gave Heather a cold look,

"Heather. Really." Hiccup leaned closer so he was in earshot of Heather and Astrid's conversation,

"What is it?" Astrid sighed and looked back over to Hiccup,

"She thinks we're a thing..." Hiccup's eyes widened and gave Heather a surprised look,

"What?! That's crazy! I wouldn't... No! She's just pretty that's it..." Heather smiled and looked back at her plate. But Astrid wasn't smiling, she looked back down and her eyes had drooped as low as they could go. She looked out the Clubhouse, for a clear escape route. The door was clear, but then a tear rolled down Astrid's cheek. She shot out her chair and headed for the door rather quickly,

"Excuse me!" Astrid shot out of the Clubhouse and disappeared into her hut, leaving the gang confused and surprised. Heather sighed and punched Hiccup in the shoulder, hard. Hiccup rubbed and gave Heather a puzzled look,

"How could you say that!" Hiccup shrugged and waited for Heather to explain, "Ugh! You are an IDIOT, Hiccup Haddock!!!" Heather turned back to her plate and crossed her arms in frustration. She couldn't say it, it would ruin her and Astrid's relationship...

"What are you on about, Heather? Why would she be upset about what I said?" Heather rolled her eyes,

"Think about it Hiccup..." With that Heather walked out in the direction of Astrid's hut. Hiccup thought for a second before he face-palmed. No. She couldn't... He stood up and looked at the rest of the gang,

"Ugh... I messed up so bad..." Ruffnut came over and placed a hand on his shoulder,

"Hey... You weren't to know, even though it was pretty obvious how she felt." Hiccup looked at Ruffnut puzzled,

"Wait! You knew!" Ruffnut shrugged and noticed Hiccup's expression,

"Errrr... I should go and see how... How Astrid's doing..." She quickly ran out and left him with the rest of the gang. Tuffnut stood and came over,

"It's alright, I have the perfect plan..." Hiccup sighed,

"What do I have to lose?!"


Astrid was sat on the edge of the bed facing the door, Heather had her hand resting on her shoulder and Ruffnut stood leaning against the wall with her arms folded,

"I mean, how could he say that?! He thinks I'm pretty... That's it!" Heather looked at Ruffnut and then back to Astrid. She didn't know what to say. She'd never seen her friend in this state before and really didn't know what to do or say,

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