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Dedicated to: 123Anna3

This episode is a sequel to Checkmate and is about Viggo taking revenge on Hiccup for what he did to the Dragon Eye, and it is set a couple of days after Checkmate Part 2... Thank you to  for giving me this idea, it's brilliant!!! 

Also found this video on Youtube and it really reminds me of Hiccup and Astrid so much!!! Check it out, plus I was listening to it whilst writing this!!!

The dragon riders were all sat in the clubhouse, but two of them were missing and had been gone all morning. Not one of them had seen any sign of them. But up in the air, two dragons were circling the mountain. Astrid was racing Hiccup around the mountain and was winning, for now, but Hiccup was only letting her win after all, she was his girlfriend. They hadn't told the rest of the gang because of how awkward the conversation would be, but they knew how most of them would react and quite frankly that made Hiccup's stomach churn, but the thing that terrified him the most was how he was going to tell Stoick. His father, that would be an awkward conversation. Astrid had slowed down and was flying beside Hiccup as he was lost in thought, she started to move closer and saw his face was scrunched up tight, he was off with the dragons again. She aided Stormfly to fly above Hiccup and Toothless, Astrid carefully climbed onto Stormfly's legs and approached Hiccup's face. He was still stuck in thought. She quietly edged closer to his face, she was upside down but at least she could be close to him, he was always so beautiful when he was lost in thought. Astrid moved closer and planted a quick, but meaningful, kiss on his lips snapping him out of his thoughts,

"Astrid!?" She smiled at him before climbing back onto Stormfly's back and heading towards the mountain, Hiccup following. He was confused as to why she was flying towards the mountain when he saw the fresh snow covering the mountainside,

"Race you down the mountain!" Astrid called to him, his face lit up as he adjusted Toothless's tail to catch up with her,

"You're on," They began to head down the mountain. The snow flying up past them and the wind racing through their hair. Astrid was ahead of Hiccup, she patted Stormfly and the dragon put out her wing in the way of Hiccup and Toothless, "Hey!" Hiccup tried to see past the Nadder's wings but it was no use but when she withdrew it, a huge snowbank lay in front of them sending them crashing into it. Hiccup and Toothless emerged covered in snow,

"That's a good look for you!" Astrid laughed as she watched Hiccup wiping the snow off of his face, but bits of snow could still be seen in his hair. Hiccup gave her a smirk and nudged Toothless on, they edged ahead of Astrid only slightly. Toothless burrowed his tail into the ground sending the fresh powder onto Astrid's face. She wasn't best pleased, "Hey! No fair..." Hiccup gave her another smirk before taking flight into the air away from Astrid.

"Catch if you can, then!" Astrid watched the Night Fury and her boyfriend fly off into the air, she nudged Stormfly into the air and chased after them. They were illusive those two but to be honest she was trying to out run a Night Fury. She dove down into the trees and followed him from down below, hopefully she would catch him this way. Hiccup looked over his shoulder to find Astrid wasn't following him, so where was she? Suddenly she shot up from the trees and jumped onto Toothless's back, she lightly punched him in the arm,

"Gotcha!" Hiccup sighed before turning around and kissing her on the cheek,

"Don't do that again! You had me worried." Astrid pouted and grabbed his waist, she rested her head on his shoulders and whispered into his ear,

"You can't lose me that easily, c'mon let's get back to the edge."


They landed back at the edge and walked hand in hand to the clubhouse and because it was a couple of minutes until dinner, they thought they would be safe. They thought wrong, as they reached the clubhouse they saw all of the dragon riders sat waiting for them. They were all loking at Hiccup and Astrid who were still holding hands,

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