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'If I could relive one day it would be the day that I met you...'

Little snippet to the story that's to come. But first a quick authors note. I just want to say thank you so much for 35k reads!!! You guys mean so much and there will be plenty more stories to come!!!


Astrid stood on the runway at the end of the stables. She couldn't sleep, she was too busy thinking about all the crazy things that had been happening in those last couple of days.

The dragon hunters, the defenders of the wing, Mala, Viggo. None of it fit together and the more Astrid thought about it, the crazier and more confusing it became for her. She tried to shake away all her thoughts, but that's when her mind went to Hiccup. She'd wanted to protect and fight for him the entire time they were captured. What was she thinking?

Astrid tried once more but it didn't work. She just thought about the way he looks at her and his crooked smile, brightening up her day. He was truly beautiful, in his own dorky way.

"Can't sleep?" A soft, smooth voice sounded from the shadows. It was the last voice Astrid wanted to hear at that moment, and yet it was the only one she wanted to hear.

"Yeah, I guess not..." Hiccup smiled at Astrid's tired face. He knew there was more than that,

"Come on Astrid, you know there's more than that." Astrid sighed and looked back at the sky.

"I... I don't want to talk about it." Hiccup smiled. He knew it. Hiccup slowly walked over to Astrid and grabbed her hand, "Hiccup?!"

"Astrid, you know you can tell me anything..." Astrid smiled at his concern. She didn't want to tell him that she was actually thinking about their relationship.

"I know. But this is something I can't tell you." She looked down at their hands. Astrid reluctantly pulled her hand out of Hiccups grasp.

"Please Astrid..." The blonde sighed before she turned back to look at Hiccup, sea blue met forest green.

"Do you like me?" Hiccup was taken aback. Is that what she was thinking about? He smiled then leaned in closer,

"Astrid. If I could relive one day it would be the day that I met you... Of course I like you" Astrid smiled. He did like her that was a relief,

"Thank Thor," she sighed before wrapping her arms around Hiccups neck and enveloping him into a hug. Hiccup, who was a little surprised by the sudden movement, slowly wrapped his arms around her waist.

Astrid lost herself in the hug until Hiccup slowly pulled away and looked at her in the eyes. Sea blue met Forest green. Hiccup smiled before leaning in and pressing his lips against hers. Astrid was shocked at first but soon began kissing back. She couldn't believe it, he was kissing her. She didn't want this moment to end and to them, time truly had stopped at that moment...

I know it's short!!!

*flinching for the abuse* I know it's a short chapter but I really thought that it should just be a little Hiccstrid fluff chapter!!! I know you guys probably want to throw a number of things at me but I am working on a relatively long chapter next which involves two different versions of the idea!! Hope you guys will like it!!!

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