Confused Emotions

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A/N: This is set in 'Snow Way Out' and Astrid has just told them about Heather and her plan with the Dragon Hunters. I have had writers block recently so I'm struggling for ideas. Please leave suggestions below for any Hiccstrid story you would like to read. Enjoy!

No-one's POV:

"Hiccup, would you say something. Please?" Astrid turned to look at Hiccup who hadn't said anything during the whole conversation. Toothles tried to nuzzle Hiccup's hand in order to comfort him, but this made him scrunch his fist. He didn't make direct eye contact when he finally spoke,

"We're supposed to be a team Astrid..." He slowly looked at her making her feel even more guilty than she already was.

"I know, I should have told you. I wanted to, I really did..." She pleaded to him, hoping he'd understand but his fists tightened, they cut of his blood supply making his fists as white as a sheep. Hiccup stared coldly at Astrid as he spoke back,

"But you didn't." Astrid looked carefully at him,

"I'm sorry.." Astrid tried walking over to comfort him but he turned away.

"I just need time to think... Alone. Come on Toothless." Hiccup hoped on Toothless and flew away to a nearby cliff. Astrid tried to follow him but decided not to and that's when the rest of the group decided to pipe up.

Astrid's POV:

Tuffnut looked at me and said what everyone else was thinking,

"Ermm... Aren't you gonna follow him, Astrid." I looked at him puzzled. Why would I follow him, he's not my boyfriend or anything. I don't think he's a friend either, I don't know what he is to me... I snapped myself from my thought track,

"Why would I follow him or anyhting, it's not like I 'like' him or anything, right?" The gang just stared at me in bewilderment. Was it something I said?

"Well... I mean some of us, and I'm not saying all of us, have kind of noticed a certain behaviour between you two." What was Fishlegs implying? I could have cut his throat but something stopped me. I didn't know what it was, it was almost like a voice that told me not to. I don't know what it was but I instantly changed my mind and didn't slit his throat.

"What behaviour? It's not like I 'like' him, but I mean I might have feelings for him. But I don't 'like' him..." I paused as I suddenly started to pour out my true emotions about Hiccup. "But, I mean. Sure, I have feelings for him, but not enough to do anything with them. I mean, we shared a few moments here and there but it's not like have feelings for him... I love him!" I gasped and slapped my hands over my mouth. the gang was as shocked as I was. Did I just say, out loud, that I loved Hiccup Haddock? I didn't think I liked him in that way, but now that i had said it I realized it was true. I did love him. I whispered quietly to myself just to comfort myself about it, "I love Hiccup..."

"This is what I get for trying!" Snotlout started prying and fell to the floor, the twins sniggered at his stupidity and I think I also saw Fishlegs sneak a giggle as well. Suddenly Ruffnut turned to me and put her hands on my shoulders,

"If you truly love Hiccup, what are you going to do about it?" My eyes widened. She's right I have to do something about it. I have to tell Hiccup how I feel, I have to tell him how much he means to me. Then he might actually forgive me for lying to him.

Hiccup's POV:

I sat leaning against Toothless. Why had Astrid lied to me, I know she was trying to protect Heather but why lie to me. I couldn't stop thinking about it,

"Why does this bother me so much, I know she's a friend but a friend lying to you shouldn't hurt this bad. Should it?" I looked out into the ocean and listened to the quiet splashes it made on the shores. It was peaceful that is until Toothless gurgled to me and I knew exactly what he was trying to say,

"What!? I'm not in love with Astrid... Am I?" That last part was really for myself. Was I really in love with Astrid? It would explain a lot about our relationship. Toothless purred from out of the silence that broke into my thoughts,

"I'm not in denial!" I yelled at him and saw the look on his face and instantly regretted my actions. "I'm sorry Toothless, I guess I really am in love with Astrid." Toothless suddenly jumped up from behind me, leaving me to fall on back onto the muddy ground behind me. The night fury leapt around me in an excited and joyful fashion leaving me laughing as I lay on the ground, but then something made stop. I heard footsteps behind me, and then a voice I never expected to hear at that moment,

"You love me?" I froze. Had she heard all of that? I felt really embarrassed now.

Astrid's POV:

Stormfly and I landed close to where Hiccup was sat and kept our distance, I didn't know what kind of mood he would be in. I decided to listen in and caught a conversation I thought I would never hear,

"What!? I'm not in love with Astrid... Am I?" My heart began to beat out of my chest and I started to lose my breath, when suddenly Hiccup's voice made snap back to reality,

"I'm not in denial!" Stormfly whimpered behind me and I had to slowly but quietly comfort her, and what I heard next almost made me faint,

"I'm sorry Toothless, I guess I really am in love with Astrid."My heart stopped as the words left his mouth. I slowly left my hideout from the bushes and headed in Hiccup's direction. There was so much I wanted to say but all I could say was,

"You love me?" I felt stupid saying it but I had to know his answer. He shot up from the ground to face, and began to brush himself off as he spoke,

"Astrid! What a pleasant surprise... You didn't hear that did you?" I looked at him and smiled,

"Every word..." He suddenly became agitated as he started to rub his neck,

"Fine then, I... I love... You , Astrid..." His head lowered and he turned away,

"I love you too, Hiccup." My heart leapt into my throat. Did I really just say that?

Hiccup's head suddenly lifted but he didn't turn around straight away though. After a couple of seconds though he turned around and began to walk towards me and my heart rate increased. He got closer and closer until we were only inches apart. He wrapped his arms around my waist, now we were even closer.Hiccup finally said something out of the eerie silence,

"Really?" I sighed , but I smiled back at him,

"Really!" With that he leaned in and kissed me. Our bodies grew closer together with the kiss and the more passionate it got the closer we got. We must have been there for at least 10 minutes, as when we broke away, gasping for air, we turned to see the whole gang watching us in shock. My cheeks grew red as we all stood staring at each other until Hiccup finally spoke up,
"Right then, back to work then guys!" Everyone looked at him in awe. He just kissed me and then acting like it was no big deal , but I could tell he was happy on the inside...

I hope you enjoyed it and I know it's not my best work. Did you notice a bit from Friends (when Rachel realizes that she loves Ross). As I said before keep giving me ideas and I'll write them!!!

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