What Took You So Long?

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So this wasn't really a request but no one really cares! Anyway I don't really have a summary about this one because I'm making it up as I go along... Enjoy!!!!

Hiccup was rolling around on his bed. He couldn't sleep, but not because of Viggo or Dagur. No. He couldn't sleep because he couldn't stop thinking about the most important person in his life. Astrid. It's true that he had feelings for her, but his problem wasn't his feelings, it was how he was going to tell her. It was hopeless. He had to find someway to tell her how he feels...

The next morning they all woke up bright and early, apart from Hiccup who just woke up early. He sauntered down to breakfast at the clubhouse but wasn't feeling that hungry, his mind was too busy thinking about more important things. So he sat down with rest of the gang and just played with his food,

"Hiccup, are you okay?" A voice brought him out of his trance and it was the last person he wanted to see,

"Yeah, I'm fine Astrid. Really..." She didn't look too sure but she knew not to persist he could be quite stubborn. Like her,

"Alright. I trust you." She smiled at him and he gave her a reluctant smile back. Something was definitely up.

Throughout the whole of breakfast, Hiccup didn't say a word and didn't even when they were finished. Astrid was getting suspicious and it was bugging her. She knew her friend, and this wasn't the usual heroic dragon rider she knew. No. Something was wrong,

"Hiccup, are you sure you're okay?" Hiccup hummed and nodded. Something was wrong, "Hiccup..." She sounded stern and serious. But Hiccup didn't give in,

"What does it matter?! I'm fine, can we just leave it at that!" He began walking off but Astrid stood there, her arms folded and a stroke of anger washed over her,

"It matters everything!" Hiccup slowed down, "You're not fine! I just want to know what's wrong..." Her voice cracked but Hiccup began to walk away and back to his hut. Once inside Astrid let a small tear trickle down her face, "Why is he always so stubborn?" She whispered to herself.

Hiccup slammed his head against the wall. What was he thinking? He needed to clear his head, and training was in an hour. He needed to get away. He ran over to Toothless and Saddled him up, and once they were out of Hiccups hut, they shot up into the sky.

The cool, morning breeze did him good. His head flowed into a cool open abyss of happiness and peace. Now he could relax...


Astrid was waiting with the others down at the dome, they were waiting for Hiccup. He was never usually late,

"Where is he?! When and if he does come back, I'm not sticking around to hear his story." Snotlout said, being as obnoxious as always. Astrid grunted and rolled her eyes,

"I'll go look for him. He's probably working on an invention and lost track of time..." She didn't sound too sure, but it was better than nothing. Astrid hopped on Stormfly and landed outside Hiccups hut,

"Hiccup?" No answer, "Hiccup?!" Nothing. She stepped inside and looked for any sign of movement. But she got no where. She slumped herself on Hiccups desk, face in her arms and sighed,

"Hiccup... Where are you?"

"Behind you." Astrid bolted upright and looked over her shoulder to see Hiccup stood looking slightly embarrassed. He held out his arms and gestured her closer, Astrid burst from the chair and pulled him in for a tight hug,

"Hiccup! You had me worried..." Hiccup raised an eyebrow,

"You were worried?" Astrid pulled away and punched him in the shoulder,

"Shut up..." Hiccup sighed and looked at the floor. Astrid looked concerned, "Hiccup? You okay?" Hiccup looked at Astrid deep in her eyes,

"I haven't been myself lately, and it's because there's something I've been meaning to ask you..." Astrid smiled,

"Yes..." She said wearily, trying to hold back her excitement,

"If I wanted to extend the shaft on Inferno---"

"Hiccup! The real question..." Hiccup took a deep breath before he looked once more into Astrid's eyes,

"Will you go out with me?" Astrid pulled him in for a kiss but before they could, she answered,

"What took you so long!" Then their lips locked, but this kiss was different from any other because Hiccup kissed back and Astrid loved it. She was experiencing him in a whole new way, and she enjoyed it. He was finally hers and she was not letting anyone ruin this moment for her.

Astrid became more into the kiss, although it had started off as a simple innocent kiss, it had grown into a make out session full of passion. Hiccups tongue slid it's way into Astrid's mouth and she let him, and their tongues began to waltz with one another until finally Hiccup pulled away. Their lips kiss swollen and red,

"Let's not ruin the moment..." Astrid sighed and agreed,

"You're right..." Hiccup noticed Astrid's sad expression and tried to cheer her up,

"Race you to the dome?!" Astrid's eyes brightened up,

"You're on!"

The End!!!

That's where I'm leaving it and I hope you liked it. I found this picture and I thought that I could do something with that and here it is! This actually isn't the longest chapter in the world so I'm sorry...😢😢

I'll see you guys next time as well so I hope you've enjoyed it and watch out for my next one shot, also thanks for 11k reads!!!! It really means a lot to me!!! Keep reading for more😉!!!

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