The Perfect Midnight Flight

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A/N:This episode is set just after Night of the Hunters in RTTE Season 2. I just want to point it out and also there are spoilers from Snow Way Out as well!!! Don't judge me if you haven't watched them yet. (So we know about Heather) It's set on Dragon's Edge BTW!

Hiccup's POV:

"I have to tell her... I have to!" I was wriggling in my bed. I couldn't sleep, all I could think about was Astrid. I couldn't bare to lose her again, I almost lost her before when she was caught by the dragon hunters.

Toothless woke up and looked at me in eagerness. He obviously thought it was morning, I sighed,"Sorry bud," I pointed towards the window. "It's still night..." Suddenly my mind had a crazy idea, but it could never work. Then again it had worked the first time... I beckoned Toothless to follow me, "Come on bud... Let's go get Astrid."

Astrid's POV:

I sighed as my quill finally finished writing the letter to Heather. It was done, our first act had been a huge success and the best part was Hiccup doesn't suspect a thing. Hiccup... My mind fell into a dark abyss of sadness and I began to realize how against Heather's plan I really was. I guess I just got caught up in the excitement and the more I thought about lying to Hiccup, the more I was against it. I've never lied to him before...

"I'm sorry Hiccup... For everything," I started to sob in my hands and small, delicate tears began to cascade down my face and form a pool at the base of my hands. I suddenly heard Stormfly humming (If you could call it that) in her sleep. It reminded me of a lullaby my mother used to sing to me when I was a baby to get me to calm down. Before I knew it, a beautiful voice left my mouth and sang the lullaby aloud:

La Vie En Rose, Cristin Milioti

Hold me close and hold me fast
This magic spell you cast
This is la vie en rose

When you kiss me, heaven sighs
And though I close my eyes
I see la vie en rose

When you press me to your heart
I'm in a world apart
A world where roses bloom

And when you speak, angels, sing from above
Everyday words seem
To turn into love songs

Give your heart and soul to me
And life will always be
La vie en rose,

Once the last note left my lips, I felt one last tear roll down my cheek before I decided to go for a midnight fly on Stormfly. To ease the pain. I started to stroll down the stairs to put on my shoulder-pads but before I could, I heard a gentle knock on my door, and a sweet innocent voice on the other side.

"Astrid?" I gasped... Hiccup!

Hiccup's POV:

I walked down the stairs to Astrid's house and as I reached the door I heard the most wonderful voice from within the hut. Astrid! I didn't know she could sing... But it was so beautiful I didn't want it to end. Her voice made time stand still and my heart beat uncontrollably that it could have burst out from my chest.

Once she finished I wanted to hear more, but first I had to shake myself from this trance I had fallen into. Toothless nudged me, he knew what I wanted to ask her. I just don't have the confidence to, I turned around to face Toothless,

"Maybe I should come back tomorrow, this is a stupid idea anyway." Toothless nudged me harder as if to say 'Oh no your not getting out of this one that easy...' and so I turned towards the door and knocked on it.

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