Beautiful Battlefield

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Okay, so I was told about Hiccup and Astrid having their kiss in RTTE on a battlefield of some sort, whether that's against the Dragon Hunters we'll just have to wait and see. But I thought I'd do my version of what it would be like if they did kiss on the battlefield. Hope you like it!

Mala looked at the sky above awaiting the Dragon Riders' arrival. After their little misunderstanding Mala had decided that they were telling the truth and that they really were friends with the dragons, and that was enough for her. If you were friends with the dragons, you were friends with her.

"My Queen." Throck bowed, "The riders are late." Mala turned to look at throck and walked past him as she spoke.

"Is that a problem?" She spoke with a harsh tone and kept her strict stare as she wandered off back to the village. Throck, meanwhile, was still stood where Mala had left him and turned to look at the sky. He hoped they would arrive soon, just like the Dragon Hunters were due to.

But he needn't worry for too long as from the horizon, the distant shapes of 6 dragons soon appeared. Throck allowed a tiny, weeny smile part onto his lips, but it soon disappeared. He walked off back to the village and notified Mala of the Riders' arrival.

The gang landed in the center of the village and was greeted by a crowd of people. They were masked up so that their faces were barely recognizable. Hiccup was the first to dismount his dragon and walked through the large crowd and towards the approaching Queen Mala. He smiled warmly as he came closer to her.

"Mala, nice to see you again." Hiccup greeted happily, but Mala expression never changed.

"You too Hiccup. But we have no time for pleasantries, we need to defend our island and the great protector from the Dragon Hunters." Mala announced, Hiccup's expression changed from soft to harsh.

"Why would they come back?" Astrid asked from out of the tense atmosphere. Mala looked at the girl and walked towards the rest of the gang where Astrid was situated.

"Well, what he wants is 'The Great Protector' as Viggo he needs the dragon's fire in order to light a certain part of the... Device, he holds that tells the Hunters about all the dragons they know of." Astrid nods, "Viggo assumes that this dragon will allow him to see a secret part of the.. Device, that he wouldn't be able to see with a normal dragon." Mala kept her hard stare on Astrid as she spoke but Astrid didn't flinch. Hiccup decided to butt in and offer some ideas.

"So, are we going to lead the counter attack and you defend the beaches?" Mala turned to face Hiccup, who was stood beside Throck. Mala gave Throck a nod and he soon set off to work ordering his people off to work.

"Actually hiccup," Mala looked at the boy carefully. "I was thinking that half of you would defend the island from the first wave of the Dragon Hunters, whilst the rest of you situate yourselves at 'The Great Protector's den. That way we have more people to guard him." Mala's expression softened. "I couldn't forgive myself if he fell into their hands again..." Hiccup nodded in agreement. He then stepped forward and looked at the gang.

"Alright. Heather, Fishlegs and Snotlout, you guard the beaches and keep up their defenses. The twins, Astrid and I will head up to 'The Great Protector's den and keep up the defenses there." Hiccup ordered as Mala looked at him with an approving gaze. He makes a worthy opponent to Viggo.

Mala watched as the Riders and her people got to work to protect their island and 'The Great Protector'. She couldn't help but let a small smile spread onto her lips. But her happiness had to wait. The Dragon Hunters were closing in...


Hiccup, Astrid and the twins all went along with Mala and a lot of defenders, up to the 'Great Protectors' lair. Hiccup gave Astrid a nod and she knew exactly what that meant. She flew up into the sky and started to fly around the mountain and scouted for any stray ships that seemed suspicious.

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