Thawfest Part 3

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Hey guys I know that my last one of these ended on a sort of cliffhanger and I decided to do an extra part just to wrap it up. I was trying to upload this onto here to show you but Wattpad decided it was going to crash every time I tried, so here is the link to it: It isn't linked to this story I just like it... Enjoy!!

Hiccup was sat in his room alone, apart from Toothless, and was at his desk. He was drawing some new designs for a flight suit. Hopefully this one might help him fly at higher heights without ripping. But no matter how much Hiccup tried to focus on his work he couldn't help but look at the drawing of Astrid he had pinned above his desk, he really loved her but didn't know what to say to her. Not now... Toothless crooned at him and gestured at the sky, Hiccup sighed and mounted onto his dragon. Fresh air was the best thing for him right now, and being alone with Toothless would help as well.

Astrid meanwhile was searching all over town for Hiccup. She had searched the cove, the forge, the academy and now she was headed for his house. She had so much to say to him and yet so little, she knew what she needed to say but didn't feel like it was enough. Astrid headed up to his room, she noticed the desk had been left with his drawings and designs strewn across it, he had obviously left without warning. Not kidnapped almost as if he couldn't concentrate. That's when Astrid noticed a portrait of someone familiar above his desk, it was her. Astrid sighed as she took the drawing off of the wall and took a closer look, she saw something written at the bottom of it,

"My World, My Only Adventure Worth Exploring... Astrid," A tear rolled down her cheek and landed onto the portrait. She placed the drawing back onto his desk and went back outside. She looked at the clear sky, more importantly, clear of any dragon. Astrid knew she shouldn't try and track him down, if he doesn't want to be found then she shouldn't try. Suddenly Gobber ran up to Astrid,

"Ah, Astrid! There you are, the village has been looking everywhere for you! The Thawfest Tie-Breaker's about to begin... But, where's Hiccup?" Astrid sighed and looked at the ground. She gained the courage to look a Gobber again,

"I... I don't---" A screech could be heard from behind them and they watched as a Night Fury landed in front of them,

"I'm here! Sorry, had to clear my head..." Gobber wrapped his arm round Hiccup's shoulder and dragged him to the academy leaving Astrid stood alone in shock. She rolled her eyes and looked at Toothless who had walked up beside her,

"Let me say, your timing... Impeccable." Toothless gurgled at Astrid and she smiled at him. Stormfly squawked at the two and stood beside Astrid ready to be mounted. Astrid laughed and mounted her dragon, racing towards the academy.


Gobber explained the course and Hiccup and Astrid stood at the start line. Astrid couldn't look the boy in the eye and neither could he. They stood awkwardly beside each other and stared at the first obstacle. Bucket and Mulch were sat in the stands and announced the importance of this race to the crowd, but Astrid's eyes weren't focused on them, she was more worried about the dragon riders. Where was Snotlout? Her question couldn't be answered as the countdown started and she prepared for the race ahead, it shouldn't matter.

The bell rang and the race started, Astrid slid under each log with ease and was soon at the rock wall. She began to climb and looked up to see three vikings above dropping rocks, Astrid successfully dodged them all and scaled the wall with ease. She mounted Stormfly and looked down to see Hiccup quickly approaching her, she wanted to shout something but decided otherwise and flew off the cliff and around the remainder of the course. Hiccup finished climbing the rock wall and scouted to find Astrid, once his eyes landed upon her Deadly Nadder he clicked Toothless' tail into place and took off. They made tremendous speed upon the duo and intended to close the gap.

Astrid became nervous, something wasn't right. No, not about the race, but about something else. She didn't know what but she had a feeling she would soon find out. Astrid quickly looked over her shoulder to see Hiccup gaining on her tail, she nudged Stormfly faster and off they went. Just as the academy got out of sight, Astrid felt a weird feeling, she wasn't racing anymore. She felt as though she was running. Suddenly a strong blow hit her in the side and shot her off the saddle, 

"ASTRID!!!!" She could hear Hiccup's voice tear through the wind as she plummeted towards the sea. Astrid looked to find hiccup but couldn't see him and she was getting scared as her body flung itself around in the air like a rag-doll,

"HICCUP!!!!!" She heard the whistling of a Night Fury approaching her, she hoped to the gods that she was right,

"Gothca!" Toothless and hiccup had swooped down just in time to catch the falling Astrid, but when Hiccup looked around for Stormfly she couldn't find her, "Where's Stormfly?" Astrid put her hand on her head, that fall didn't exactly agree with her. Astrid didn't say anything for a while, she was still waiting for her insides to catch up with her outsides,

"Hiccup... What happened?" Hiccup placed a hand on her cheek and tried to calm her down,

"I thought you could answer me that question... All I saw was you falling and a red figure flying past us," Astrid's mind raced. Of course! Astrid's fists clenched when she realised who the culprit was,

"Snotlout!" Astrid began to mumble threats and curses under her breath. Hiccup lifted her up to his chest and gave her a warm embrace,

"Let's not go over board with curses... I'm just glad you're okay." Astrid sighed and wrapped her arms around Hiccup. She was glad too...


The couple landed back at the academy and Hiccup walked over to Stoick. Stoick wasn't impressed with what he saw,

"Hiccup, what's going on here?!" Hiccup held his hands up in defense,

"Look I'll explain later, but first can we talk..." Stoick nodded, "Okay, so I'm forfitting from the competition and I want you to give Astrid the medal," Hiccup turned around and looked at his girlfriend who was talking to Toothless, "She deserves it..." Stoick smiled and placed his hand upon Hiccup's shoulder.

"Anything, son. If you want me to, I will." Hiccup nodded and watched as Stoick walked over to Astrid. He took her hand and dragged her up to the stage. Hiccup watched with proud eyes. Astrid beckoned Hiccup to come up, Hiccup reluctantly obliged and stood beside his girlfriend,

"I know what you did, and you didn't have to..." Hiccup leaned in closer,

"I wanted to though," Astrid smiled and pecked him on the cheek. Stoick faced Astrid and placed the medal around her neck,

"You've done your family proud, lass... I wouldn't hesitate for a second to call you stronger than everyone else." Astrid smiled and looked back towards Hiccup. She grabbed both of his hands and held them in hers. They faced each other and Astrid gazed into Hiccup's forest green eyes,

"I spent ages thinking of a way to thank you for what you did, or what to say about what you did... But now I realize, I don't have to say anything. I can show you how much you mean to me," Astrid pulled Hiccup closer and placed her lips onto his. Although it was short, Hiccup knew it meant something special to her. Hiccup didn't want to lose her and he wasn't going to let anyone to ruin what they had...

This is it, the final chapter!! I'm sorry it's been a while and probably not what you expected and I know that I could have done better... Anyway, I'm going away to camp and won't be updating in a while so don't wait up!!! Hope you've enjoyed the last part of the Thawfest chapters!! Please leave requests and I will have a look at them when I get back!!

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