In Love?

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Hope you guys like this one!!!

Viggo walked up the volcano with a smirk on his face. Hiccup had fallen for his plans, again. He couldn't let him keep the dragon eye, not now. Not with nothing in his way now. But he knew exactly how he was gonna get it back.

"You won't get away with this." Astrid said as Viggo gave her another shove up the mountain.

"Really? I think otherwise..." Viggo smirked at the blonde who exchanged him a look of disgust and disappointment. Suddenly a large silhouette dropped from the sky and landed in front of Astrid and Viggo. Thus startling arrival made Viggo panic and he pulled Astrid back and held her axe to her throat.

"Hey!" Astrid yelled as the blade began to press against her skin. The figure spread its wings and revealed itself into the light. Stormfly bowed her head at Astrid but growled at Viggo.

"And here's our ride." Viggo announced. He began to lead Astrid over to Stormfly but the dragon wasn't going to co operate. She spread her wings and growled furiously,

"I don't think you will be riding my dragon anytime soon." Astrid sassed. Viggo scowled at her and pressed the blade forcefully against her thrust causing her to gasp for air, Stormfly saw this and backed down.

"On the contrary my dear Astrid. I think we get in swell." Viggo retorted. Astrid groaned as they both mounted the dragon.


"What's your plan Viggo? Kill me unless he gives you the Dragon Eye?" Viggo smiled at Astrid's seemingly stupid question.

"No. I was gonna kill him." Viggo answered. Astrid tensed and scowled at Viggo.

"No! You wouldn't-you wouldn't dare!" Astrid replied trying to hold back her tears. Viggo laughed.

"It must be difficult to be in love with the Chiefs son? TI mean where do you come on his priorities list, hm?" Viggo said agonisingly. Astrid tried to pry the axe off as he spoke.

"Stop it," Astrid said with a catch in her throat.

"It must be; dragons, the gang, the village, then you. Am I correct?" Viggo continued.

"Please stop!" Astrid pleaded, but this just made Viggo want to carry on.

"You care for him a lot, some say too much. But you should never be on a relationship with someone like him, can make the simplistic decisions... Vexing!" Astrid scowled at Viggo's last comment.

"You know what 'Viggo'. I don't care if our relationship gets in the way because all that means is that we care for each other and want to keep each other safe. If anything, being in love with him helps us to keep each other out of trouble." Astrid argued.

"Yet, it is also what got you into this mess isn't it?" Astrid groaned.

"I love Hiccup, but I will not let you break me because if it. He will figure out a way to be rid of you, and I will make sure it will be like a burning hell!" Astrid said through gritted teeth.

"Looks like this nightmare might finally be over bud." Astrid heard Hiccup say as they reached the summit. Astrid was relieved to hear Hiccups voice but was also a bit worried about the axe that was currently being held to her throat...


I have wanted to do this one ever since I watched the last episode where this takes place! I hope you guys liked it and please leave a comment as I always live reading them!!!

I love you all so much thank you!!!! 😍😍😍

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