Buffalord Saviour

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Summary: During Buffalord Solider. Astrid is sick and Viggo comes to take the Buffalord but when Hiccup tries to negotiate an agreement things turn out worse than expected. Will Hiccup lose Astrid? Or does he find a way to save her? As resquested by ItzAnnette, Enjoy!!!!

No one's POV:

Hiccup reached out a hand to get the antidote for the Scourge when a huge net came flying towards them. He jumped out of the way, and looked in the direction of where it came. Viggo. Him and his men came strolling up the hill and up to the Buffalord,

"Viggo!" The men surrounded him and the Buffalord and aimed their crossbows at them. Viggo approached Hiccup,

"Hello, Hiccup. Thank you so very much for this gift. I do apologize that you won't be able to use it to save your little friend" He gestured towards Astrid. She struggled against the Scourge and tried to open her eyes, Hiccup's heart melted as he looked in her direction but his blood boiled when he turned back to Viggo. His fists clenched, turning white at the knuckles, Viggo smirked at Hiccup leaning in closer as a challenge. Snotlout ran beside Hiccup and they both began to back away from Viggo and his men, Hookfang then landed behind them along with Toothless. Fishlegs began to talk to himself but loud enough for the rest of them to hear,

"But how? There's no trace of this island anywhere. How did he find it?" Fishlegs had a hint of confusion in his voice,

"Who cares?! We've been dying for a little action." He gripped Hookfangs horns tighter and took off into the sky. Hiccup mounted onto Toothless and quietly whispered to him,

"Let's make this count, bud." Toothless snarled in response as they shot into the sky. A trolley was quickly wheeled up beside the Buffalord, Hiccup and the rest of the teens flew down and began to attack,

"Dragon riders. Incoming!" Viggo lifted his sword and pointed at the dragons that tried to descend upon the Hunters. They fired at the men and one blast almost hit Viggo making him hold his arm near his face in protection,

"Show them no mercy. But safeguard our prize." Viggo shouted to his men who obediently obliged, they began shooting arrows at the riders as they kept shooting at them. Although they could take down these men themselves they knew that they would risk harming the Buffalord, and they didn't want to take that chance,

"Hiccup, I can't get a clean shot." Snotlout shouted as he pulled up beside Hiccup whilst avoiding the Dragon Root arrows. The twins were suddenly shot down and instantly surrounded by Hunters, they were losing and Hiccup began to wonder whether he could save Astrid.

Meanwhile, Fishlegs had stayed with Astrid and tried to keep her with them,

"Come on, Astrid... We're almost there. Just keep fighting!" Astrid sighed and watched Hiccup blast the Hunters but she knew she couldn't make it, she wouldn't be able to... But she didn't want to leave Hiccup. She heard him from above the clamouring of the Hunters,

"Pull up, Riders. We can't risk harming the Buffalord. We need it." Snotlout pulled up beside Hiccup as Hiccup shouted down to the Hunters, "Viggo, release that dragon. You have no idea what you're doing."

"Oh, I beg to differ, my dear Hiccup. I'm keenly aware of my actions. This dragon is exceedingly unique. It will elicit a considerable bounty on the open market. You should have left well enough alone, Hiccup. My fishing boat was no place for you or any of your Riders." Hiccup was taken aback,

"Your fishing boat?" Viggo smiled and ordered his men,

"Move him." The Hunters pushed the Buffalord onto the trolley and began pushing it down the hill, "It's simple, really. Supply and demand. I knew I could get the supply, if only I could generate the demand." Fishlegs gasped as he looked at Astrid's almost lifeless body,

"You're a monster!" Viggo shrugged at him,"Fishlegs, I'm shocked. I'd have thought you were above name-calling. 'Monster'? No. 'Savvy businessman'? Indeed." Hiccup called down from above,

"And what if the dragon was extinct?" 

"I tend not to dwell on the 'what ifs,' my boy. Leaves you barren." None of the riders had noticed the Buffalord disappearing over the hill and towards a dragon hunter ship that was docked on the beach not far from there,

"What are we waiting for? Let's take this psycho already!" Hiccup looked at Snotlout and then back to the empty space where the Buffalord should've been,

"But wait. Where's the Buffalord?" Viggo began to walk off over the horizon and towards his ship. But he called back once more to Hiccup,

"I'm afraid our time must end, Hiccup. We will continue our contest in due time." Viggo then disappeared over the horizon,

"Hiccup, come on. Let's get him!" Hiccup was about to follow him when,

"Hiccup!" Fishlegs had began to wave from below them and gestured to Astrid. Within moments Hiccup was down on the ground beside Astrid, he took her hand into his and felt that she was ice cold. She couldn't be dead... "She just stopped breathing... I... I... I couldn't do, anything!" Hiccup allowed a tear to roll down his cheek as he watched Asrtrid's lifeless body lie against the cool, hard rock. The rest of the teens gathered around the couple but Hiccup still held onto Astrid's hand and whispered to her,

"Don't leave me... I can't imagine my life without you... I've always admired your courage and strength... Don't give up on it now... I... I love... You..." Hiccup began to sob leaning his head onto hers as he did. His tears ran like the ocean trying to relieve the pain, it didn't help...


A ship that was sailing on the see burst into flames and from the flames rose,

"The Buffalord!" Fishlegs screamed, he was excited and relieved that it was okay but knew they couldn't use it to save Astrid. Hiccup suddenly rose from the ground and ran to the  Buffalord with a cup in his hand, "Hiccup, what are you doing?" Hiccup closed in on the Buffalord and collected it's saliva, the antidote. As he came back to the gang he spoke,

"I'm saving Astrid's life, like I always do..." He quietly put the cup to Astrid's lips and tipped the potion into her mouth. Within seconds, blood started to rush back to her cheeks and her breathing came back to normal,

"I love you too, Hiccup..." Astrid's eyes fluttered open and saw Hiccup's relieved face. She couldn't help but smile at him as he held her close in a warm embrace. He looked at her and whispered softly,

"Did you hear that?" She nodded and gave Hiccup a swift kiss on the cheek,

"That's for not giving up on me..." She then pulled Hiccup closer for a passionate kiss. When they pulled apart she quietly added, "And that was for everything else..."

Okay so that was my take on Buffalord solider and I think it could have been better but to be honest I am my toughest critic! SO I have three more ideas that I am currently writing and they will all be up in the next week or so as I am off school and have a lot of time to write... Thanks again to ItzAnnette for recommending this!

Keep Calm and Love Hiccstrid!!!

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